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Scott Ward

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Scott Ward last won the day on March 31 2024

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  1. It has been a while... good to chat with you again my friend across the pond! Yeah, feel like I am mostly starting over though liking what I am seeing from ET Legacy.
  2. Perfect, thanks for the update. May just add a check on the GetGoal portion for null and ignore it then. Looks like the PR for that issue has been merged in so should be included in the next release.
  3. I started looking at this map because the bots in OB mod work fine; however, when running on an ETL dedicated server in Ubuntu, am seeing getdot and setdot errors. These are not consistent so trying to understand why one works and the other fails, bypassing the rest of the function. Line 1318 in the mlb_daybreak.gm returns getdot failed: if(GetEntFlags(GetGoal("MOUNTMG42_t382_2").GetEntity(), ENTFLAG.DEAD)) I see this same check on line 1410 though it does not return an error. They are in two different triggers. There is a similar error only setdot on line 1881 that does not happen in OB mod; only in ETL. GetGoal("MOUNTMG42_t382_4").AimVectors = { Vec3(-0.075, 0.997, -0.011) }; Is there a check that needs to execute for the ETL mod and handle this differently? Getting back up-to-speed here so also learning all the new "things!" Thanks!
  4. Some "may" know / remember me as BubbaG1 - would have used that as my display name but assumed I would add that later. Silly me! I was with the **DRC** (Das Rebellion Clan) for Enemy Territory and helped with waypointing / scripting for a hot minute. A few of us are playing ETL so figured I would help again, where I can. Will have to get back up-to-speed on what is possible. Great to see this crew is still around and enjoying the games. I am an old phart that primarily does web development / IT now for a company based in Stuttgart, Germany though I am located in Central USA.
  5. Welcome to MyGamingTalk. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

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