Since im the king of unconfirmed bugs, thought i would start a post instead of making a new ticket, cause i have a few open anyway I was playing on Supply Depot, and all of a sudden my ET crashed, no lag spikes, no reason for disconnect, no nothing. Then later that night it crashed again, acting the same way, except it was on alder. The only related thing that I have found is that I was stuck by needle five or six times within about a minute of each other. As soon as the medic stuck me, it would crash on me. Teammate Covie Bug: If someone on my same team has a uniform on, it would show the health of the player he stole the uniform of, not his. Few times he's calling for a medic and I'm like he has full health, then when he dies he gets pissed for me not healing him. Also I think this could be somewhat unfair to the guy whom he took the uniform from. One can become a stalker of some sort and wait till he's low on HP and then attack. Changing Classes(confirmed but not that big of a deal): At first I kinda liked the fact that we had to press ok inorder to change our classes inside the limbo menu, but after a little bit, it impeaded us from doing the obj. Ex: On Braun I was killed with like five or six seconds until we were about to spawn. With two seconds left to spawn, someone planted the dyno on obj and i tried to change to eng but i didn't hit ok before the spawn time, think its somewhat of an impeadence. Self Kill(If i remember correctly its a server side thing, but not hundred percent sure): I can kill myself while someone is shooting at me and I no longer get scared to death. Private Slot Connection: If I am to connect to a private slot, it would reset my config, Isn't there anyway to stop that? I have a few more but am at work, will post rest later on.