Thanks for the cvar, I really forgot this one. Also I'm working on something else and the lua module don't want to load so I guess there is a problem with one of these function:
function et_Obituary(victim,killer,meansOfDeath)
function getkiller(victimID,killerID)
local hpkiller = et.gentity_get(killerID,"ps.stats",0)
local name = et.gentity_get(killerID,"pers.netname")
et.trap_SendServerCommand(victimID,"chat \"^7 "" was at ^1"..hpkiller.." ^7HP when he killed you !\"")
-- et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "readconfig\n" )
-- Pretty sure you don't need readconfig in this situation
Thanks ! Edit: Right after I posted the code I saw my error ^^ Fixed.