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    HunTer reacted to Purple in Help-with-fun-settings   
    sorry for spam post but couldn't edit my other one, I uploaded the updated file in the download section called "CrazyMod".
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    HunTer reacted to Purple in Help-with-fun-settings   
    I looked into this and I don't think it can be done via lua? The only way I can think off was latching the player weapon, but in order to latch the panzer the class would need to be soldier. So I don't think I can do that part, although i did update the lua script and will post it in the downloads sections has a bit more settings and features pre-done in the lua so users won't need to change anything in their server configuration files.
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    HunTer got a reaction from hellreturn in Help-with-fun-settings   
    The FUNBOY (flight school)  sever at is running SilEnt mod 0.8.2  The FUNBOY severs do have a jaymod and a Noquarter mod sever. They all have the same IP address but use a different port  (27961 and 27969) i was just wondering how they gave all class of players a panzer. I wanted to do that for my SilEnt mod server.  Thanks for the help.
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    HunTer got a reaction from Purple in Help-with-fun-settings   
    thank you for the reply.  I understand what you are saying about the enhanced mod. Purple said he would look into a possible solution and to give him some time. so I'll keep my fingers crossed 
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    HunTer reacted to Tweek in Help-with-fun-settings   
    There was alot of great info here. I would have simply put the disired settings in the default config for all maps but I don't like the continuous up and down of crazy gravity. I find my desired  number then just do g_gravity number and it stays right at that number then put in mapconfig default. I have two fun maps currently and used map configs to my desired settings. Which works perfrctly even though I am a big fan of Lua and run the newest version of a Zelly's, In my defailt config I simply added g_panzerwar 1(made 9999 ammo), g_gravity desired number. Those do not have to be forced because your simply changing the settings. I would recommend  checking your g_dmgPanzer in rcon in game because usually when you do panzerwar it goes from default of 400 to about 125 which makes it not so fun. I had to do a set g_panzerwar 1 ;wait 100 ;g_panzerDmg 750  in my custom vote that I made on my server. I also did g_panzerDmg 750 in my fun map config right after my g_panzerwar 1. I know 750 Is really high but you sure blow the S**t out of everyone and have plenty of fun LMAO.
    P.S. I would stick to what these guys have walked you through because it is done. I am posting to let people know it can be done without Lua and sometimes simple is best for people who are not so tech savvy. 
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