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Sort players by their KD rating


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I may have missed something, but i cant find a way to sort players by their KD. Is it actually possible ? If not, could this be implemented please ? What about within the !usersearch command in a new column  ? Could be something like:


!usersearch kd


or even a new command like:


!killrating n


n is the page you want to see.



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When not set to 0, silEnT will track a player's killing ability using an ELO type statistic similar to chess. Each kill will increase a player's kill rating based on how hard the kill was. Killing unskilled players will result in very few points whereas an unskilled player killing a skilled player will result in more points.

See also g_shuffle_rating.

Type: bitmask


1 Use kill rating. A dummy flag since any non-zero value for g_killRating will enable it.

2 Make kill rating visible. Players can use /killrating and at the end of each map a message will display the top killers for the map and overall.

4 Log files will include the GUIDs of the players involved in kills. This makes kill tracking a lot easier.

8 Disable kill rating from the score board. This can prevent players from playing for higher kill rating alone. This does not prevent the "killrating" client command enabled with flag 2 from working.

Default: 3

You need flag 2 of this cvar I think.


There is also a /playerrating command (flag 2) of this cvar:





When not set to non zero positive value, silEnT will track a player's ability to win against good teams using an ELO type statistic similar to chess. Each win will increase a player's rating based on how hard the opposing team was. Skilled teams defeating less skilled teams will result in very few points whereas an relatively low- rated team defeating a good team will result in more points. Player rating also takes into account the number of players on each team (less points when a very large defeats a small one) and which side tends to win more often on the current map (e.g. Allies tend to win tc_base).

See also g_shuffle_rating.

Type: bitmask


1 Use player rating. A dummy flag since any non-zero value for g_playerRating will enable it.

2 Make player rating visible. Players can use /playerrating and at the end of each map a message will display the top player.

4 Put player rating on the scoreboard instead of the XP.

8 Print out extra info at the end of a round that can be used to further refine the playerrating model.

16 The same as flag 8 except a lot more info is output.

Default: 3

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