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TimOOn last won the day on September 15 2014

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  1. TimOOn

    KR/PRW Lua

    Thanks a lot. This is perfect! Script works fine.
  2. TimOOn

    KR/PRW Lua

    OK, and what fieldname should I use?
  3. TimOOn

    KR/PRW Lua

    Hello, Is it possible to access player's KR and/or PRW values by lua?
  4. oO Thanks for help. I never would have found this. I'm wondering why I even set this flag.
  5. Hello, I was playing with et_Obituary function recently and I tried to replace obituary message with my own. It doesn't work the way I expected. If a string is returned from this function it does replace default obituary, but message is displayed on chat area instead of cpm (popup) like other obituaries. Is there a way to print custom obituaries on cpm area? I know I could use "et.trap_SendServerCommand" to do that but it won't overwrite the original message, so both of them will be printed.
  6. Yup, its just a single function. function et_ClientCommand(clientNum, cmd) cmd = string.lower(cmd) if string.find(et.trap_Argv(1), "!rename") or cmd == "!rename" then if string.find(et.ConcatArgs(1), "\\") then et.trap_SendServerCommand( clientNum, "print \"^orename: ^7can't use names with a \'\\\'\n\"" ) return 1 else return 0 end end end
  7. !rename command allows using backslash so it can mess up client userinfo.
  8. Welcome to the forums TimOOn :)
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