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twt_thunder last won the day on December 7 2015

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  1. Happy new year from ThewolfteamJanuary 3, 2016thunder Leave a comment a little late, but better late than never, So 2015 has really been a great year for TWT with map releases and more members and site members joined. Also a bunch of models released too. We also have cleaned some up in our download mess and I think our site is working good atm. If you are a newly started mapper to this amazing game I suggest you make yourself an account to this site as I can guarantie that you will get all the help we can give you. Bad english is no excuse for not asking for help, most of us here is not english and we miss from time to time on language too. My hopes for this year is that even more mappers,modders,gamers join our forum and active discuss while we create maps or mods, because players feedback is everything. And again, Thewolfteam is no clan so if you are in a clan or gaming comunity you can still be there without any conflicts in any way. We are just a comunity of dedicated Wolfenstein Enemy-territory lovers who likes to make maps and mods for this old but amazing game. This game is still stand alone in the gaming world and got no game over or beside it. I think I can say its the game with most custom made maps and mods ever. And if you havent tried it you should! I also want to encourage Clan Leaders to join us and share news with us in the propper forum. News will also be promoted over to this frontside. So 2016 what will it bring? Well what I can say so far is that there is atleast 6-7 maps under work, there is some that is soon ready for release. This year I will finalize all of my mapprojects as fast as I can and consentrate my work on model request and mapping prefabs. Here is some of the prefabs I think I will make this year: -steal Objective prefabs- In these archives I will have obj to take and the deliver spot in to different parts ready to just place in your map. With following script to just paste into your mapscript. -Blow up prefabs- This will also be stuff just to place in your map with following scripts to paste into your mapscripts.Will make allied and axis so you can choose. -constructible prefabs- on these I will always make 2 version, one Allied and one Axis This might be bridges,engines,waterpumps etc… -House prefabs- This will be houses made either caulked or with the texturing following ET. -Terrain prefabs- These will be terrains with alphablendings following the maps for you to customise in the way you like. Also work more on our site tutorials to help you out the best way We can. I also seen we need more map scripting tutorials, really step by step so people do understand. So be sure to check back this year and always good with a bit of feedback in our Guestbook Happy new year and all best wishes to everybody! Thunder
  2. with addon I mean like customized weapons and skins and things like that, what's NOT and what's GO ? I mean what will Silent use and where to put it (the pack) and so on..
  3. search up an etpub client and you can figure it out
  4. Ok, was just a question, then I will just release them as the others models..
  5. This mod is no longer active... Sorry
  6. As I have stopped the Reloaded mod I got a few weapons redone to give away, would silent team be interrested in these: http://www.thewolfteam.org/index.php?topic=72.0
  7. your site isnt working anymore, is the project down?
  8. not sure if it can be empty, try it.. but again, I would keep it in modfolder....
  9. good idea, but for me its useless as I have dynamic ip and it changes....
  10. you need an .ARENA file inside if ET should find a file in ETmain. Now, I would say dont do it, putting things in etmain screws up peoples ET.....
  11. I will upload later, sorry for trouble you've had but I had to sort some typos also there are downloads at TWT: http://www.thewolfteam.org/index.php?action=downloads;sa=view;down=397 http://www.thewolfteam.org/index.php?action=downloads;sa=view;down=398 http://media.moddb.com/cache/images/mods/1/26/25800/thumb_620x2000/2015-02-15-145140-oasis.jpg http://media.moddb.com/cache/images/mods/1/26/25800/thumb_620x2000/2015-02-16-184144-oasis.jpg http://media.moddb.com/cache/images/mods/1/26/25800/thumb_620x2000/2015-02-16-184856-oasis.jpg
  12. Modernfront 0.5.0 ***First Stable*** Installing: extract this archive into your wolfenstein directory! a little NB! on windows servers, you have to use the ETDED and not ET to get lua to work! Credits: Developers of the game: SD,ID,Activision and nerve Etpub team for source code Modernfront: Jenkins - code and gfx Thunder - code(?lol),gfx,models and animations Kemon - HD flags changelog- beta to 0.5.0: - Changed name on specops to GAF and brought in new flags - HD flags added to geoip (thx Kemon) - new uniforms on both teams also with some new gear - attached vest removed - rescaled m14 to a better size - fixed ui fault - added pipebomb as axis nade - added new grenade to allied - added new binoculars - Lua fixed to load from folder luascripts inside modfolder - exploit fix - chrashfix on client attached to tank WITH LUA:http://www.moddb.com/downloads/start/81704?referer=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.moddb.com%2Fmods%2Fmodernfront%2Fdownloads NO LUA:http://www.moddb.com/downloads/start/81701?referer=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.moddb.com%2Fmods%2Fmodernfront%2Fdownloads
  13. probably something todo with the mapscript instead
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