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Everything posted by purplelebaus

  1. "silent/qagame.mp.x86_64.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" Says what the error is missing this file.
  2. Here are the files you need to delete. http://i.imgur.com/Cfu0ySu.png http://i.imgur.com/js3sLPG.png then in your main directory make a run.sh file and edit this to your settings this is a rough example. "./etlded +set net_port 27960 +set net_port_extra 27961 +set net_ip IPADDRESS +set dedicated 2 +set fs_game silent +set sv_punkbuster 0 +exec server.cfg"
  3. You seem to be having a bit of a mixup. Silent mod is a server sided mod. ETLegacy is a server sided mod, a ET client, and a dedicated server. It seems you're trying to mix and match mods. For me to give a proper answer to your question, I would need to know what you're trying to accomplish. Are you trying to use the ETL Dedicated file?? or just the mod, or are you trying to use silent mod with ETL dedicated file.
  4. just upload it to any file host mega.co.nz/mediafire.com etc and send me the link in pm.
  5. upload me a copy of it and ill take a look.
  6. in silent mod the wm_quickmessageAlt.menu is renamed to wm_quickmessageAlt_silEnT.menu you'll need to adjust your vsays to match.
  7. been having bans on my server as well with members and regulars.. They play fine 1 map and on nextmap load they get banned. I've had quite a few people come and request unbans and i've had to redirect them here including getserved just for the sole fact its AC ban and its been happening more and more. Already discovered 1 problem with mac users, so i'm sure there is more.
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