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Everything posted by Oxyzium

  1. Bots disconnect like a player is connecting but no player is displayed connecting. Probally a player using ascii characters.. Everytime it happens there is a massive lag on the server and the server crashes. The guy attacking is using the Tube - Bypasses any mod on ET, I am sure silent are aware or may not be aware about this guy? He causes problems when banned as he unbans him self with new details each time. He also aimbots and such.. Any fixes on this silent? Or do we wait for silent 0.8.3?
  2. Would be nice to see images/animations for the killing spree pop ups instead of plain text. Heres some examples.. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-CWW2dywxOtI/UHOn-G7wv0I/AAAAAAAAACY/KILL-2ZsNqE/s1600/combat_arms_accolade__multi_kill__by_stealth09-d4q8r3p.png Think this would look nice for silent! Also instead of having a pk3 full of the sounds just having a little pop up sound, I have suggested this sound?
  3. I don't know how others feel about this but I don't like always having to open up teamspeak or skype to talk to friends ingame. One Its a pain and two it causes lag some times when internet is on the low.. Something like adding microphone support ingame would be nice! Just jump into the server and say hello! When people join the server you can welcome them and stuff.. This maybe a good idea or maybe a bad idea. Tell me what you think?
  4. Am I addicted to ET?
  5. Yes excactly what I was meaning! It just carries on counting down every time the dynamite is defused which is confusing the hell out of players.. I have a dyno script also from etpro, It doesn't work best with the silent server though.
  6. Good to see Legacy is finally showing its light in the community! How many players are hosting servers with legacy mod at the moment? How to make the players convert from normal ET to using legacy mod? Do you think it will keep the game alive? I ask this because its good to hear from the developers point on what they think there project will do for the community.
  7. This would help as etpro players coming into the scene of silent don't like double jump but the usual pub players do.. Hope to see this in silent 0.8.3
  8. Great work zelly! Top man when it comes to lua. You can never find a person so dedicated and hard working, He is so helpful. Good luck!
  9. Someone asked me if I could setup enhanced mod on there silent server for them but I don't think its possible. I think I have seen it on TWC ETJump but I don't know how.. Is it possible?
  10. I think the Idea of more ranks is good but on the scale of needing them is 2/10. I use silent mod for its security level being superior to other mods but if it released a 20mb pk3 file full of ranks, sounds, guns and other crap! I'd rather switch the server to emain. Nice idea though!
  11. It is possible to write a lua script that will display a counter via notification but this will not work if someone disarms the dynamite.
  12. I have looked deeply but nothing idicating to how it shows the reticle_eq.jpeg hmm Is there a way to make it show the reticle_eq like how would I create that - I have low knowledge and finding someone to teach me this is a struggle. Do I create a if? like if wp_thompson weapalt = "gfx/misc/reticle_eq.jpeg" end I know that isn't proper code but lol How do i expand it
  13. Yes thats correct! I already knew this.. The black overlay is called reticle_eq.jpeg which is found in the gfx/misc/ but my question was how to add it to the thompson when clicking weapalt?
  14. Just wondering how I would be able to add the sniper sight to the thompson such as when I click mouse2 it shows the scope?
  15. I think it would be good though for long distance shots like on fueldump but its down to what players want, I still think it should be a choice apon the server configuration if it should be added ingame or not just as a option for server admins.
  16. Turns out you can make a bind that will move g_gunz,x,y with cg_gun_frame 17 which will make your own iron sights
  17. I have unlocked it in my mod, its a very nice feature!
  18. Ok I found that you can edit the weapons here, this worked when i changed thompson with mp40 but how to add thompson and mp40 together? qboolean _SetFieldOpSpawnWeapons(gclient_t *client) { weapon_t w; weapon_t w2; if(client->sess.sessionTeam == TEAM_AXIS) { w = WP_MP40; AddWeaponToPlayer(client, WP_GRENADE_LAUNCHER, 0, 1, qfalse); w2 = G_BestSecWeaponForClient( client ); } else if(client->sess.sessionTeam == TEAM_ALLIES) { w = WP_THOMPSON; AddWeaponToPlayer(client, WP_GRENADE_PINEAPPLE, 0, 1, qfalse); w2 = G_BestSecWeaponForClient( client ); } else { return qfalse; } AddWeaponToPlayer(client, w, GetAmmoTableData(w)->defaultStartingAmmo, GetAmmoTableData(w)->defaultStartingClip, qtrue); if(w2 == WP_AKIMBO_LUGER || w2 == WP_AKIMBO_COLT) { client->ps.ammoclip[ BG_FindClipForWeapon(BG_AkimboSidearm(w2))] = GetAmmoTableData(w2)->defaultStartingClip; } AddWeaponToPlayer(client, w2, GetAmmoTableData(w2)->defaultStartingAmmo, GetAmmoTableData(w2)->defaultStartingClip, qfalse); return qtrue; }
  19. Yes! All pure, Here is the code! #include "q_shared.h" #include "bg_public.h" #include "bg_classes.h" #include "bg_local.h" bg_playerclass_t bg_allies_playerclasses[NUM_PLAYER_CLASSES] = { { PC_SOLDIER, "characters/temperate/allied/soldier.char", "ui/assets/mp_gun_blue.tga", "ui/assets/mp_arrow_blue.tga", { WP_THOMPSON, WP_MOBILE_MG42, WP_FLAMETHROWER, WP_PANZERFAUST, WP_MORTAR }, }, { PC_MEDIC, "characters/temperate/allied/medic.char", "ui/assets/mp_health_blue.tga", "ui/assets/mp_arrow_blue.tga", { WP_THOMPSON, }, }, { PC_ENGINEER, "characters/temperate/allied/engineer.char", "ui/assets/mp_wrench_blue.tga", "ui/assets/mp_arrow_blue.tga", { WP_THOMPSON, WP_CARBINE, }, }, { PC_FIELDOPS, "characters/temperate/allied/fieldops.char", "ui/assets/mp_ammo_blue.tga", "ui/assets/mp_arrow_blue.tga", { WP_THOMPSON, WP_MP40, }, }, { PC_COVERTOPS, "characters/temperate/allied/cvops.char", "ui/assets/mp_spy_blue.tga", "ui/assets/mp_arrow_blue.tga", { WP_STEN, WP_FG42, WP_GARAND, }, }, }; bg_playerclass_t bg_axis_playerclasses[NUM_PLAYER_CLASSES] = { { PC_SOLDIER, "characters/temperate/axis/soldier.char", "ui/assets/mp_gun_red.tga", "ui/assets/mp_arrow_red.tga", { WP_MP40, WP_MOBILE_MG42, WP_FLAMETHROWER, WP_PANZERFAUST, WP_MORTAR }, }, { PC_MEDIC, "characters/temperate/axis/medic.char", "ui/assets/mp_health_red.tga", "ui/assets/mp_arrow_red.tga", { WP_MP40, }, }, { PC_ENGINEER, "characters/temperate/axis/engineer.char", "ui/assets/mp_wrench_red.tga", "ui/assets/mp_arrow_red.tga", { WP_MP40, WP_KAR98, }, }, { PC_FIELDOPS, "characters/temperate/axis/fieldops.char", "ui/assets/mp_ammo_red.tga", "ui/assets/mp_arrow_red.tga", { WP_MP40, WP_THOMPSON, }, }, { PC_COVERTOPS, "characters/temperate/axis/cvops.char", "ui/assets/mp_spy_red.tga", "ui/assets/mp_arrow_red.tga", { WP_STEN, WP_FG42, WP_K43, }, }, }; // pheno #ifdef GAMEDLL weapon_t bg_unlockedWeapons[MAX_WEAPS_PER_CLASS] = { WP_NONE, WP_PANZERFAUST, WP_FLAMETHROWER, WP_STEN, WP_CARBINE, WP_GARAND, WP_MOBILE_MG42, WP_FG42, WP_MORTAR }; #endif bg_playerclass_t* BG_GetPlayerClassInfo( int team, int cls ) { bg_playerclass_t* teamList; if( cls < PC_SOLDIER || cls >= NUM_PLAYER_CLASSES ) { cls = PC_SOLDIER; } switch( team ) { default: case TEAM_AXIS: teamList = bg_axis_playerclasses; break; case TEAM_ALLIES: teamList = bg_allies_playerclasses; break; } return &teamList[cls]; } bg_playerclass_t* BG_PlayerClassForPlayerState(playerState_t* ps) { return BG_GetPlayerClassInfo(ps->persistant[PERS_TEAM], ps->stats[sTAT_PLAYER_CLASS]); } qboolean BG_ClassHasWeapon(bg_playerclass_t* classInfo, weapon_t weap) { int i; if(!weap) { return qfalse; } for( i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPS_PER_CLASS; i++) { if(classInfo->classWeapons == weap) { return qtrue; } } return qfalse; } /* ================ BG_UnlockWeapons pheno: unlock weapons for both teams and all classes ================ */ #ifdef GAMEDLL void BG_UnlockWeapons(bg_playerclass_t *classInfo, int classnum, team_t team) { if (g_unlockWeapons.integer & (1 << classnum)) { memcpy(classInfo->classWeapons, bg_unlockedWeapons, sizeof(classInfo->classWeapons)); if (team == TEAM_ALLIES) { classInfo->classWeapons[0] = WP_THOMPSON; } else if (team == TEAM_AXIS) { classInfo->classWeapons[0] = WP_MP40; } } } #endif qboolean BG_WeaponIsPrimaryForClassAndTeam( int classnum, team_t team, weapon_t weapon ) { bg_playerclass_t *classInfo; if( team == TEAM_ALLIES ) { classInfo = &bg_allies_playerclasses[classnum]; // pheno: unlock weapons for allied team #ifdef GAMEDLL BG_UnlockWeapons(classInfo, classnum, team); #endif return BG_ClassHasWeapon( classInfo, weapon ); } else if( team == TEAM_AXIS ) { classInfo = &bg_axis_playerclasses[classnum]; // pheno: unlock weapons for axis team #ifdef GAMEDLL BG_UnlockWeapons(classInfo, classnum, team); #endif return BG_ClassHasWeapon( classInfo, weapon ); } return qfalse; } // Dens: now gives lowercase team const char *BG_TeamName( int teamNum ) { switch( teamNum ) { case TEAM_AXIS: return "axis"; case TEAM_ALLIES: return "allies"; case TEAM_SPECTATOR: return "spectator"; } return ""; } const char *BG_ClassName( int classNum ) { switch( classNum ) { case PC_SOLDIER: return "Soldier"; case PC_MEDIC: return "Medic"; case PC_ENGINEER: return "Engineer"; case PC_FIELDOPS: return "Fieldops"; case PC_COVERTOPS: return "Covertops"; } return ""; } // Dens: lowercaseClassName const char *BG_lwrcsClassName( int classNum ) { switch( classNum ) { case PC_SOLDIER: return "soldier"; case PC_MEDIC: return "medic"; case PC_ENGINEER: return "engineer"; case PC_FIELDOPS: return "fieldops"; case PC_COVERTOPS: return "covertops"; } return ""; } const char* BG_ShortClassnameForNumber( int classNum ) { switch( classNum ) { case PC_SOLDIER: return "Soldr"; case PC_MEDIC: return "Medic"; case PC_ENGINEER: return "Engr"; case PC_FIELDOPS: return "FdOps"; case PC_COVERTOPS: return "CvOps"; default: return "^1ERROR"; } } const char* BG_ClassnameForNumber( int classNum ) { switch( classNum ) { case PC_SOLDIER: return "Soldier"; case PC_MEDIC: return "Medic"; case PC_ENGINEER: return "Engineer"; case PC_FIELDOPS: return "Field Ops"; case PC_COVERTOPS: return "Covert Ops"; default: return "^1ERROR"; } } const char* BG_ClassLetterForNumber( int classNum ) { switch( classNum ) { case PC_SOLDIER: return "S"; case PC_MEDIC: return "M"; case PC_ENGINEER: return "E"; case PC_FIELDOPS: return "F"; case PC_COVERTOPS: return "C"; default: return "^1E"; } } #define to_char(n) ((n) + '0') // kw: this function was unused, // It's now used and changed to allow more. int BG_ClassTextToClass(char *str) { switch( tolower(str[0]) ) { case 's': case to_char(PC_SOLDIER): return PC_SOLDIER; case 'm': case to_char(PC_MEDIC): return PC_MEDIC; case 'e': case to_char(PC_ENGINEER): return PC_ENGINEER; case 'f': case 'l': //lieutenant // FIXME: remove from missionpack case to_char(PC_FIELDOPS): return PC_FIELDOPS; case 'c': case to_char(PC_COVERTOPS): return PC_COVERTOPS; default: return -1; } } skillType_t BG_ClassSkillForClass( int classnum ) { skillType_t classskill[NUM_PLAYER_CLASSES] = { SK_HEAVY_WEAPONS, SK_FIRST_AID, SK_EXPLOSIVES_AND_CONSTRUCTION, SK_SIGNALS, SK_MILITARY_INTELLIGENCE_AND_SCOPED_WEAPONS }; if( classnum < 0 || classnum >= NUM_PLAYER_CLASSES ) { return SK_BATTLE_SENSE; } return classskill[ classnum ]; } INGame displays, You will spawn as allied fieldops with mp40 <- but you still spawn with thompson
  20. When changing cg_gunz cg_guny g_gunx It says these cvars are cheat protected, it just basicly moves your gun around your camera view - Could be possible to unlock these?
  21. Yeh, its loading my mod due to I changed the serverinfo name from etpub to another name meaning its loading it but not working
  22. A request to for server admins to create there own ranks and achievements - example setup [rank] class = medic xp = 5000 rankname = god medic rankimage = "images/medicgod.tga" sound = "rankup.wav" [achievement] gun = mp40 Kills = 2000 bonusxp = 1000xp rankimage = "images/mp40achievement.tga" sound = "achievement.wav" [headshot] headshots = "1000" rankname = 1000 headshots rankimage = "images/headhunter.tga" sound = "headshot.wav" Kills and headshots could be recorded by clients guid so you can carry achievments over different maps instead of reseting each map
  23. I have followed Pauls compile tutorial on the extra ammo and extra weapons, I current added the weapon to the fieldops class but there is a problem ! The gun is there for selecting inside the limbo menu but when you select it and respawn you don't change from the mp40 to the thompson - So its showing a choice of mp40 or thompson in the limbo menu meaning it must be working but it won't load the gun after respawn and just keeps the same mp40 Also I added the ammo to the table as I changed 30 to 32 yet it will not show 32 bullets ingame, it still shows 30 Compiler worked so don't understand unless I need to change it somewhere else too! WP_MP40 , WP_THOMPSON, }
  24. We want images to display because we are making extra premotions but thanks that you considered text
  25. I would like to know if you guys could add some more lua support? when will your next silent be released! Examples we have thought of (You may know what we mean or not, if not then tell me) Displaying images when triggered et.DrawImage("images/boobs.tga",320,320,255) Displaying text when triggered et.DrawText("kill this player",420,420,255) So as my friend put it: local x = 320 local y = 200 local alpha = 255 local image = et.Image(src,x,y,alpha) -- Create Image object local textobj = et.Text("This is text",x,y,alpha) -- Create text object ( Possibly add font and font size stuff to it? ) et.Draw(image) -- Draw the object et.Remove(image) -- Undraw the object image.x = 200 -- Move x coordinate image.y = 6 -- Move y coordinate
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