Make sure you have this files etmain: server.cfg or silent.cfg and make sure you exec a maprotation file like objectivecycle.cfg in the server or silent.cfg, also make sure the objectivecycle.cfg (or whatevernameucallit) is in etmain.
silent: the silent client pk3, the (Linux) or the (Windows)
in the root of your et you should have a startscript here is mine its for Linux
opts="+exec whatever.cfg +set net_port 27960 +set net_port_extra 27970 +set fs_homepath /opt/games/et3.0 +set fs_game silent +set g_dbMaxAliases 6 +sets gamestartup \"`date +"%D %T"`\""
while [ 1 ]; do
./etded $opts
finally make sure that the maps your calling for in your map.cfg (objectivecycle.cfg) also is placed into your etmain