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clan DIABOLIK last won the day on July 7 2015

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  1. Hello 1/ In the log, we don't see the pk3 containing your custom-menus ? Is it : /home/dookie/etmain/l.pk3 (8 files) ??? 2/ Try without pak1.pk3 pak2.pk3 mp_bin.pk3 Just keep: pak0.pk3 Good luck xD
  2. Hello phantasm Concerning the Paul binary, be sure to run the 0.7.4 version for security. V55
  3. I've tried to connect to this server : POLSKI ETMONSTER XPS @ Zabijaka.pl (It runs the 0.9.0 you are testing.) All was OK, BUT when I stop and relaunch my ET, the main screen is modified, and when I open console, the console is square yellow and square black ... (like when textures are missing) The good new is I can go back on 0.8.2 without error message (except I need to go to CONTROLS to re-assigne MOUSE1 for ATTACK, strange...)
  4. This story is very complex. I just use ONE button above PLAY ONLYNE, who directly connect to my server, added by a ~~~~~pk3 file. What does-it mean ? I have to suppress it in order to install 0.9.0 and so loose many regulars ? And if ever I prefer to keep this button and stay in 0.8.2, I may loose the players who have visited 0.9.0 before ? So in the 2 cases, I will loose players ? Is-it a way to kill little servers ? Google translation makes me mad to understand this thread-forum, possible to have a french explanation ?
  5. Hello, I can not see in 0.9.0 changelog any information about this "little maps" problem ?
  6. Thanks for info ! I think it's normal: minimizor-32bits can not see win10 desktop because it runs in another memory-context xD Sure I'll migrate after buying a SSHD disk (hybrid SSD)
  7. If we want ET to live for ever, we must have an easy software, running on a Windows OS at 95%. @Dragonj you are right, even jut for minimizing feature, ET:Legacy is the only solution, can not find other way. @Rel!c please confirm the ALT-TAB fails on Win10?
  8. Thanks, but ALT-TAB doesn't work (for me only ?) it shows me other programs but keep remaining on ET full-screened ... Rel!c, does-it work (for you) when ET is in full-screen (ie not windowed) ?
  9. Thanks Krauersaut I've just tried your etmin.exe but doesn't work ( in fact, same software as ET-Minimizer ) Thanks Dragonji but Legacy and french keyboards (AZERTY) oblige to change settings every time you change server, and Textures of players seem to be modified, maybe I will test more in-depth when 2.73 will be soon out xD Concerning my beloved Minimizor, I've let a message at Support of http://idcation.com, but no response for the moment​. EDIT: ​I can't edit my previous post : right address is idcation.com not idaction.com
  10. Hello guys, With Windows 10, I think it is now time to have a built-in minimizer in silEnT mod. When on XP or Seven, I used Minimizor (from http://idcation.com) with success on 99% games (not only Quake3 ^^). But now, this software thinks that Win10 desktop is ... a game and fails. And more than that, it is more efficient to have it built-in in the game than in another software that only 'experienced' players know. V55 PS: I've just tried the ET-Minimizer (from http://etconfig.net) but KO.
  11. Hello Your file is too complicated ... To have special settings depending on different map, you need to use folder silent/mapconfigs and put there, example, a file sw_oasis_b3.cfg and inside it put your set spawntime etc ... If your file is too complex, yes it can work, but you can easily forget a ';' or can not see a typo witch be an evidence on a more simple file.
  12. I know BestAnswer is done, but I am concerned as roissgil and all server admins by these fundamental questions So, when you use et.splatterladder.com to watch your server, you're on 'Server Status' page. Now click on 'Mappool' page: all the maps played in last 7 days with various statistics columns. And you know what ? I've asked longtime ago to SL to make columns-headers clikable to sort ascending/descending ... and they did it xD So, you can browse all your maps, and sort them by : Map nameAverage Time of a gameProportional Time (in %)Games numberLast Seen in hours (disappear after 7 days without played) In database-modeling, these are called 'fine grained' informations I hope it'll be useful V55 [DIABOLIK]$mart
  13. Hello, I just want to know if there is any date planned for future versions please ? Just, for knowing, no hurry V55
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