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  1. File Name: z_spreesounds.pk3 File Submitter: TheSilencerPL File Submitted: 22 Apr 2014 File Category: Soundack Spree sounds pk3 ready for use with silent mod. Click here to download this file
    1 point
  2. twiti

    These commands.

    not really afaik you need map restart to change g_medicchargetime in silent mod. and 12 dren.. just not enough here is 500 medic dren + save/load command silent mod setup 1) --------shrubbot (edit levels) [command] command = tjon exec = set g_medicchargetime 4000 ; set g_skills 7 ; set g_medics 0 ; set lua_modules "TJmod.lua adrenaline.lua" ; omnibot_enable 0; restart desc = ^7!^3tjon^7 - turn ^3TRICKJUMP ^7mode on, execute ^3!tjoff ^7once done jumping syntax = levels = [command] command = tjoff exec = set g_medicchargetime 45000 ; set g_skills 3 ; set g_medics 325 ; set lua_modules "none" ; omnibot_enable 1; restart desc = ^7!^3tjoff^7 - turn ^3TRICKJUMP ^7mode off syntax = levels = 2) copy adrenaline.lua and TJMod.lua to server "silent" directory, replace set lua_modules "none" with your default modules if any --------------------------------- --adrenaline.lua --------------------------------- -- More Adrenaline for Medics 0.1 -- by nano <nano@fooo.org> -- -- This is a small module for trickjump servers. It gives -- medics on spawn a specified amount of adrenaline needles. -- -- To add adrenaline needles you have to use the ammoindex -- 11 (WP_MEDIC_SYRINGE) and not 46 (WP_MEDIC_ADRENALINE) -- since they belong together just like WP_LUGER and WP_MP40 -- (line 1396-1419 in game/bg_misc.c). -- AMOUNT = 500 et.CS_PLAYERS = 689 function et.GetPlayerCS(clientNum, key) local cs = et.trap_GetConfigstring(et.CS_PLAYERS + clientNum) return et.Info_ValueForKey(cs, key) end function et_ClientSpawn(clientNum, revived) if tonumber(et.GetPlayerCS(clientNum, "c")) == 1 then et.gentity_set(clientNum, "ps.ammoclip", 11, AMOUNT) et.gentity_set(clientNum, "ps.ammo", 11, AMOUNT) end end -- end adrenaline.lua --------------------------------- --TJMod.lua --------------------------------- HSP_TJmod_Verison=0.4 pos={} pos1={} pos2={} function et_InitGame(levelTime,randomSeed,restart) et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_NOW,"sets ^8T^sJmod_verison ^s"..HSP_TJmod_Verison.."") et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_NOW,"sets ^8T^sJmod_WebSite ^sliteral-party.com/et/mod") end function gotohell() et.gentity_set(et.trap_Argv(1), "health", -200) end function goto() pos[30]=et.gentity_get(et.trap_Argv(2),"origin") et.gentity_set(et.trap_Argv(1), "origin", pos[30]) end function iwant(selfID,targetID) pos[targetID]=et.gentity_get(targetID,"origin") pos[30]=et.gentity_get(selfID,"origin") et.trap_SendServerCommand(targetID, "cp \"^8Y^sour position before moved has been saved, use ^1!goback ^sto restore\"" ) et.gentity_set(targetID, "origin", pos[30]) end function save(targetID) if et.gentity_get(targetID,"sess.sessionTeam")==1 then pos1[targetID]=et.gentity_get(targetID,"origin") et.trap_SendServerCommand(targetID, "cp \"^8S^saved\"" ) end if et.gentity_get(targetID,"sess.sessionTeam")==2 then pos2[targetID]=et.gentity_get(targetID,"origin") et.trap_SendServerCommand(targetID, "cp \"^8S^saved\"" ) end if et.gentity_get(targetID,"sess.sessionTeam")==3 then et.trap_SendServerCommand(targetID,"cp \"^8Y^sou can not ^1/save^S as a spectator.\"") end end function load(targetID) if et.gentity_get(targetID,"sess.sessionTeam")==1 then et.gentity_set(targetID,"origin",pos1[targetID]) et.trap_SendServerCommand( targetID, "cp \"^8L^soaded\"" ) end if et.gentity_get(targetID,"sess.sessionTeam")==2 then et.gentity_set(targetID,"origin",pos2[targetID]) et.trap_SendServerCommand( targetID, "cp \"^8L^soaded\"" ) end if et.gentity_get(targetID,"sess.sessionTeam")==3 then et.trap_SendServerCommand(targetID,"cp \"^8Y^sou can not ^1/load^S as a spectator.\"") end end function block(clientNum) et.trap_SendServerCommand( clientNum, "cp \"^8h^sttp://literal-party.com\n\"" ) return 1 end function et_ConsoleCommand() if et.trap_Argv(0)=="gotohell" then gotohell(et.trap_Argv(1)) return 1 end if et.trap_Argv(0)=="goto" then goto(et.trap_Argv(1),et.trap_Argv(2)) return 1 end if et.trap_Argv(0)=="goback" then et.gentity_set(et.trap_Argv(1), "origin", pos[et.trap_Argv(1)]) return 1 end if et.trap_Argv(0)=="iwant" then iwant(et.trap_Argv(1),et.trap_Argv(2)) return 1 end return 0 end function et_ClientCommand( clientNum, command ) if command=="save" then save(clientNum) return 1 end if command=="load" then load(clientNum) return 1 end if command=="noclip" or command=="god" then block(clientNum) return 1 end return 0 end --end TJMod.lua
    1 point
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