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Everything posted by Aniky
Thanks for the reply, yeh i realized a bit later about the silent commands, as well as the database structure as to which level it is added.
Hello to everyone, been a while since i was around here, tho i do have two questions as it seems i cannot find it over at search bar so please if the topic already exist, can someone simply point it out for me. My question is, are the admin commands at silent mod able to be set as a shortcut like at jaymod for example. Basically instead of writing !listplayers or !help, u could just do a partial admin command and that system would recognize it already, such as !list or !he and so on. My second question is are the admin commands able to be done via Fireteam or team chat for example again, like at jaymod, u are able to execute the commands via Fireteam and not writing it at main chat only. Would give some kind of discery to admins when maybe speccing someone, taking out the infos of that player without everyone on the server knowing. I find at jaymod very useful that the admin commands can be used in Fireteam chat, which enables me to execute certain commands without anyone else knowing, as well as using the "silent" command such as /![command] which completely does everything in privacy. Again, if this topic already exist, can someone be so kind and point it out to it, otherwise, i hope to get some good feedback on it. Cheers, Aniky
Did u try g_weapons 15323 ?
But does it work then, as it not in the main Wiki? If the cmd actually works then he only need to add the last value to my end number, meaning: g_weapons 15323 If my calculations re correct and if the cmd actually works this should be then the number for the end cvar at ur settings.
Where did u find this cvar, its not even at the bitmask list, the max is 4096 for extra ammo, "+8192" does not exist, if u would re-read my first post, u would see already that the values re calculated by using "+" function, so i don't what exactly are u doing. To save everyone's time, i would gladly ask u to just post the cvars u want to enable from the list and i will give u end cvar, which u can add to the list and make ur server working properly. EDIT: Going thro ur values i set u the end cvar that u posted from binaries. Please use this value and let me know if it works like u want: g_weapons 7131 Regards
Would u mind to tell us which values are u using at g_weapons as the 14071 value would not be possible if u put all cvars together, so i assume the mistake lies at the end number of ur cvar. U need to do it as described "bitmask" meaning u calculate all the values u want using "+". I.E: If u want to use value 16 for strike and adding anything with it, u need to go 16+ any other values u intend to add. I do hope is this that u ment.
http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/index.php/Silent_Mod_Server_Cvar#vote_block_maprestart scroll down for all options available
Well the message is supposed to come when the limit of the uneven teams that u have set is over that particular number if i got it correct. And msg should come anytime that case happens no matter if ur switching teams.
Have u tried changing the value of g_unevenTeamDiff on something smaller i.e 3? Its strange how come it doesn't show the message even tho u are running all the cvars needed for it.
I assume u have g_teamForceBalance set to 1?
Sorry for double post, couldn't edit last post, just want to inform that with help of Dragon, we have managed to fix everything that was still wrong at server, meaning, map vote works good, normal vote is disabled and at the moment server still didn't crash for over 20h.
What u mean with that? apart from custum soundpacks, theres nothing installed, server at the moment on 2.6b.
This is the server IP, i have also added u on msn, for easier conversation if u intend to talk about it. Yes that was it, the floodprotect was the cause of the error at voting maps, do u have any clue what could cause the problem with normal vote even tho the g_voting is disabled?
As for now, the server has been running smooth, meaning that it wasn't shutting down for the following 3h, which before would shut down already. Now the new 2 problems occurs, the first one is about Voting, as for menu at voting, meaning that players are able to vote for next map, shuffle and rest of votes, even tho my "g_voting" is 0, meaning that it should disable the votes at first place if i got all this correct. The second issue is the end vote for new map, it appears that i am not able to vote nor write at the chat, but whats odd is that sometimes when i test, the first vote for "3" points will not show sometimes, but the second vote for "2" points will show on the map i choose and sometimes it will only show for the third vote for "1" point while first and second wont. Basically instead of being able to vote 3 votes for 3 maps, i am only able to vote 1 vote for one map and that goes randomly, like i stated above, ones i can vote for 3 points, then other time for 2 and 1. The settings for map voting are the following: g_mapVoteFlags 13 g_maxMapsVotedFor 30 g_minMapAge 3 g_resetXPMapCount 0 I hope the information helps and if there's anything else that i need to provide, please let me know what.
Only running custum sound files for spree and hitboxes, i will remove them for a period of time to see if it effects anything.
No, i dont have, just silent 0.5.2 I could give it a try.
Well server seems to be crashing again, this time on delivery at beginning of the map.
Ok server is set to 256 hunkmegs, with help of YCN admins to set it at command line, i will report if the server keep crashing afterwards.
Ok i have setted on 256 via serv cfg, when i write at console with rcon for com_hunkmegs i get : "com_hunkmegs" is:"56" default:"56" latched: "256" Does that mean it changed the value?
Ok, i had 2.6b installed and the server crashed at map "supply", at the end of warmup, when it was about to start the game, server shutdown and restarted. As i checked on the server with rcon, com_hunkmegs is set as deafult, meaning 56.
Ok, server is set on 2.6b, will pay close attention to see if the server still crashes afterwards.
Thank you for ur fast reply! I have searched for the crash information and i couldn't find any neither at server.log or console logs. Information about server: We are running vote map, meaning g_gametype 6, as for et server engine not sure what u are thinking, maybe this ( ET 3.00 - TB 0.6.6 linux-i386 ) ? We re having server hosted at YCN gaming, and didnt used anything else apart from Filezilla to upload maps and rest of stuffs on ftp.
Hello everyone! I am having some issue with server crashing, while running it, it works perfectly but then sometimes during random maps just shut it down and i get "Server disconnect for unknown reason" msg at console, it keep happening since beginning and im curious what could cause this crash? I am running last mod 0.5.2 and at the moment don't have omni bots installed. I don't know exactly which logs re to be posted for crash, im posting the ones from "server.log", if they aint correct one, please point me out which ones should i copy. 0:41 === ShutdownGame ------------------------------------------- 0:41 *=====CLOSING DATABASE 0:41 Buffers cleaned. 0:41 Big Memory Cache cleaned. 0:41 *=====DATABASE IS CLOSED 0:41 ShutdownGame: done. Closing log. 0:41 ------------------------------------------------------------ Thank you for ur time, Aniky.
Sometimes the factor can be the map itself as well, i know for instances baserace map never was actually playable above 30 players, caused to lag pretty much everyone on the server and i assume there are some other maps with the same problem.