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Rhino Cracker

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  1. I usually start ET using QTracker and a selfmade batch file. It uses this command line: ET.exe +exec autoexec.cfg +connect But my autoexec.cfg is located in etmain. I've found another thing: For some reason my cl_yawspeed in ...\silent\Profiles\Rhino\etconfig.cfg was set to 0 instead of 140. I'm not sure what this value does - i thought ET uses m_pitch and m_yaw for horizontal/vertical mouse speed.
  2. I think I've found the problem. Like most nowadays mods, Silent doesn't execute the autoexec.cfg on start, which is setting my FOV. So I had the same mousespeed (sensitivity, pitch, yaw), the same distance to move the mouse for a 360° turn but a different distance to move to mouse to an object X pixels away on the screen.
  3. This is my first Post in here, so: Hi everyone! Is it possible that the mouse behaviour in silEnT is different from the one in other mods?
  4. Welcome to the forums Rhino Cracker :)
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