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    palota got a reaction from vargatom in ENTFLAG.CARRYINGGOAL   
    The chosen botToKill is never an engineer because botToKill has goal FLAG, but engineer has goal PLANT.
  2. Like
    palota got a reaction from vargatom in ENTFLAG.CARRYINGGOAL   
    foreach(g in Util.GoalTable("FLAGRETURN.*")) { Util.MapDebugPrint("Position " + g.GetPosition()); }  
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    palota got a reaction from vargatom in ENTFLAG.CARRYINGGOAL   
    It does not count dead players because dead players cannot carry anything. But you can get distance to a dropped object from a FLAGRETURN goal.
    foreach(g in Util.GoalTable("FLAGRETURN.*")) { d = DistanceBetween(g, Vec3(-1824, 2115, 4)); Util.MapDebugPrint("Distance " + d); }  
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    palota got a reaction from vargatom in ENTFLAG.CARRYINGGOAL   
    for ( i = 0; i < 64; i += 1 ) { if ( EntityIsValid(i) && GetEntFlags(i, ENTFLAG.CARRYINGGOAL) ){ d = DistanceBetween(i, Vector3(-1824, 2115, 4)); Util.MapDebugPrint("Distance " + d); } }  
  5. Thanks
    palota got a reaction from Mateos in Path through switch - Delay between map trigger and OB script trigger   
    Here's my solution:  voilegarde_b3.gm
  6. Like
    palota got a reaction from Mateos in RTCW Waypointing/Goals menu   
    I uploaded new omnibot mod binaries for Windows 32bit to my Google drive.
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    palota got a reaction from Mateos in RTCW Waypointing/Goals menu   
    I will increase MAX_MENUS from 64 to 128 in the next Omnibot mod version.
  8. Thanks
    palota got a reaction from MickyP in RTCW Waypointing/Goals menu   
    I uploaded new omnibot mod binaries for Windows 32bit to my Google drive.
  9. Thanks
    palota got a reaction from MickyP in RTCW Waypointing/Goals menu   
    I will increase MAX_MENUS from 64 to 128 in the next Omnibot mod version.
  10. Like
    palota got a reaction from PuNkReAS in RTCW Waypointing/Goals menu   
    I have just moved commands stuckstart, stucknext, saveplayerpos, saveusepoint, warpanybot, warptogoaloffset, cleargoalflags  from et to global_scripts so that they can be used both in ET and RTCW.
  11. Thanks
    palota got a reaction from Mateos in mlb_daybreak   
    It's a bug in the legacy mod since version 2.76. It happens on all maps with multiple MG42s. The same problem is on goldrush map. I created an issue on  Github.
  12. Thanks
    palota got a reaction from Mateos in RTCW Waypointing/Goals menu   
    Those commands were not coded into RTCW mod. I added them to GitHub now. They will be included in the next Omni-bot version.
    Will you make any waypoints for RTCW ?
  13. Thanks
    palota got a reaction from Mateos in RTCW Waypointing/Goals menu   
    I have just moved commands stuckstart, stucknext, saveplayerpos, saveusepoint, warpanybot, warptogoaloffset, cleargoalflags  from et to global_scripts so that they can be used both in ET and RTCW.
  14. Thanks
    palota got a reaction from hellreturn in mlb_daybreak   
    It's a bug in the legacy mod since version 2.76. It happens on all maps with multiple MG42s. The same problem is on goldrush map. I created an issue on  Github.
  15. Thanks
    palota got a reaction from MickyP in RTCW Waypointing/Goals menu   
    I have just moved commands stuckstart, stucknext, saveplayerpos, saveusepoint, warpanybot, warptogoaloffset, cleargoalflags  from et to global_scripts so that they can be used both in ET and RTCW.
  16. Thanks
    palota got a reaction from Mateos in Temporarily disable a specific bot shooting   
    If you need to suspend mortar shooting for a specific goal, you can try to change Map.DontShootMortar to this.MapGoal.DontShootMortar.
  17. Thanks
    palota got a reaction from Mateos in Temporarily disable a specific bot shooting   
    I committed modified goal_mobilemortar.gm to SVN, so it's available to all.
  18. Thanks
    palota got a reaction from Mateos in Temporarily disable a specific bot shooting   
    The command dontshoot is used to disable attacking enemies. It does not work for scripted goals (mortar, grenade, airstrike).
    You can modify line 72 in file goal_mobilemortar.gm:
    if (!Map.DontShootMortar) { this.Bot.FireWeapon(); } Then set Map.DontShootMortar in planted/defused/destroyed triggers.
  19. Like
    palota got a reaction from PuNkReAS in RtCW -The bots are not used with MG42 guns   
    Hello Beer, thank you for giving me access to your Github project. I fixed the mg42 so that bots can use them and repair them.
  20. Thanks
    palota got a reaction from Beer in RtCW -The bots are not used with MG42 guns   
    Hello Beer, thank you for giving me access to your Github project. I fixed the mg42 so that bots can use them and repair them.
  21. Thanks
    palota got a reaction from PuNkReAS in RtCW -The bots are not used with MG42 guns   
    Only Beer knows why this is happening. He is the only one who can fix it. I can't do anything because I don't have Pub mod or cU engine. He refused to give them to me. I don't understand why he wants to keep his mods private.
    s4ndmod is free and open source. Everybody can download it. It works with Omni-bot 0.90, if you update the version number and recompile it from source code.
  22. Thanks
    palota reacted to MickyP in Questions   
    I'll start with the bots not getting the flag
    Without goals the bots will just wander around the map, the issue here is that the CHECKPOINT goal (the flag) is not been detected, this is why the bots were not going for the flag.

    To see what the bots goals are type
    /bot sag into the console, on this map there are only EXPLODE & PLANT goals, this showed that there was not a goal for either flag.
    I'm not that familiar with RTCW so I'm not sure if this a omnibot or a map issue & manually creating it does not work. I've done a work around by creating 2 ATTACK goals at the flags.
    At this stage the bots just run around to the 2 flags.
    (I've PM'ed you the new code)
    The dynamite problem
    The main issue I see is that you have only put BLOCKWALL onto 2 waypoints but you have many more connections that go through the gate(s), the bots are trying to plant but can't get past the gate, every waypoint that has a connection going through a gate or a blowable wall must have the BLOCKWALL flag. Start with that & see how it goes.

  23. Thanks
    palota got a reaction from Mateos in Legacy mod new weapons support   
    I added MP34.
    Other weapons don't need to be handled in et_weapontables.gm because they have the same ID as original weapons.
  24. Thanks
    palota got a reaction from Mateos in Question about GameId number   
    We can't use ent->s.number because Omni-bot runs it its own DLL and does not have access to internal data structures of the game.
    You can use TraceLine function to get entity ID.
  25. Thanks
    palota got a reaction from Mateos in V1 Rocket (Beta 2) - SWITCH entity triggered if bot in-game at map start in silEnT mod only...   
    If there is at least one bot, then OnMapLoad is called immediately before OnBotJoin. If there are no bots, then OnMapLoad is called from BotUpdate. It depends on mod when it sends GAME_CLIENTCONNECTED event and when it calls BotUpdate function. Your gm map script should not depend on specific time when OnMapLoad is called. It can be one time frame earlier in silEnT.
    The door lever is always moved at the beginning of the game. Your trigger function will be called only if it is registered by OnTrigger. The trigger is missed if OnTrigger is called after the lever has moved.
    You can fix it by moving line OnTrigger( "rocdoor_lever1_Moving", Map.rocdoor_Moving ) to the end of OnMapLoad and insert sleep(1) before it.
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