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  1. BECK

    sounds in Silent

    If you make your own PK3 file, you will probably want to organize your own sounds in a similar folder that ET does. Sounds are all in the 'sounds' folder. So in your own PK3, you can create some folder structure like 'sounds/custom' and then put them all in there. Then you can reference them in useredit or anywhere else like: sounds/custom/sound.wav Be sure to specify a unique folder name -should you choose a folder that ET is using by default (e.g. sounds/chat/allies), and the name of an existing sound you will actually overwrite that sound on your server. The way it works is that every PK3 used by the server (in your server's silent folder) is expanded into memory. The default game PK3 is pak0.pk3 (in etmain), which contains all of the game resources (skins, models, textures, sounds everything) is expanded first. You can replace any of them by just adding your own version of anything to the same folder in your OWN pk3 (NEVER use an existing pk3, especially the silent client pk3). This is how modding works in general. Remember, sounds must be WAV format and MONO to work with ET. An interesting tidbit -- any PK3 files that you have in your silEnT folder will be required by your client. Place them on an HTTP server for better download speeds. Anything you have in your etmain folder is optional. For example, on my server we have alternate weapon sounds in the etmain folder, so if people choose to use alternate weapons, they just download another pk3 manually and put it in their etmain folder. Then when they play on our server they get the alternate weapon sounds. If they play on any other server, they still get default weapons.
    1 point
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