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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/04/13 in Posts

  1. gaoesa

    list of bans

    We will not implement global ban lists. There are many reasons for not doing it. Here are few: - First of all it needs GUID authentication to prevent GUID spoofing client side. Do note that all GUIDs are spoofable. The way silEnT protect admin leves is separate technique, see g_adminProtection. - Second, it all needs to be done between the client and the "ban" server to avoid game server influence and admins generating bans for people they don't like. This might also need user consent. - Third, measures must be taken to ensure the client does not block all or selectively messages to the "ban" server. - Fourth, even PunkBuster has had problems with intentionally made false bans filling ban lists. This is a typical problem for ban lists when ever people figure out a way to do it. In other words, it is not practical to implement for it's possible value. For couple binary checksums and few cvars that associate with cheats.
    1 point
  2. JvIasterMind

    list of bans

    I like the idea of a checksum config file! However, I think it would be better to allow admins to input checksums that would instantly ban a player connecting with a known malicious binary, instead of disallowing all unknown binaries (since some have legitimate uses as described by TheSilencerPL). By the way, silEnT does allow you to auto kick any unrecognized binaries similar to how you described in NxAC (minus the config file as far as I know). As for a global banlist, I have similar thoughts to Beck and feel that different servers have different tolerances for what is considered enough proof to constitute the ban. I know of quite a few players that were wrongfully banned for hacking, when in reality, they are just good players. I feel it would be terrible if a legitimate player got banned on one server and got onto the global banlist and was unable to play anywhere. If the global banlist was only for binaries that are 100% known to be malicious, than I would be fine with that, but I would want to stay away from as much human error as possible.
    1 point
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