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Novice last won the day on July 3 2013

Novice had the most liked content!

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Sorry didn't know !userinfo [silentid] aliases existed, good work!
  2. Aliases command can be used with silent guid also, I believe this is how its tracked now?
  3. I think this will be a helpful feature for admins in dealing with troubled players when a simple mute can diffuse the problem.
  4. Hey Guys, I tried to search for a topic about this with no go, not sure if this is a bug or feature request as I don't play any other mods to know, but basically I am wondering why we cannot see a users Stamina (charge bar for when running sprinting etc..) bar while in spec? the Bar is always solid green, I've always like to know how a user is handling this while I am specing them, thoughts?
  5. Off topic Nice to see someone from Providence, thought I was the only one, live of Atwells Ave
  6. Sad to see this didn't make it in ;/
  7. +1 from me I hate the Garand would love to have the k43 as an option on Allies, I mean you can already pick it up and use it.
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