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Mac users banned


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Here are the bans of both clients neither of them have an ident ( spoofing in ETbot would show the same ident as well iirc )

The problem we having is we are also getting this with some of our other members who are on mac.

Anyways i provided below the information of the bans, are these bans bugged/spoofed or are they legit bans?


It says : 8068:26 Forcing disconnect of duplicate guid 8D07318F035E4A003FF8DC7E8FD8565D for client 3

but neither one of the clients had that guid so i'm confused to why he got banned.


It's only happening off this player called "offtheblade", who connects daily to reassure this ban stays even after

we unban him so players can play without the problems. Only thing I could come up with is he was spoofing something

but i can't find nothing other then ident.. Can provide all the information needed to figure this out.




P.s(User info logs are from the first time it happened, last one is the most recent.)





name     = offtheblade

guid     = D9BA985144520C8F0B6DFEFB205439A1

sguid    = 6A18C29D205A1AEF808041359CE7BED8

ip       =

reason   = Automatic ban based on technical evidence of cheats.

made     = 04/04/17 19:19:46

expires  = 576393586

banner   = silEnT

ident    = 000000000000



name     = ^0madamac^dS^0on

guid     = 8D07318F035E4A003FF8DC7E8FD8565D

sguid    = D99155554DBE1D6EFA8AC75CB3154F3A

ip       =

reason   = Automatic ban based on technical evidence of cheats. (Automated copy of a ban for PB GUID 205439A1, silEnT ID 9CE7BED8)

made     = 04/04/17 19:19:46

expires  = 576393586

banner   = silEnT

ident    = 000000000000



"Userinfo: \g_password\none\cl_guid\unknown\cl_wwwDownload\1\name\offtheblade\rate\25000\snaps\20\cl_anonymous\0\cl_punkbuster\0\protocol\84\qport\30516\challenge\-2069120683\ip\

ClientUserinfoChangedGUID: 1  n\offtheblade\t\3\c\0\r\0\m\0000000\s\0000000\df\0\dn\\dr\0\w\0\lw\0\sw\0\mu\0\ref\0\uci\31\lc\0\tv\0\sc\0

Userinfo: \g_password\none\cl_guid\unknown\cl_wwwDownload\1\name\offtheblade\rate\36000\snaps\20\cl_anonymous\0\cl_punkbuster\0\ip\

clientDownload: 1 : beginning "etmain/cortex_who.pk3"

Redirecting client 'offtheblade' to http://pk3.drishare.net//etmain/cortex_who.pk3

Sending heartbeat to etmaster.idsoftware.com

Sending heartbeat to master0.etmaster.net

Userinfo: \cg_ident\0000000000007FD0\cg_etver\4\cg_c\0.9.0\cg_cmodbuild\win-x86 Aug 25 2015\cg_uinfo\13 0 100\sil_guid\6A18C29D205A1AEF808041359CE7BED8:2\g_password\none\cl_guid\unknown\cl_wwwDownload\1\name\offtheblade\rate\36000\snaps\20\cl_anonymous\0\cl_punkbuster\0\ip\

ClientUserinfoChangedGUID: 1 6A18C29D205A1AEF808041359CE7BED8 n\offtheblade\t\3\c\0\r\10\m\0000000\s\4444444\df\0\dn\\dr\0\w\0\lw\0\sw\0\mu\0\ref\0\uci\31\lc\0\tv\0\sc\0

ClientBegin: 1

ban: offtheblade is now banned



Userinfo: \g_password\none\cl_guid\8D07318F035E4A003FF8DC7E8FD8565D\cl_wwwDownload\1\name\^0madamac^dS^0on\rate\25000\snaps\20\cl_anonymous\0\cl_punkbuster\1\protocol\84\qport\40682\challenge\277864001\ip\

ClientUserinfoChangedGUID: 6  n\^0madamac^dS^0on\t\3\c\0\r\0\m\0000000\s\0000000\df\0\dn\\dr\0\w\0\lw\0\sw\0\mu\0\ref\0\uci\50\lc\0\tv\0\sc\0

Userinfo: \cg_ident\000000000000AA6D\cg_etver\4\cg_c\0.9.0\cg_cmodbuild\win-x86 Aug 25 2015\cg_uinfo\13 0 30\sil_guid\D99155554DBE1D6EFA8AC75CB3154F3A:2\g_password\none\cl_guid\8D07318F035E4A003FF8DC7E8FD8565D\cl_wwwDownload\1\name\^0madamac^dS^0on\rate\35000\snaps\20\cl_anonymous\0\cl_punkbuster\1\ip\

Dropped client 6 when enforcing bans using client identifications. New ban created for user.

adminchat: silEnT: Player ^7^0madamac^dS^0on^8 (6) dropped while enforcing ban to offtheblade^8. New ban created for user.

ClientDisconnect: 6"





8068:26 Forcing disconnect of duplicate guid 8D07318F035E4A003FF8DC7E8FD8565D for client 3

8068:26 ClientDisconnect: 3

8068:26 ClientConnect: 5

8068:26 Userinfo: \g_password\none\cl_guid\8D07318F035E4A003FF8DC7E8FD8565D\cl_punkbuster\1\cl_anonymous\0\snaps\20\rate\25000\name\^0madamac^dS^0on\cl_wwwDownload\1\protocol\84\qport\51926\challenge\277864001\ip\

8068:26 ClientUserinfoChangedGUID: 5  n\^0madamac^dS^0on\t\3\c\0\r\0\m\0000000\s\0000000\df\0\dn\\dr\0\w\0\lw\0\sw\0\mu\0\ref\0\uci\50\lc\0\tv\0\sc\0

8068:26 chat(client): ^0[^1DRi^0]^1:^7 ^0madamac^dS^0on^7 connected from ^1[^7186.177.*.*^1] ^1[^7Costa Rica^1] ^7using client ^1[^72.60b^1]

8068:36 Kill: 2 9 59: shinebox killed ^1D^0Ri*^1D^0aRk^1P^0iMp* by MOD_AKIMBO_LUGER

8068:43 Userinfo: \cg_ident\0000000000002126\cg_etver\4\cg_c\0.9.0\cg_cmodbuild\win-x86 Aug 25 2015\cg_uinfo\13 0 30\sil_guid\D99155554DBE1D6EFA8AC75CB3154F3A:2\g_password\none\cl_guid\8D07318F035E4A003FF8DC7E8FD8565D\cl_punkbuster\1\cl_anonymous\0\snaps\20\rate\35000\name\^0madamac^dS^0on\cl_wwwDownload\1\ip\

8068:43 Dropped client 5 when enforcing bans using client identifications. New ban created for user.

8068:43 adminchat: silEnT: Player ^7^0madamac^dS^0on^8 (5) dropped while enforcing ban to offtheblade^8. New ban created for user.

8068:43 ClientDisconnect: 5

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  • Management

For some reason your server is not handling the idents correctly. The userinfo shows they all have different idents, but the ban file shows they have all 0s. Furthermore, the server is supposed to filter out idents it can't use. Do you have a modified version of the server, a proxy dll for the clients or something else that is custom to your server. I would expect this kind of bug to have happened to a wide range of servers if it wasn't something special.

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  On 4/27/2017 at 9:23 AM, gaoesa said:

For some reason your server is not handling the idents correctly. The userinfo shows they all have different idents, but the ban file shows they have all 0s. Furthermore, the server is supposed to filter out idents it can't use. Do you have a modified version of the server, a proxy dll for the clients or something else that is custom to your server. I would expect this kind of bug to have happened to a wide range of servers if it wasn't something special.

We don't have anything modified or proxies setup on the clients/server just using standard et 3.00 for dedicated and silent 0.9.0. Only information I was able to come up with that all users that were getting banned and not getting an ident were users who use "playonmac" which i guess is like wine for linux but for mac.

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  On 4/30/2017 at 11:14 AM, TheSilencerPL said:

The idents in bans are shorter by 4, so it looks like there is something going on in the middle.

Yeah i noticed it as well, but we don't have anything special at the moment just standard original files. I would try to dupe it on my own but don't own a mac.

Edited by Purplesbackbaby
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