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include standard maps, problem as referee


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Hello Guys,

First of all thank you for that great mod, I only can say it is awesome!


I hope that Iam not to annoying with my noob questions and I will be glad for every help.



My first problem is that I can not include the standard maps with the g_includedMaps cvar.


this is what I have in my silent.cfg file

set g_includedMaps ":sw_oasis_b3:sw_goldrush_te:battery:fueldump:railgun:radar:baserace:2tanks_171:supplydepot2:"


It is working fine with all other maps because I had to copy all maps which I want to included from the etmain folder to the silent folder.

If I dont do that the will not show up in the map vote list.

But how can I include then the standard maps?



My second problem is when I log my self in as a referee on the running server and want to do a map change over ESC and vote next map, the list of maps is empty! ?

But when I select next campaign I see a list full with the available campaigns.

What do I have to do to see all maps on the server there?



Thank you in advance for your help.


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First, welcome to the forums.   This is a great community with a lot of helpful people.


What are you attempting to achieve by using g_includedMaps?


Well this might not help, but for me I've always put custom maps in the etmain folder, then use the g_excludedMaps server var only for those I don't want to include in map voting (usually only stocks if I have like, goldrush_ga on).  Never used the g_includedMaps myself, but I'm wondering why you want to use that setting?   In my experience, every map PK3 in the etmain folder (with HTTP mirroring, of course) shows up in the map vote list, along with the standard stocks.  If I use g_excludedMaps with the stock names (:battery:goldrush:oasis:), they do not show up in the voting list.   


It might help others also if you post your server config here.  There could be some strange combination of settings that is resulting in what you're seeing regarding the referee and skip map stuff.  

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1) what Beck said :D

put all map pk3 into etmain; use g_excludedMaps to exclude a map(s) from the vote menu; +configure rotation via mapvotecycle.cfg


2) empty referee maplist - it means the maps are missing in your local (client) etmain folder :D

Edited by twiti
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Thx for the fast reply.



I was wanting to use the g_includedMaps to have this 9 maps for sure in the list and for me it doesnt matter which are the other 21 maps are (g_maxMapsVotedFor 30), the can be random

HTTP mirroring?

Ok I will try that later to use only the g_excludedMaps


You are right here are my cfg files.



It cant be that I am missing the files local. Because Iam hosting the server from the same pc here Iam playing with and also from the same directory.


Iam doing that because I want to learn more about the cfg, config and server stuff and then I will set up the server for the next Lan Party.



Here is my mapvotecycle.cfg


set d1 "set g_gametype 6 ; map sw_oasis_b3 ; set nextmap vstr d2"
set d2 "set g_gametype 6 ; map battery ; set nextmap vstr d3"
set d3 "set g_gametype 6 ; map sw_goldrush_te ; set nextmap vstr d4"
set d4 "set g_gametype 6 ; map radar ; set nextmap vstr d5"
set d5 "set g_gametype 6 ; map railgun ; set nextmap vstr d6"
set d6 "set g_gametype 6 ; map fueldump ; set nextmap vstr d7"
set d7 "set g_gametype 6 ; map baserace ; set nextmap vstr d8"
set d8 "set g_gametype 6 ; map 2tanks_171 ; set nextmap vstr d9"
set d9 "set g_gametype 6 ; map sp_delivery_te ; set nextmap vstr d10"
set d10 "set g_gametype 6 ; map venice_ne4 ; set nextmap vstr d11"
vstr d1



And here is my silent.cfg


// Generic server cvars //
set dedicated "1"      //1=LAN, 2=Internet
set net_ip "localhost"
set net_port 27960

//Heartbeat to Master Servers
//set sv_master1 "etmaster.idsoftware.com"
//set sv_master2 "master.gamespy.com:27900"
//set sv_master3 "master0.gamespy.com"
//set sv_master4 "clanservers.net"
//set sv_master5 ""

//Server Name
set sv_hostname "^2F^8U^3N ^4Game ^9*^1A^7U^1T^9*^7"

//Message of the Day
// Max length is "12345678901234567890123456"
// This doesn’t include color codes
set server_motd0 "^4Multigaming ^2F^8U^3N ^5Server"
set server_motd1 "^1NO Spawnkilling!"
set server_motd2 "^1NO Spawncamping!"
set server_motd3 "^1Even Teams!"
set server_motd4 "^1Fair Play!"
set server_motd5 "^5hosted by ^9Grim^7Reaper"

set g_password ""
set sv_maxclients "24"     
set g_minGameClients "0"    
set g_maxGameClients "0"     
set team_maxplayers "0"      
set sv_privateclients "4"
set sv_privatepassword "***"
set sv_fullmsg "Sorry the Server is full! Pls try it later."

set rconpassword "***"   
set refereePassword "***"
set shoutcastPassword "***"

set sv_maxRate "45000"
set sv_dl_maxRate "42000"
set sv_allowDownload "1"
set sv_wwwDownload "0"
set sv_wwwDlDisconnected "0"
set sv_wwwBaseURL ""
set sv_wwwFallbackURL ""

set sv_pure "1"      
set sv_minping "0"
set sv_maxping "500"
set g_truePing "0"

// Logs
set g_logOptions "18956"    
set logfile "2"       
set g_logsync "0"
set g_log "server.log"
set g_cheatLog "cheat.log"
set g_logAdmin "admin.log"

set g_punkbuster "0"
set g_silentac "1"
set g_maxNameChanges "3"
set g_maxConnsPerIP "4"

// Ban/Kick
set g_tyranny "1"
set g_warningOptions "20"    
set g_maxWarnings "3"
set g_warningDecay "24"
set g_autoTempBan "0"
set g_autoTempBanTime "1800"
set g_teamDamageRestriction "0"     
set g_minHits "6"

// Physics, Lag
set g_fixedphysics "0"      
set g_fixedphysicsfps "125"
set g_antilag "1"
set g_antilagDelay "0"
set g_antiwarp "1"
set g_skipCorrection "0"
set g_maxWarp "4"

// Game Play Settings
set g_speed "350"      
set g_min_crazyspeed "250"
set g_max_crazyspeed "750"
set g_gravity "800"     
set g_min_crazygravity "10"
set g_max_crazygravity "1200"
set g_flushItems "1"
set g_landminetimeout "0"
set g_fastres "0"      
set g_fastResMsec "1000"     

set g_knockback "1000"      
set g_realHead "1"
set g_realBody "0"

// Server Info / Stats
set g_serverInfo "1"
set g_stats "0"
set g_extraStatistics "4"
set g_realPlayTime "1"
set g_playerRating_minplayers "2"
set g_shuffle_rating "3"
set g_killRating "7"     
set g_playerRating "3"     

// Announcements and Messages
set g_privateMessages "1"
set g_maxIgnoresPerMap "3"
set g_spreeOptions "2791"     
set g_multikillTime "1000"     
set g_obituary "3"    
set g_recognition "1"
set g_landmineNotifyType "1"

set g_defaultHitSounds "1"
set g_hitsounds "1"
set g_goatSound "1"
set g_dropMsg "You got kicked or banned! Talk to an admin to undo this decision."
// Banners
set g_banners "banners.cfg"
// Watermark
set g_watermark "grfun/gr"
set g_watermarkFadeAfter "-1"     
set g_watermarkFadeTime "1.5"    
// Country flags
set g_countryFlags "1"

// Flood protection
set g_floodprotect "1"
set g_floodthreshold "6"
set g_floodWait "1000"
set g_voiceChatsAllowed "5"

// Censoring
set g_censor ""
set g_censorNames ""
set g_censorPenalty "40"    
set g_censorNeil "1"
set g_censorNeilNames "1"
set g_censorMuteTime "60"
set g_censorXP "5"

// Inactivity
set g_inactivity "300"     
set g_spectatorInactivity "0"
set g_inactivityOptions "3"   
set g_ettvFlags "3"
set g_spectator "9"      

// Pause
set match_timeoutcount "0"     
set match_timeoutlength "180"     

// Intermission
set g_intermissionTime "45"
set g_intermissionReadyPercent "75"

// Warm UP
set g_doWarmup "0"      
set match_readypercent "75"
set g_warmup "45"
set match_warmupDamage "2"
set match_latejoin "1"
set match_minplayers "1"     
set match_mutespecs "1"

// Spawn Time
set g_redlimbotime "15"
set g_useraxisrespawntime "15"
set g_bluelimbotime "10"
set g_useralliedrespawntime "10"

// Spawn Options
set g_spawnInvul "3"      
set g_spawnInvulFair "1"     
set g_teamChangeKills "1"     

// Max Lives
set g_maxlives "0"
set g_alliedmaxlives "0"
set g_axismaxlives "0"
set g_maxlivesRespawnPenalty "60"    
set g_enforcemaxlives "0"     

// Team Balance
set g_teamforcebalance "1"
set g_unevenTeamDiff "2"
set g_unevenTeamFreq "30"
set g_noTeamSwitching "0"
set g_autofireteams "0"
set team_nocontrols "1"
set g_filtercams "1"      

// Friendly fire
set g_friendlyFire "0"
set g_friendlyFireOpts "44"     
set g_reflectFriendlyFire "0"
set g_reflectFFWeapons "31"

// Complaint
set g_complaintlimit "7"     
set g_ipcomplaintlimit "7"     
set g_disableComplaints "32"    

// Map Configs
set g_mapConfigs "mapconfigs"
set g_mapScriptDirectory "mapscripts"
set g_playerCounting "1"

// Game Typs
// TDM Only Settings
set g_TDMType "2"
set g_TDMOptions "7"      
set g_TDMScore "100"
set g_TDMObjBonus "20"

// LMS Only Settings
set g_lms_currentMatch "0"
set g_lms_followTeamOnly "1"
set g_lms_lockTeams "1"
set g_lms_matchlimit "3"     
set g_lms_roundlimit "3"     
set g_lms_teamForceBalance "1"

// Stopwatch Only Settings
set g_altStopwatchMode "0"     

set g_campaignFile ""

// Map voting
set g_gametype "6"      
set g_mapVoteFlags "12"      
set g_maxMapsVotedFor "30"     
set g_minMapAge "0"      
set g_resetXPMapCount "0"
//included Maps müssen im Silent Ordner liegen
set g_includedMaps ":sw_oasis_b3:sw_goldrush_te:battery:fueldump:railgun:radar:baserace:2tanks_171:supplydepot2:"

set g_excludedMaps ":oasis:goldrush:"

// Votes
set g_voting "14"      
set vote_limit "5"      
set vote_percent "51"      
set g_noVoteTime "60"
set g_voteResultsMinLevel "-1"
set g_votedMuteLength "3h"
set vote_allow_comp "0"
set vote_allow_gametype "0"
set vote_allow_kick "0"
set vote_allow_map "0"
set vote_allow_matchreset "0"
set vote_allow_mutespecs "0"
set vote_allow_nextmap "1"
set vote_allow_pub "0"
set vote_allow_referee "0"
set vote_allow_shuffleteamsxp "0"
set vote_allow_swapteams "1"
set vote_allow_friendlyfire "0"
set vote_allow_timelimit "1"
set vote_allow_warmupdamage "0"
set vote_allow_antilag "0"
set vote_allow_balancedteams "0"
set vote_allow_muting "1"
set vote_allow_surrender "1"
set vote_allow_restartcampaign "0"
set vote_allow_nextcampaign "0"
set vote_allow_poll "1"
set vote_allow_maprestart "1"
set vote_allow_shufflenorestart "1"
set vote_allow_cointoss "1"
set vote_allow_putspec "1"
set vote_block_maprestart "300"
set vote_block_matchreset "300"
set vote_block_shuffleteamsxp "5400"
set vote_block_shufflenorestart "5400"
set vote_block_nextmap "5400"
set vote_block_swapteams "180"
set vote_block_surrender "5400"
set vote_block_map "300"
set vote_block_timelimit "5400"
set vote_block_poll "5400"
set vote_block_nextcampaign "300"
set vote_block_restartcampaign "300"

// XP Save configuration
set g_XPSave "21"      
// Only stored XP
set g_XPSaveMaxAge_xp "120o"     
// Stored XP and all rating values
set g_XPSaveMaxAge "120o"     
set g_XPSaveMinXP "-1"
set g_maxXP "-1"      
set g_maxXPResetWarn "0"
set g_damageXP "1"
set g_damageXPLevel "50"
set g_xpdecay "0"
set g_xpdecayrate "0"
set g_xpdecayfloor "140.0"

// Shrubbot and Database
set g_dbDirectory "database"
set g_dbUserMaxAge "120o"
set g_dbMaxAliases "0"
set g_minConnectLevel "0"
set g_minCommandWaitTime "0"
set g_greetingPos "0"
set g_spoofOptions "3"
set g_identOptions "0"
set g_adminProtection "7"
set g_protectMinLevel "-1"    
set g_clientBinaries "0"
set g_muteRename "1"

// Verschiedene Game Settings
set g_mode "8"
set g_misc "1028"    
set g_doubleJumpHeight "1.4"     
set g_proneDelay "0"
set g_moverScale "1.0"    
set g_maxSelfkills "-1"
set g_fear "3000"    
set g_slashKill "28"      
set g_staminaRecharge "1.0"
set g_dropObj "3"      
set g_forceLimboHealth "1"     
set g_dragCorpse "0"      
set g_spinCorpse "1"    
set g_playDead "1"     
set g_classChange "1"    

set g_shove "80"     
set g_shoveNoZ "1"      

set g_ammoCabinetTime "60000"     
set g_healthCabinetTime "10000"     

set g_goomba "5"     
set g_goombaFlags "31"      

// Klassen und Waffen Settings
set g_packDistance "8"     
set g_dropHealth "3"      
set g_dropAmmo "2"    
set g_tossDistance "0"   

set g_weapons "39790"      
set g_classWeapons "63"      

set g_throwableKnives "1"
set g_maxKnives "7"      
set g_knifeChargeTime "100"     

set g_mg42 "3"       
set g_panzersVulnerable "1"
set g_panzersSpeed "2500"
set g_panzersGravity "0"
set g_maxPanzerSuicides "-1"
set g_panzerPackDistance "11"     
set g_enableDemolition "1"

set g_poison "1"
set g_poison/second "5"
set g_poisonFlags "7"
set g_medics "705"      
set g_adrenDmgReduction "50"
set g_medicHealthRegen "4"     
set g_medicSelfhealTime "1000"     

set g_constructibleXPSharing "1"   
set g_dyno "29"    
set g_enableTMines "1"
set g_mineid "1"      

set g_asblock "58"      
set g_canisterKick "0"
set g_canisterKickOwner "1"

set g_coverts "1481"     
set g_maxMarkers "2"

// Fun War
set g_headshot "0"
set g_instagibDamage "400"
set g_knifeonly "0"
set g_panzerwar "0"
set g_sniperwar "0"
set g_riflewar "0"

// Skill point options
set g_skills "4"       
set g_noSkillUpgrades "0"
set skill_battlesense "20 50 90 140"
set skill_lightweapons "20 50 90 140"
set skill_soldier "20 50 90 140"
set skill_medic "20 50 90 140"
set skill_engineer "20 50 90 140"
set skill_fieldops "20 50 90 140"
set skill_covertops "20 50 90 140"

// Energie charge time
set g_soldierChargeTime "20000"     
set g_medicChargeTime "25000"    
set g_engineerChargeTime "25000"    
set g_LTChargeTime "25000"    
set g_covertopsChargeTime "25000"    

// Weapon damages and radius settings
set g_dmg "0"
set g_dmgHeadShotMin "50"
set g_dmgHeadShotRatio "2.0"

set g_knifeThrowDamage "50"
set g_dmgKnife "25"      
set g_dmgPistol "18"
set g_dmgGrenade "250"
set g_dmgGrenadeRadius "250"

set g_dmgSMG "18"
set g_dmgPPSh "19"

set g_dmgMG "20"      

set g_dmgMG42 "18"     
set g_dmgFlamer "5"
set g_dmgPanzer "400"
set g_dmgPanzerRadius "300"
set g_dmgMortar "400"
set g_dmgMortarRadius "400"
set g_dmgDemolition "1100"
set g_dmgDemolitionRadius "350"     

set g_dmgGLauncher "250"
set g_dmgGLauncherRadius "250"
set g_dmgLandmine "250"
set g_dmgLandmineRadius "250"
set g_dmgTMine "260"
set g_dmgDynamite "400"
set g_dmgDynamiteRadius "400"

set g_dmgAir "400"
set g_dmgAirRadius "400"
set g_dmgArty "400"
set g_dmgArtyRadius "400"

set g_dmgSten "14"
set g_dmgFG42 "15"
set g_dmgFG42Scope "35"    
set g_dmgInfRifle "34"      
set g_dmgSniper "55"      
set g_dmgSatchel "250"
set g_dmgSatchelRadius "250"

// Team restrictions
set g_heavyWeaponRestriction "100"
set team_maxPanzers "10%"
set team_maxMortars "10%"
set team_maxFlamers "10%"
set team_maxMG42s "10%"
set team_maxGrenLaunchers "-1"
set team_maxMedics "-1"
set team_maxEngineers "-1"
set team_maxFieldOps "-1"
set team_maxCovertOps "-1"
set g_minAirstrikeTime "60"     
set g_minArtyTime "30"      
set g_maxTeamLandmines "20"     
set g_maxTeamTripmines "3"

// Omni-bots
set omnibot_enable "1"
set omnibot_path ""      
set g_bot_maxXP "-1"      
set omnibot_flags "393264"     

// Lua API
set lua_modules ""
set lua_allowedModules ""

// Watchdog (falls ein Error oder Server ohne Map ist)
set com_watchdog 30      
set com_watchdog_cmd "exec mapvotecycle.cfg"

exec mapvotecycle.cfg

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Aw - gotchya - so you always want those maps in the list regardless of other map voting settings.  I see.   I've never used that server var, so I'm not sure, perhaps it has a bug when used with standard maps?  


When I said HTTP mirroring, what I meant was if you are going to host this server for other people, custom map downloads will be abysmally slow from within the game.  It is purposefully limited this way, unless you use the HTTP Redirect setting (sv_wwwBaseURL) and have your maps hosted somewhere else.  Then you can get even large maps downloaded in seconds rather than minutes.


I was looking at your map cycle, and I believe you have one error:


set d1 "set g_gametype 6 ; map sw_oasis_b3 ; set nextmap vstr d2"
set d2 "set g_gametype 6 ; map battery ; set nextmap vstr d3"
set d3 "set g_gametype 6 ; map sw_goldrush_te ; set nextmap vstr d4"
set d4 "set g_gametype 6 ; map radar ; set nextmap vstr d5"
set d5 "set g_gametype 6 ; map railgun ; set nextmap vstr d6"
set d6 "set g_gametype 6 ; map fueldump ; set nextmap vstr d7"
set d7 "set g_gametype 6 ; map baserace ; set nextmap vstr d8"
set d8 "set g_gametype 6 ; map 2tanks_171 ; set nextmap vstr d9"
set d9 "set g_gametype 6 ; map sp_delivery_te ; set nextmap vstr d10"
set d10 "set g_gametype 6 ; map venice_ne4 ; set nextmap vstr d11"
vstr d1



That should be:

set d10 "set g_gametype 6 ; map venice_ne4 ; set nextmap vstr d1"


I doubt this explains the problems you're having, but that is one thing that you might want to fix.


Also, have you tried using the !nextmap command as a server admin instead of trying to use referee?

Edited by BECK
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Sry Iam so stressed this week I will try to check that on the weekend in detail.


Yes now you got me. The reason why I did it like that it because I like it comfortable, so it was easier for me to inclued 10 map then to exclued 50 other maps.


Thank you for the error detection.


I tryed to use the !nextmap command, but then I also come to the vote list of the intermission screen.

Which I find funny because in read in the documentation that I have to use g_mapVoteFlags "16" to come always to the intermission with set g_gametype 6, but I use g_mapVoteFlags "12"!?


Then I only deleted the maps for the silent folder and started the server again and suddenly it was possible to chose a map as a referee. ;)

So this problem is solved.



Maybe I only have to mutch maps in my etmain folder, 80 maps without the standard maps!?


I will muck out my maps in the etmain folder and I will try to use the g_excludedMaps.

Also I will try to copy the hole wolfenstein et folder, rename it as etserver and muck out all usless stuff from there.

Maybe it is running better if I use one directory for the server and one directory for the playing.

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Which I find funny because in read in the documentation that I have to use g_mapVoteFlags "16" to come always to the intermission with set g_gametype 6, but I use g_mapVoteFlags "12"!?

I don't find this from the documentation. It is true that originally that was there, but that was a before 0.4.0 version.


The g_includedMaps makes sure that played maps are not getting ignored based on the last played rule or by g_excludedMaps. But it does not guarantee that they appear in the vote list. In this case it seems you have so many maps, that they rarely pop up in the list. The g_includedMaps was added in 0.6.2.

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@ gaoesa

Look here:




Moves to the next map in campaign or in the objective cycle end game intermission is skipped. With mapvoting gametype it is possible to go to the intermission if g_mapVoteFlags flag 16 is set


So this still should work with flag 16 but not with flag 12!?


Version 0.4.0.rc1

Fixed: !nextmap & callvote nextmap, don't work with g_gametype 6


Ah ok thank you for the hint with the g_includedmaps, I had a deferent understand of this cvar.

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Also, I believe there is a limit of 32 custom maps.  You should probably try and keep to that.   I actually run all stock maps too, so in reality we only ever have 26 custom map PK3s in our etmain folder at any one time.



Miscellaneous notes about mapvoting

Total maps allowed is 32. 
Edited by BECK
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