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Revive spree with g_medics 64


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I'm thinking it would be nice to have revives with g_medics set to 64 (heal living teammates as an alternative to the tk/revive cycle) count towards revive sprees. Also, if this type of revive is treated differently than the "proper" revive in other areas, I feel it should behave the same there as well. Currently, it kind of feels like you are being punished for reviving before your teammate dies.
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I've often considered requesting this too, but I thought;- it's not a 'revive' if they're not 'waiting to be revived'.. So I never bothered to ask.. But I guess as long as it is held togglable under a variable then it can be left up to the server owners if they turn it on or not.. I personally would use it providing it didnt cause people to insist on dealing teamdamage then needling rather than using medpacks on them.. :) Edited by Chuckun
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Maybe this difference would be better addressed if the kill/revive would not be considered qualifying for the revive spree?



But then another thought, maybe the revive spree should end on a kill?


I mean that revive spree sounds like a little bit more then just healing teammates.

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I think the revive sprees help encourage more teamwork oriented play because you get recognized for something other than kills. If you are reviving almost dead teammates, that likely means you are doing your job as a medic. It is nice to be rewarded for this. Otherwise, you are better off just letting your teammate die completely before reviving if you want a high spree value. I think the same is true even with the kill/revive, since you are probably doing a good job as a medic if you are getting lots of revives that way.


Revive spree ending on a teamkill is definitely an interesting idea. My vote would be to implement both as options. If you have both options enabled for awarding reviving sprees for the needle to almost dead teammates and stopping the spree on a teamkill, you further encourage people to use the g_medics 64 option over the tk/revive cycle. Another added benefit is that there would then be risk for players that try to teamdamage and needle over giving medpacks. If you would accidently deal to much damage, your spree would end anyways, so it would be less worth the risk. So, having both options may help to alleviate Chuckun's concern.

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