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jaie got a reaction from hellreturn in Team-Killing Stats
A command that shows an ordered list of team killing related stats, so that I can see the worst >> best players on a friendly fire enabled server.
jaie got a reaction from hellreturn in Timestamp on !finger
The !finger command currently doesn't have a timestamp.
This is important if a player connects at 2 different times with 2 different infos
jaie reacted to gaoesa in How to protect admins from GUID spoofing
I'm writing this post to bring attention since the documentation is not well written around the subject.
Since GUIDs are not trustable at all. Not PB GUIDs or silEnT GUIDs. We included admin level protection system into the 0.5.0 version of the mod. This system effectively limits all benefits from GUID spoofing into gaining XP of the spoofed players. Even private messages are not possible without proper authentication with the server.
The system uses 2 cvars:
g_adminProtection : bitmask
1 Log succesfull authentications to the cheat log
2 Log admin spoofing attempts to the cheat log
4 Report admins waiting for confirmation on their level to the admin chat
g_protectMinLevel : integer
The minimum level of the protected admins.
To use the system, set the g_adminProtection to 7. This will enable all logging so you can see who authenticates to what level and if the authentication is succesfull or not. Set the g_protectMinLevel to the lowest level you want to protect. Don't set this to too low because it causes little overhead and also the credentials need to be given using online commands on the server.
When the silEnT notices there is an admin connecting to the server who has protected admin level but no credentials, it will report this admin to the admin chat. When this happens, the admin needs to be confirmed with !confirm command by someone who is able to identify the player identity. This only needs to done once for each admin. In the following connections, the silEnT is able to handle the authentications silently itself.
From now on, if someone spoofs the GUID of an admin, he will face the authentication procedure. The silEnT will inform into the admin chat that the player has lost his authentication and !setlevel is required. Do not do the !setlevel unless you know this one is genuinly the correct admin. Also, the !confirm command cannot be used anymore for the reason that the !confirm command can be given to less high admins without risks. If the player spoofing the GUID attempts to spoof the credentials, again the admin chat and cheat log is reported with the spoof attempt.
Important thing to know is that the !confirm command and !setlevel commands do not give credentials during the warmup period. Also, authentication does not operate during warmup but player needs to wait until the end of warmup before he gains access to his admin level. If you do !confrim or !setlevel during the warmup and the player is later on reported to not have yet been confirmed, just do the !confirm again.
I hope this information helps and brings some light to the subject. Feel free to ask questions in this thread and I we will answer those.
jaie got a reaction from Snake in Private messages disable/enabled for different levels
A way to allow only certain levels to private message.
My idea is to have the default level at say 2, and then put people who abuse private chat to level 1 or 0, and have private messages disabled for those levels so that they will have to say everything in the open - without having the other levels stripped from private messages
jaie got a reaction from hellreturn in Private messages disable/enabled for different levels
A way to allow only certain levels to private message.
My idea is to have the default level at say 2, and then put people who abuse private chat to level 1 or 0, and have private messages disabled for those levels so that they will have to say everything in the open - without having the other levels stripped from private messages
jaie got a reaction from hellreturn in Minimum map time limit
When I played nitmod for the first time, I initially thought it was a bug because the map wasn't ending lol, but eventually I realised that it was a team death match. Which is where I got the idea to have the map continuing after the objective is destroyed/completed, cause I don't really like the idea of stopping people do the map goals because it often ends up with them being able to do it at an earlier point of the match, but the defending team winning because of the limit.
But I'm not sure if its possible to combine these ideas, because I think they just changed the map goals to team deaths. (I know very little about modding.)
To avoid the confusing of it being a bug, if a count down timer in red was placed next to the map objective timer. So that the countdown timer could make it more obvious when the map would finish and would look less like a bug.
Also would it be possible to 'limit the limit' to 15 minutes, so that any value above 15 minutes would mean that the map would finish normally.
I could see someone miss typing it and end up with 150 minutes lol.
jaie got a reaction from gaoesa in Minimum map time limit
When I played nitmod for the first time, I initially thought it was a bug because the map wasn't ending lol, but eventually I realised that it was a team death match. Which is where I got the idea to have the map continuing after the objective is destroyed/completed, cause I don't really like the idea of stopping people do the map goals because it often ends up with them being able to do it at an earlier point of the match, but the defending team winning because of the limit.
But I'm not sure if its possible to combine these ideas, because I think they just changed the map goals to team deaths. (I know very little about modding.)
To avoid the confusing of it being a bug, if a count down timer in red was placed next to the map objective timer. So that the countdown timer could make it more obvious when the map would finish and would look less like a bug.
Also would it be possible to 'limit the limit' to 15 minutes, so that any value above 15 minutes would mean that the map would finish normally.
I could see someone miss typing it and end up with 150 minutes lol.
jaie got a reaction from hellreturn in Minimum map time limit
I'm not sure if this is already a feature, but the option to have a cvar which forces the map to continue for a specific amount of time.
So if it was set to 10 minutes, and we are playing siwa oasis and both guns are destroyed in 3 minutes, the map would continue for 7 minutes and then end with the allies winning.
If both guns were destroyed in 13 minutes, the map would end immediately like a normal match.