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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/01/12 in all areas

  1. BECK


    Oh, one more thing - because I don't want my post to seem like some sort of attack. I can't blame you at all for making a request for change, I've done them myself - I salute you for making a suggestion to make the mod better, I really love reading and pondering suggested improvements to silEnT. Sorry if I have come off as negative or combative, I'm really not trying to flame anyone for making a simple suggestion .
    1 point
  2. BECK


    I think the point is - giving administrators too much control over even small settings such as a weapon's recoil will turn silEnT into an unrecognizable mod where your experience from server to server will be so dramatic that people could fail to recognize that they're even the same MOD. The worst thing would be for people to come to your "silEnT" server and be completely surprised at how even basic weapons work that it would be like comparing vanilla ET to NoQuarter -- except both servers call themselves "silEnT". You risk creating a perception in non-silEnT people that a silEnT server is an unpredicatable experience where you never know how crazy the administrator is and people tend to stay away from things that are that radical. It cheapens the silEnT brand IMO to be able to configure it to a completely unrecognizable state. There's an old saying (and I know this is a multinational and multicultural community so forgive me if this doesn't make sense) --- If you give a man too much rope, he will eventually hang himself with it. Where I'd like to see silEnT go is not in addressing features of the game per-say, but focus on stats and reporting and things like that, because these are the things I'm interested in.
    1 point
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