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2 points
I uploaded new omnibot mod binaries for Windows 32bit to my Google drive.2 points
I will increase MAX_MENUS from 64 to 128 in the next Omnibot mod version.2 points
It's about 93% done 1% tweaks / code clean up 1% cheat menu minor fix's (getting sv_cheats within the game was a challenge, but got working) 5% is the goal/target/waypoint etc naming. This last 5% is where I can't go any further. I can see the new coding in cg_main.c, I just don't have the understanding of c++ to compile this for testing. I have managed to get a text box to work but I have no idea if what I've done will work for naming the goals etc. I know there is a issue with the text not clearing after pressing ok, i'm unsure why this is. This last bit is where I'm stuck Is it possible for someone could check my coding to see if this would work & if possible compile the code to test this. The code is over 10,000 lines so it's not possible to post in the forum, I could upload into the ET repo on Assembla if thats ok or is there another option (never used github). If someone could let me know on here or via PM please Here's a few pictures of the DMS for you to see:2 points
Engineers don't fire garand grenades when they are going to PLANT goals. Do you need to disable it for BUILD goals too ? Maybe I could add a new optional property to the BUILD goal which would be used for objectives that need a lot of charge. If you want to disable grenades in some narrow corridors, you can create a region trigger and use function ETUtil.DisableRifleNade. Function WeaponTable.SetWeaponAvailability can be used to set weapons for team/class, but it's not possible to set a weapon for a role. If you want to change weapons manually in triggers, you should set Map.DontSelectWeapons=true. That will solve the problem of spawn self killing, but it completely disables weapon selection globally for all bots.1 point
This is not a goal. It's a paththrough navigation. It is executed when a bot goes through that waypoint. Bots visit that location because there is DEFEND goal. If you want to change priority or make it class specific, you can set it on the DEFEND goal.1 point
The trigger distance is not from the target goal, but from a grenade. If somebody is standing just beside a bot, then his thrown grenade immediately enters the radius. It would be necessary to calculate trajectory of a grenade and predict coordinates of explosion. Maybe I could use some code from the mortar goal. I agree with your other suggestions and I added them to my to-do list.1 point
Why don't you use the PrintScreen key or Snipping tool to make screenshots ? There must not be "=" in server.cfg. You have to delete = after set omnibot_path.1 point
Where can we download pk3 file of this map ? You should never use entity numbers because they depend on mods. You should use GetEntityByName instead of GetGameEntityFromId. If the entity does not have any name, then you can use TraceLine. Functions GetEntityByName and GetGameEntityFromId return null if the entity is invalid. Correct condition is: if(ent1) { print("Entity is valid"); } You must not use GetEntTeam in OnExit because it returns null if a player disconnected. Players can also change team when they are inside the region. See wiki how to count players in a region.1 point
This is not related to bots. The same problem happens if you watch human players. There are a lot of bugs in the omnibot mod because it is based on the original game from year 2001. The spectator stamina is displayed correctly in newer mods (legacy, nitmod, noquarter, silent). It does not work in jaymod and etpub.1 point
You can set g_engineerChargeTime1 point
The chosen botToKill is never an engineer because botToKill has goal FLAG, but engineer has goal PLANT.1 point
foreach(g in Util.GoalTable("FLAGRETURN.*")) { Util.MapDebugPrint("Position " + g.GetPosition()); }1 point
It does not count dead players because dead players cannot carry anything. But you can get distance to a dropped object from a FLAGRETURN goal. foreach(g in Util.GoalTable("FLAGRETURN.*")) { d = DistanceBetween(g, Vec3(-1824, 2115, 4)); Util.MapDebugPrint("Distance " + d); }1 point
for ( i = 0; i < 64; i += 1 ) { if ( EntityIsValid(i) && GetEntFlags(i, ENTFLAG.CARRYINGGOAL) ){ d = DistanceBetween(i, Vector3(-1824, 2115, 4)); Util.MapDebugPrint("Distance " + d); } }1 point
Here's my solution: voilegarde_b3.gm1 point
Path through switch - Delay between map trigger and OB script trigger
Mateos reacted to TomekKromek for a topic
voilegarde_b3.gm That's my solution. Not the cleanest solution but from my testing it works. For checking if the doors are opening and eventually opened I use "rightlabdoor_button_Moving". Check Right_Lab_Door_Moving2 to see what I did there.1 point -
Which game are you most excited about to come out this year?
claywinston reacted to hellreturn for a topic
Need to find time to play ET with my buddies first and then BF5 / Warzone1 point -
Welcome to MyGamingTalk. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others
claywinston reacted to hellreturn for a status update
Welcome to MyGamingTalk. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.1 point -
Hi I'm just looking at the map mp_ruiner (RTCW) & a lot of the automatically detected goals have a '!' at the end. This causes the following parse error in the goals file. error (232) parse error, expecting `'}'' or `','' Could not parse file nav/mp_ruiner_goals.gm Line 232 FLAG_Ruiners_head! = { CreateOnLoad = 0, GoalType = "Flag", Position = Vec3(1088.000, 4200.000, 208.000), TagName = "Ruiners head!", TeamAvailability = 4, }, I can fix the parse error by deleting the ! but it still shows as the original goalname in game & if I save the goals, it just creates a new goal with the original name. Same issue if I rename the goal in game as well --------------ALLIES-------------- ALLIES: FLAG_Ruiners_head! - 0.8 Just wondering if there is a way to fix this? It also causes a parse error in the script file made by "makemapgm" but that is easy fixable by removing the '!'1 point
You can remove these in OnMapLoad and manually recreate them in-game through the console, using /bot goal_setproperty for all custom required properties1 point
Hi I'm trying to create a version of the DMS for RTCW but I can't work out how to add a text box for naming the goals waypoints & groups The ET version uses setGoalName setGroupName setWaypointName I don't even know if the above commands are coded into omnibot RTCW system life they are in ET, cs helped me with this section in the ET version so I'm not sure if this was already in the code or added. I have a working beta version of the menu so the rest I can do, it's the text box that I can't do. Is this something that can be done?1 point
Howdy All
Mateos reacted to Scott Ward for a topic
Some "may" know / remember me as BubbaG1 - would have used that as my display name but assumed I would add that later. Silly me! I was with the **DRC** (Das Rebellion Clan) for Enemy Territory and helped with waypointing / scripting for a hot minute. A few of us are playing ETL so figured I would help again, where I can. Will have to get back up-to-speed on what is possible. Great to see this crew is still around and enjoying the games. I am an old phart that primarily does web development / IT now for a company based in Stuttgart, Germany though I am located in Central USA.1 point -
I have just moved commands stuckstart, stucknext, saveplayerpos, saveusepoint, warpanybot, warptogoaloffset, cleargoalflags from et to global_scripts so that they can be used both in ET and RTCW.1 point
I'm just helping someone out at the minute, trying to teach a few things without taking over. Getting the DMS to a workable state is my 1st task before getting into the waypointing. I have been doing a bit. I noticed that stuckstart / stucknext are missing from the Commands in RTCW, appears to work fine when I added the code from et_commands.gm into rtcw_commands.gm, I only have assembla/et access, so I can't update any RTCW files. A few corrections to do due to the ET/RTCW differences, but the menu is working & taking shape.1 point
How much does it cost to develop simple Android app or game?
claywinston reacted to venatrix for a topic
For Android app development, the cost of a final product depends on various app elements and the type of app that matches your business requirements. On an average, cost of Android app ranges between $15,000 to $40,000 with an hourly rate of $15-$25.1 point -
1 point
You increased the range of the MORTAR goal. But you have to increase the range of the AMMOCAB goal which is only 1250. AMMOCAB_main_ammocabinet = { CreateOnLoad = 0, GoalType = "AMMOCAB", Position = Vec3(1512.000, 939.000, 516.000), Range = 1250, TeamAvailability = 6, },0 points