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    vargatom reacted to palota in Navigation rnadehall   
    This is not a goal. It's a paththrough navigation. It is executed when a bot goes through that waypoint. Bots visit that location because there is DEFEND goal. If you want to change priority or make it class specific, you can set it on the DEFEND goal.
  2. Like
    vargatom reacted to palota in omnibot not starting   
    Why don't you use the PrintScreen key or Snipping tool to make screenshots ?
    There must not be "=" in server.cfg. You have to delete = after set omnibot_path.
  3. Like
    vargatom reacted to palota in EntityIsValid   
    Where can we download pk3 file of this map ?
    You should never use entity numbers because they depend on mods. You should use GetEntityByName instead of GetGameEntityFromId. If the entity does not have any name, then you can use TraceLine.
    Functions GetEntityByName and GetGameEntityFromId return null if the entity is invalid. Correct condition is:
    if(ent1) { print("Entity is valid"); }  
    You must not use GetEntTeam in OnExit because it returns null if a player disconnected. Players can also change team when they are inside the region. See wiki how to count players in a region.
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    vargatom reacted to palota in Stop Bot   
    You cannot query the current stamina.
  5. Like
    vargatom reacted to palota in Stop Bot   
    This is not related to bots. The same problem happens if you watch human players. There are a lot of bugs in the omnibot mod because it is based on the original game from year 2001. The spectator stamina is displayed correctly in newer mods (legacy, nitmod, noquarter, silent). It does not work in jaymod and etpub.
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    vargatom reacted to palota in Stop Bot   
    gm scripts are case-sensitive. There must be Goto, not GoTo.
    Why didn't you copy the function from this page and paste it into your script (Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V) ?
  7. Like
    vargatom reacted to palota in Stop Bot   
    The end of EvalFunc }, should be on line 79 after return, not on line 86.
  8. Like
    vargatom reacted to palota in Stop Bot   
    Navigation = { stop = { EvalFunc = function() { return !this.StopTime || GetTime()-this.StopTime > 2; }, navigate = function() { this.Goto(this.Bot.GetPosition()); sleep(3); this.StopTime = GetTime(); }, }, },  
  9. Like
    vargatom reacted to palota in Stop Bot   
    Use Paththrough Navigation
    Navigation = { stop = { navigate = function() { this.Goto(this.Bot.GetPosition()); sleep(3); }, }, },  
    /bot waypoint_setproperty paththrough Navigation_PT:stop
  10. Like
    vargatom reacted to palota in wp_check   
    After the wp_check command you can use commands /bot wt DUPE1; /bot wt DUPE2 etc.
  11. Like
    vargatom reacted to palota in Infinite energy for engineers or ...   
    You can set g_engineerChargeTime
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    vargatom reacted to Sol in Small LUA Server API   
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    vargatom reacted to palota in ENTFLAG.CARRYINGGOAL   
    The chosen botToKill is never an engineer because botToKill has goal FLAG, but engineer has goal PLANT.
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    vargatom reacted to palota in ENTFLAG.CARRYINGGOAL   
    foreach(g in Util.GoalTable("FLAGRETURN.*")) { Util.MapDebugPrint("Position " + g.GetPosition()); }  
  15. Like
    vargatom reacted to palota in ENTFLAG.CARRYINGGOAL   
    It does not count dead players because dead players cannot carry anything. But you can get distance to a dropped object from a FLAGRETURN goal.
    foreach(g in Util.GoalTable("FLAGRETURN.*")) { d = DistanceBetween(g, Vec3(-1824, 2115, 4)); Util.MapDebugPrint("Distance " + d); }  
  16. Like
    vargatom reacted to palota in ENTFLAG.CARRYINGGOAL   
    for ( i = 0; i < 64; i += 1 ) { if ( EntityIsValid(i) && GetEntFlags(i, ENTFLAG.CARRYINGGOAL) ){ d = DistanceBetween(i, Vector3(-1824, 2115, 4)); Util.MapDebugPrint("Distance " + d); } }  
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