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Everything posted by ailmanki

  1. Tripmines look like Lasermines, well not like I would have ever seen one.. lol. quote from here Well I would love to see that variant from that RTCW Mod. Though for the moment, for me it would be sufficient if it aint a laserline, but wire. Simply a red and blue wire, which is not transparent. Well very nice would be if we can just edit a shader - I have not checked that.?
  2. A possibility to configure for each map: a minimum and a maximum playercount, which is then used for the mapvoting. During each map the players are counted, the mapvoting uses the average from the past 3 rounds. (Maybe this can be a cvar? never thought it out for coding in a mod, more for lua or an external tool moving the pk3s around..). For example, having 10 maps in etmain, 3 big maps, official (6maps), and 1 small map. If nothing is configured for a map, min would be 0 and max 64. With this its possible that no map would be available under certain circumstances - when wrongly configured.
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