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Everything posted by twt_thunder

  1. test server for those interrested: IP: this is an public fun server with no actual rules atm... but as the motd says: have fun and dont be an ass
  2. ET Headquarters adds a flexible character customization system to Wolfenstein Enemy Territory. It also adds gameplay changes and rebalances class mechanics. Its core gameplay remains close to vanilla ET. Mod Features Amongst the many which stand out: - Omnibot Support - ETpro Mapscripting Support - Lua 5.1 Support - Sqlite3 Database Backend - Xpsave and Moditemsave Support - Game Coins - Character Customization - Flexible Character Customization Backend - Barracks Menu to Visually Unlock Character Items - New Command Post Gameplay - Blue Adrenaline - Covert Ops Weapon Specialist The Team acQu - Code, Game Design Floreio - Models Jenkins - Logo, 2D gfx Thunder - Skins, Models Webpresence ModDB: Moddb.com Bug reports go to: www.thewolfteam.org/
  3. probably reported before, but I'll do it anyway as it is annoying... when you mousescroll from ex grenade to thompson it kinda "bugs" in animation.
  4. The mod is built on ETpub Docs for mod: http://www.thewolfteam.org/reloadeddocs/ 1.0.0 featuring own Admin skins and Member skins also ordinary skins are updated to better ones Also admins have own officercap as axis and beret as allied. cvops admins have a fieldcap 1.1.0 (under work) enchant the weapons with new better looking ones And adding a few weapons 1.2.0 (under work) make both male and female players If there is something else you would like to see in this mod, make an account and add a post here: http://www.thewolfteam.org/index.php/topic,23.0.html
  5. Ok I will do it this way then Reloaded without lua Reloaded with lua
  6. Is that possible? I think moddb is so hard to manage
  7. Yea well, not for Reloaded.. Then I had to put it into Modernfront instead I guess http://www.moddb.com/mods/modernfront
  8. if you check the latest news on mod there is another download or you may find it at www.thewolfteam.org
  9. for those who have missed this one: http://www.moddb.com/mods/reloaded
  10. LOL! cool well why not makining if that.. I am redoing the originals first, a shotgun or trenchgun is also made, need to fiddle with animation.. (something that stinks) And yes we have talked about bringing in a few weapons... But first I wanna redo the ones ingame allready.. Hopefully I can make them better some are made : http://www.thewolfteam.org/index.php/topic,72.0.html (couldnt post jpg it seemed) And now working on the carabine EDIT: Found a pic of my trenchgun too:
  11. Just finnishing up this carabine for Reloaded mod
  12. oh and yes this for those who prefer blender: http://www.blender.org/support/tutorials/ go thru the beginner tutorials and you will learn a lot, the rest is really reading about md3 and limitations... (Sorry for double post)
  13. Yeah, somewhat... I have just gotten this far and made a test tutorial. http://www.thewolfteam.org/index.php/topic,64.msg479.html#new And I belive I have a tutorial on how to replace a weapon here: http://www.thewolfteam.org/tut/tut3.htm But for real newbies you should start on exploring the pak0.pk3 in etmain folder. http://www.thewolfteam.org/tut/tut1.htm And for skinmakers: http://www.thewolfteam.org/tut/tut2.htm My modding started with an Arnold face And then this was born: http://returntocastlewolfenstein.filefront.com/file/Terminator_Skinpack;98854 lol.. real bad but not that worse to be first time have a ball!
  14. Well guess he is not interrested in gettin NQ any further atm.. I will jump forward to my own projects.. http://trac.thewolfteam.org/wiki
  15. Allready sent pms and replied on ss forums.. But I guess I am not good enough
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