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Posts posted by carv

  1. sorry for my bad reading: 120 vs 12o  :unsure: anyway, I'm interesting by the dboptimize behavior - good luck man

    No problem Diabolik i do the same thing all the time. Except I read and type bad :blink: . when setting up the server the first time i too read the letters as numbers.



    It does seem that the level and xp reset issue on map change might be resolved after running the dboptimize. i restarted the server last night and two affected users where able to keep the level and xp after they joined. i still see the duplicate but it seems the last one entered remains and a new one is not generated on map change. ill try to keep evaluating today but am out of the country next week so i may not provide more updates till two weeks form now.


    Thanks for the help!

  2. Just reread your post and my database file permissions are set to radfw(0664) might be worth a look.


    I think that this info might not get saved to the database until the end of the map so if things change halfway through then all info is lost. I sure I read this somewhere. I will see if I can find it.

    Thanks Pete, Originally these were at 644 but thinking it might be a write permission issue i changed it to 777 just before i posted.



    The different database files are expained in the Wiki http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/index.php/Silent_Shrubbot#Shrubbot_Files The files with _v(xx) are results of database conversions. The database used to be from versions used before the 0.5.2 and the conversion saved the old database files with _v03 file endings.


    It seems that there is new record created for the player everytime he connects to the server. Do you have QMM or some Lua script that might interfere with the mod. As you can find the same player multiple times, it is not a question of database corruption, but the old record is not found when it is looked up. This effect was caused by !readadmins command in the older versions.


    You can make an additional check using the log that the affected players have consistently the same full (32 character) GUIDs from map to map.

    Gaoesa, I do not have QMM running and yesterday afternoon i started using a spec.lua script but the problem had been occurring for a week prior to me introducing the script..

    I just checked the logs and i do see the same players joining each map with the same (full length) silent uid and pbguid


    12130:16 Userinfo: \cg_ident\0000000018D13D022243\cg_etver\4\cg_cmodbuild\win-x86 Jan 13 2013\cg_uinfo\13 0 100\sil_guid\587A2FD3524E61B4AD64820ED6C243C2:2\g_password\none\cl_guid\7355FD7B76ADC5B51309CAF123745B19\name\^1-SG-^7Ali^4cia\cl_punkbuster\1\cl_anonymous\0\snaps\20\rate\25000\cl_wwwDownload\1\ip\

    12130:16 ClientBegin: 0



    I just ran the dboptimize command but now i need to restart the server to see see if it made any changes.



    Thanks all for your input. Ill keep trying to see what it could be. If I figure it out ill post back. If anyone has any other ideas please let me know.

  3. Also i just noticed in my silent/Database folder i have two userxpdb and two userdb. I did not create nor copy the second ones there so am not sure why this has occurred. but this does some to point to a db issue, no?



  4. HI,

    I am having a weird issue that started a few weeks ago. Some of our players will lose XP and level on a map change or reconnect while other players do not. it seems to affect some of the new players joining (new to our server but not new to ET as I have known them for years)

    The server was started in march and at first things seemed fine but now some new players are suffering this issue while other new players are ok.

    Also, i have checked with the installation of some of the players and they are fine on other silent server (which tell me their game folders and permissions (admin right, compatibility mode) to folders and installation are fine) so it seems to point to an issue in my database or configuration. since it only affects some players i tend to think it is more a db issue so i stated doing !usersearch command to see if i can find any anomalies and i see that the players losing level have multiple userdb entries. could this be the problem?? i compared this to the users that do not have any issues and they appear only once while the affected users appear many times.


    affected user (losing xp and level every map change)

    10:05:37 AM:> !usersearch name alicia
    USERSEARCH - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Page 1/(1)
     Searching from names for: alicia
     Searching from levels for: levels not included
     Searching from IPs for starting: IPs not included
    __#____|_silEnT ID_|__PBGUID__|___Last Seen___|________IP________|_Level_|_Ban_|___Name__
         1 |  D6C243C2 | 23745B19 |        3 days | |     2 |     | -SG-Alicia
         4 |  D6C243C2 | 23745B19 |        3 days | |     0 |     | -SG-Alicia
         5 |  D6C243C2 | 23745B19 |        3 days | |     0 |     | -SG-Alicia
         2 |  D6C243C2 | 23745B19 |        4 days | |     0 |     | -SG-Alicia
         3 |  D6C243C2 | 23745B19 |        4 days | |     0 |     | -SG-Alicia
         6 |  D6C243C2 | 23745B19 |        3 days | |     0 |     | -SG-Alicia
         7 |  D6C243C2 | 23745B19 |        3 days | |     2 |     | -SG-Alicia
         8 |  D6C243C2 | 23745B19 |        3 days | |     0 |     | -SG-Alicia
         9 |  D6C243C2 | 23745B19 |        3 days | |     2 |     | -SG-Alicia
        10 |  D6C243C2 | 23745B19 |        3 days | |     0 |     | -SG-Alicia
        11 |  D6C243C2 | 23745B19 |        3 days | |     2 |     | -SG-Alicia
    USERSEARCH - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    unaffected user:

     Searching from names for: tom
     Searching from levels for: levels not included
     Searching from IPs for starting: IPs not included
    __#____|_silEnT ID_|__PBGUID__|___Last Seen___|________IP________|_Level_|_Ban_|___Name__
         1 |  1F4C8B6E | BE84CF9B |       11 mins | |    30 |     | Cy4|TomaHawk



    so first question: does it sound like my user db is corrupt?

    if so should i manually delete the users or is there a way to save or export the db and then remove the duplicates?


    Or am i totally off in my thinking it is a db issue? if so what other possibilities could it be?


    btw i am on  silent 6.3 and this is a newer server that has only had that version on it.


    also here is the xp portion of  my cfg file

    // XP Save configuration
    set g_XPSave 21
    set g_XPSaveMaxAge_xp "12o"
    set g_XPSaveMaxAge "12o"
    set g_XPSaveMinXP "-1"
    set g_damageXP "0"
    set g_damageXPLevel "50"
    set g_maxXP "-1"
    set g_xpdecay "0"
    set g_xpdecayrate "0"
    set g_xpdecayfloor "0.0"






  5. Hi,

    It would be good to have a way to define  an objective (like the big gun on railgun, or north and south gun on oasis, fuel dump) and then make it so  the offensive team cannot plant dyno there or get there until a certain time has passed.

    Enhmod does something like this but i think they either fling the player or remove their pliers when they come in proximity of obj.

    I think having some sort of anti-rush capability would be good in silent mod especially considering most servers want to limit rushing in some form or another and you may not always have admins present on the game server so this would be a way to automate this.

  6. There is a file size limit. Limited is the size of the voice chat script. I once hit it too, don't remember the size now but I will check it and post it here soon.




    voice chat file limit: 32768 Bytes (32KB)

    you can't have more than 272 voice chat definitions inside the file. This is the 2nd restriction.



    All of the sounds defined after that size won't work.

    Thank you so much!!

  7. Hi all,

    This may not be a question specific to silent mod but I hope someone here might know this answer.

    Is there a limit to how many sounds you can put in a custom sound pack? Whether it is in file size, number of sounds, or a menu limit?

    I have a soundpakabout 20 mbytes and I use the v8 and v9 of rthem but I get all the way to v999 and v09 sounds. These last two menus will not work but all the pervious v9 menu sounds work without issue.

    I can call up the sounds with a play sound cmd so I know the format of the wav is ok. Also I have tried seem e of the sounds in a lower menu portion like v97 and it works so I do believe the issue might be a game limit but just want to see if some one could verify this for me or not.


    I know it's a lot of sounds but hey,I like my sounds, but it is driving me crazy just not knowing.



  8. You should have everything you need by default in siLenT mod. but you have to set g_spreeOptions to at least a 5 for what you are looking for to enable killing sprees.and mulitkills.

    g_spreeOptions copied from the 6.3 wiki


    Options to control the display of killingsprees.

    Type: bitmask


    1 Enable killingsprees

    2 Enable killingspree ends

    4 Enable multikills

    8 When set, a top 3 current killing sprees message will be printed every minute, similar to binoc masters, and a map's longest killing spree will be printed every two minutes

    16 At the beginning of the intermission the highest spree and the 3 highest sprees which are still active will be shown

    32 /kill will end a spree

    64 Teamswitching will end a spree

    128 Multikill messages will be delayed g_multikillTime milliseconds, to prevent the doublekill -> multikill -> megakill -> etc. flooding

    256 Killing bots doesn't count for multikills or killingsprees (Note: they DO count for ending kill/deathsprees)

    512 Display the map and overall spree record when entering intmission

    1024 Summary: don't enable this flag if you don't have enabled g_spreeOptions flag 512 OR g_XPSave flag 16 or Shrubbot flag t

    Spree records are automatically saved into XPSave file when a map ends. By enabling this flag, you also store the spreerecord at the points where g_XPSave flag 16 would store XP. When you don't have set XPSave flag 16 and g_spreeOptions flag 512 and not allow users to use !spreerecord you should NOT set this flag as it takes some extra resources. When XPSave flag 16 is set this doesn't matter (it actually takes much less resources then). When only g_spreeOptions flag 512 or shrubbot flag t is set it won't do much harm anyway (your server won't explode)

    2048 Enable revivesprees ( [revive] blocks )

    Default: 0


    If you want to customize your sounds you can look here for that

  9. Also, you might want to to check if your server host rebooted the server. They have done that to me me twice before while we were on game and at first I thought the server crashed but it was the host rebooting hardware. Another time they replaced hardware adn moved us to a new machine with the same IP


    Did you have to restart the server?

  10. I have not nesesarily seen this, McBeth. I have seen if you send a pm to a group and if your part of that group you will see it twice. First time as a send and the second time as a receive. But this is normal operation.
  11. I too like the idea of the b_stickycharge cvar like BECK and gaoesa mentioned. I think it could solve the issue and it was probably for that same reason they included it in ETPub. I think it would be a great addition to Silent mod

    With regard to increasing the engineer chargebar (or FLD OP or Medic) this would mean they are always charging up quick but that does not really fix the issue but rather tries to recover from it faster but it speeds up the charge bar all the time and not just after a spawn.

  12. So does this mean it cannot be set? I tried checking g_chargeType but it did not give me a result so I can only guess that silent mod does not support it?

    I think it wold be a good feature to have so we can set it so if soemone /kills then they will spawn with their old charge levels but if they get killed they spawn fully charged up (as they do come in as reinforcements). I have died many time as engy only to get back to the obj and still cant build it cause i run out of the littel chagre i had.

  13. The problem with molotovs is the fact that they can be abused too easily, mainly because they are too easy (too fast) to use for example they don't have to be fired prior to throw. I suppose that when we added molotovs that would have to be fired prior to throw they wouldn't be so popular anymore.

    yes they can be abused but that could be an admin decision to include allow them or not. if they are not in the mod then there is no decision for the admn to make.


    I like the idea of adding an extra animation of lighting the molotov to add an extra second or two. but again I think the key is to make the mod appeal to most players. some servers might actually like the molotvs as a fun type mode. Like blackops server had the mode where a pistol would make you blow up. i had fun on that map. it is not something i would always want to do but there is a time and a place for it.

  14. on the sample shrubbot.cfg files included on the mod there are two flags:C (captial C) and h (lowercase) that i do not find in the documentation. are these being used? and if so what are they?



    level = 0

    name = Prole

    flags = CiBhaPzI

    greeting =

    greeting_sound =



    level = 1

    name = Level 1

    flags = CiBhaPzIW1

    greeting = Level 1 [n] ^7just connected

    greeting_sound =



    level = 2

    name = Level2

    flags = CiBhaPzIW1mx

    greeting = Level 2 [n] ^7just connected

    greeting_sound =



    level = 3

    name = Level 3

    flags = CiBhaPzIW1mxpZSAURKrwlLdX259

    greeting = Level 3 [n] ^7just connected

    greeting_sound =



    level = 4

    name = Level 4

    flags = CiBhaPzIW1mxpZSAURKrwlLdX259kbcVNn34678

    greeting = Level 4 [n] ^7just connected

    greeting_sound =

  15. I looked in the documentation but I could not find if there is a way to make the server.log file auto- clean up or purge itself every so often. I am not sure if this is a cvar setting but i did find that g_logs is not included in the documentation nor on the wiki. unless i am blind which is entirely possible.


    My server.log file is at 29MBytes and am just curious if i have to purge it manually or if there is a mechanism in place to take care of it.


    For that fact i did not see anything similar to that for admin.log nor cheat.log but these two are so much smaller than server.log.


    I see where i can use g_logOption to define paramaters to include or exclude but that is it.

  16. I have custom commands working although there is still the issue of not all commands can be displayed when you do a !help but that is supposed to be fixed on the next release. although they are not displayed they do work. I think i have like 6 custom commands and 4 of them show up on a !help.


    but if you do a !help command_name you will see the help info for the command.

  17. I like the Molotovs. Yes, they can be abused but the admin of the server can choose not to use it and dissabling it. I would love to have molotovs in silent mod.

    unfortunatley, I am not a programer and cannot do any of this on my own, nor do I know how dificult this might be. it is your choice to determine what goes into the mod but I would be a happy person if this where included.

  18. sorry didn't mean to double post but i cant edit the last post. :(



    Here is a pk3 with those sounds if someone need s to copy it. just rename it to whatever you need zzz_yourclanname-spree.pk3



    Directory of zzz_CY4spree-addon.pk3















    thats it nothing else.

  19. The problem liesin the cvarg_doubleJumpHeight, defaults to a value1.4,when we try to limit below that value, so that the second jump is not so high, it produces this effect.


    In NQ g_doubleJumpHeight have limited the cvar to 1 and not have this effect.


    You can see the effect on your server:


    set g_misc33

    setg_doubleJumpHeight 1 / /always less than 1.4


    Hola Cinco,

    question: why are you setting g_misc to 33? i believe 32 is not used as stated in the manual. would g_misc 1 be the desired setting? i am just curious..



    1 Enable double jump

    2 Enable binoc master competition. Requires g_weapons 64 to be set.

    4 When a player is killed he can see the HP the killer has left

    8 Disable self damage

    16 Players can not jump if stamina is too low

    32 Value is not in use

    64 Disable Falling Damage

    128 Announce revives



    Also, it seems that when double jump is enabled you have to do the second jump sooner than i have been used to. i used to wait until the top of the arc of the first jump but now it must be done almost immediately. can this be adjusted?




    g_misc 32 does smooth out the double jump to jump they way i was used to in jaymod but the documentations does not show what this setting is. so cinco's g-misc 33 setting is right. can the doc be updated to show what the 32 bitflag does?

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