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palota last won the day on July 14

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  1. The chosen botToKill is never an engineer because botToKill has goal FLAG, but engineer has goal PLANT.
  2. GetReinforceTime() is needed to kill a bot just before respawn, so that the bot is actually not dead. I've already done it and committed it to SVN repository.
  3. First of all bots should wait for respawn. You can use function bot.GetReinforceTime() and sleep until 1 second before respawn. Then you should check if the book is at its original location and nobody is carrying it. Then you kill bots that have bot.GetMapGoalName()=="FLAG_book".
  4. Which map is it ? Why do you want to kill bots ?
  5. foreach(g in Util.GoalTable("FLAGRETURN.*")) { Util.MapDebugPrint("Position " + g.GetPosition()); }
  6. It does not count dead players because dead players cannot carry anything. But you can get distance to a dropped object from a FLAGRETURN goal. foreach(g in Util.GoalTable("FLAGRETURN.*")) { d = DistanceBetween(g, Vec3(-1824, 2115, 4)); Util.MapDebugPrint("Distance " + d); }
  7. for ( i = 0; i < 64; i += 1 ) { if ( EntityIsValid(i) && GetEntFlags(i, ENTFLAG.CARRYINGGOAL) ){ d = DistanceBetween(i, Vector3(-1824, 2115, 4)); Util.MapDebugPrint("Distance " + d); } }
  8. There is not delay between map trigger and OB script trigger. There's delay between map triggers "rightlabdoor_button_Moving" and "rightlabdoor_goto".
  9. I uploaded new omnibot mod binaries for Windows 32bit to my Google drive.
  10. I will increase MAX_MENUS from 64 to 128 in the next Omnibot mod version.
  11. The problem is that the file is very long and there are too many menus. Only 35 menus work. Others are ignored. Which version of RTCW do you have ? I use iortcw-1.51c.
  12. I tried it, but I can't open menus after Goal Options.
  13. It's ok to upload it to the Assembla. Can you create a new RTCW folder in the repository root ?
  14. 32bit version is only required for mods (SilEnT, n!tmod, Jaymod, NoQuarter, ...). But if you want to make waypoints, it is much easier to install 64bit ET:Legacy, because it does not depend on any packages or libraries. The 64bit ET:Legacy works on many 64bit Linux distros. I tested it on Ubuntu and Debian. Your et_powescape waypoints are for old Omni-bot 0.8. You should update Omni-bot to version 0.9.
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