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Good Evening!


I would like to solve in a script that when an Axis player or a bot picks up the objective, compare every bot and players position (who hold an objective) distance to a Vector3 point position.

After that, it is also necessary, when he throws the object, which Axis bot is closest to the objective.




foreach(bot in BotTable)
            if( GetEntTeam(ent) == TEAM.AXIS  && GetEntFlags( ent, ENTFLAG.CARRYINGGOAL ) )

                if(DistanceBetween(b.GetGameEntity(player), Vector3(-1824, 2115, 4)) <= 100 )
                    Util.MapDebugPrint("<= 100");
                    Util.MapDebugPrint("> 100");


In this exampleI got following error message: 


expecting param 0 gameentity or int param. got null




ENTFLAG.CARRYINGGOAL works only in triggerregions?


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It does not count dead players because dead players cannot carry anything. But you can get distance to a dropped object from a FLAGRETURN goal.

foreach(g in Util.GoalTable("FLAGRETURN.*"))
	d = DistanceBetween(g, Vec3(-1824, 2115, 4));
	Util.MapDebugPrint("Distance " + d);


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Scripts that return some data or value are always very useful. I'm sorry that the content of the old forum was lost because it was a treasure trove, but in my case it is necessary that when a player drop the object, a query from the bot table is run for the current position and name of the bots. The name would be necessary for the test. After that, a comparison between the position of the bots and the original position of the pick-up object (pick-up point) Then the bots with the two smallest values execute the bot.ExecCommand("kill"); command.
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First of all bots should wait for respawn. You can use function bot.GetReinforceTime() and sleep until 1 second before respawn. Then you should check if the book is at its original location and nobody is carrying it. Then you kill bots that have bot.GetMapGoalName()=="FLAG_book".

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You're right. The delay is important, we don't have to kill the bots immediately, because there will be a player who doesn't escort the object, but waits for the person carrying it to die and he be the first to pick it up at the FLAG_book goal. Crouch there on the table in the Secret Room. 
What do you mean delay bots respawn for 1 second? Why is bot.GetReinforceTime() needed?
If Map.BookReturned = true;  it means object is in original place.
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