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Everything posted by LarryWall

  1. Awesomeness, I have my work cut out for me it seems lol Thanks for the help!
  2. It is possible, you create a new menu in the 'vsay' list with number 9 or 0...DRi has it on their server, deathrowinmates.net
  3. Thanks for the quick response, what I'm trying to do with the sounds is incorporate them into a custom vsay menu (you know when u press 'v')
  4. All fixed thanks a bunch! Now I just gotta figure out how to get the custom vsays working and this server is finished being setup!!!! Here is the pk3 file I'm using (if you know how to do this sort of thing) http://waffenss-inc.com/etfiles/silent/BMF.pk3 If you can help me to get the custom vsays working I would be eternally grateful!!!! Thanks, Larry
  5. For some strange reason XP save isn't working and I'm not clear as to how to go about including sounds/hitsounds/body.wav within the .cfg file, I have the files already in a pk3 but I don't know how to tell the server to use them and how to have clients download them automatically... Take a look at my startup line and config: START SERVER LINE: ./etded +set com_hunkmegs 512 +exec servercycle.cfg +set net_ip "localhost" +set fs_game silent +exec server2.cfg +set g_tyranny 1 +set omnibot_enable 1 CONFIG: // silEnT mod - Sample server.cfg file// If you need help contact us on forums. http://mygamingtalk.com/// Generic server cvars //set dedicated 2set net_ip ""set net_port 27960set sv_hostname "^6n00bers XP Save Forever"set server_motd0 "^7Welcome To ^1(^0{^7WSS^0}^1)^7 Clan"set server_motd1 " "set server_motd2 "No Cheating."set server_motd3 "No Crying."set server_motd4 " "set server_motd5 "www.waffenss-inc.com"set sv_maxclients "30"set g_password ""set sv_privateclients 0set sv_privatepassword ""set sv_fullmsg "Server is full, try back when someone quits!"set sv_maxRate 99999999set sv_dl_maxRate 999999999set sv_allowDownload 1set sv_wwwDownload 1set sv_wwwDlDisconnected 1set sv_wwwBaseURL "http://waffenss-inc.com/etfiles/"set sv_wwwFallbackURL ""set sv_pure 1set sv_minping 0set sv_maxping 0// silEnT mod supported cvarsset g_gametype 6set g_antilag 1set g_antiwarp 1set g_maxWarp 4set g_skipCorrection 1set g_heavyWeaponRestriction 100set g_altStopwatchMode 0set g_autofireteams 0set g_complaintlimit 6set g_ipcomplaintlimit 3set g_fastres 0set g_friendlyFire 1set g_disableComplaints 0set g_minGameClients 0set g_maxlives 0set g_alliedmaxlives 0set g_axismaxlives 0set g_teamforcebalance 0set g_noTeamSwitching 0set g_doWarmup 0set g_warmup 15set match_latejoin "1"set match_minplayers 4set match_mutespecs 0set match_readypercent 100set match_warmupDamage 1set team_maxplayers 0set g_speed 320set g_gravity 800set g_knockback 1000set g_inactivity 0set g_spectatorInactivity 0set g_maxConnsPerIP 4set shoutcastPassword ""set g_spoofOptions 3set g_maxNameChanges 3set g_watermark ""set g_watermarkFadeAfter 0set g_watermarkFadeTime 0set g_inactivityOptions 3set g_ettvFlags 3// Votesset g_voting 0set vote_limit 5set vote_percent 50set g_noVoteTime 0set vote_allow_comp 1set vote_allow_gametype 1set vote_allow_kick 1set vote_allow_map 1set vote_allow_matchreset 1set vote_allow_mutespecs 1set vote_allow_nextmap 1set vote_allow_pub 1set vote_allow_referee 0set vote_allow_shuffleteamsxp 1set vote_allow_swapteams 1set vote_allow_friendlyfire 1set vote_allow_timelimit 0set vote_allow_warmupdamage 1set vote_allow_antilag 1set vote_allow_balancedteams 1set vote_allow_muting 1set vote_allow_surrender 1set vote_allow_nextcampaign 1set vote_allow_restartcampaign 1set vote_allow_poll 1set vote_allow_maprestart 1set vote_allow_shufflenorestart 1set vote_allow_cointoss 1// Logsset g_log "server.log"set g_cheatLog "cheat.log"set logfile 2set g_logOptions 256set g_logAdmin "silent-admin.log"// XP Save configurationset g_XPSave 21// Only stored XPset g_XPSaveMaxAge_xp "9999999999999d"// Stored XP and all rating valuesset g_XPSaveMaxAge "999999999999999d"set g_damageXP "1"set g_damageXPLevel "50"set g_maxXP "-1"set g_xpdecay "0"set g_xpdecayrate "0"set g_xpdecayfloor "1"set g_punkbuster 1// Shrubbot and Databaseset g_dbDirectory "database"set g_dbUserMaxAge "365d"set g_minConnectLevel 0// see documentation about tyranny enabled commands and flagsset g_tyranny 1set g_greetingPos 0set g_warningOptions 0set g_warningDecay 24set g_maxWarnings 3set g_autoTempBan 0set g_autoTempBanTime 1800set g_shuffle_rating 3//// Censoringset g_censor ""set g_censorNames ""set g_censorNeil 0set g_censorNeilNames 0set g_censorPenalty 0set g_censorMuteTime 60set g_censorXP 5//// Intermissionset g_intermissionTime 45set g_intermissionReadyPercent 100//// Skill points needed for levelset skill_soldier "20 50 90 140"set skill_medic "20 50 90 140"set skill_engineer "20 50 90 140"set skill_fieldops "20 50 90 140"set skill_covertops "20 50 90 140"set skill_battlesense "20 50 90 140"set skill_lightweapons "20 50 90 140"set g_serverInfo 1set g_killRating 1set g_playerRating 1set g_playerRating_minplayers 8set g_stats 0// Custom configsset g_mapScriptDirectory "mapscripts"set g_campaignFile ""set g_mapConfigs "mapconfigs"set g_banners "banners.cfg"// Miscellanousset g_misc 105set g_mode 44set g_userAlliedRespawnTime "12"set g_userAxisRespawnTime "12"set g_skills 31set g_teamDamageRestriction 0set g_minHits 6set g_weapons 7087set g_mg42 0set g_goomba 0set g_goombaFlags 16set g_spinCorpse 1set g_teamChangeKills 1set g_poison 1set g_poisonFlags 7set g_slashKill 0set g_spectator 7set g_medics 709set g_medicHealthRegen 0set g_coverts 1479set g_truePing 0set g_dropObj 0set g_hitsounds 1set g_playDead 1set g_shove 1set g_shoveNoZ 0set g_dragCorpse 1set g_classChange 0set g_forceLimboHealth 1set g_privateMessages 0set g_packDistance 3set g_dropHealth 4set g_dropAmmo 4set g_tossDistance 0set g_fear 2000set g_obituary 1set g_throwableKnives 1set g_maxKnives 10set g_knifeChargeTime 100set g_constructibleXPSharing 1set g_asblock 43set g_panzersVulnerable 0set g_panzersSpeed 2500set g_panzersGravity 0set g_dyno 20set g_canisterKick 75set g_spreeOptions 1599set g_multikillTime 1000set g_medicSelfhealTime 0set g_maxPanzerSuicides -1set g_panzerPackDistance 0set g_maxSelfkills -1set g_voteResultsMinLevel -1set g_minCommandWaitTime 0set g_noSkillUpgrades 0set g_flushItems 1set g_headshot 1set g_silentac 1set g_instagibDamage 400set g_staminaRecharge 3.0set g_mineid 0set g_landmineNotifyType 1//// Weapon damages and radius settingsset g_dmgKnife 10set g_dmgSten 14set g_dmgFG42 15set g_dmgPistol 18set g_dmgSMG 18set g_dmgPPSh 19set g_dmgMG42 18set g_dmgMG 20set g_dmgFG42Scope 30set g_dmgInfRifle 34set g_dmgSniper 50set g_dmgFlamer 5set g_dmgGrenade 250set g_dmgGrenadeRadius 250set g_dmgGLauncher 250set g_dmgGLauncherRadius 250set g_dmgLandmine 250set g_dmgLandmineRadius 250set g_dmgSatchel 250set g_dmgSatchelRadius 250set g_dmgPanzer 400set g_dmgPanzerRadius 300set g_dmgMortar 400set g_dmgMortarRadius 400set g_dmgDynamite 400set g_dmgDynamiteRadius 400set g_dmgAir 400set g_dmgAirRadius 400set g_dmgArty 400set g_dmgArtyRadius 400set g_dmg 0set g_dmgHeadShotMin 50set g_dmgHeadShotRatio 2.0set g_dmgTMine 260set g_knifeThrowDamage 50//// Team restrictionsset team_maxMedics -1set team_maxEngineers -1set team_maxFieldOps -1set team_maxCovertOps -1set g_maxTeamLandmines 30set g_maxTeamTripmines 20set team_maxPanzers 1set team_maxMortars 2set team_maxFlamers 1set team_maxMG42s 2set team_maxGrenLaunchers 2//// Friendly fireset g_reflectFriendlyFire 0set g_reflectFFWeapons 31set g_friendlyFireOpts 12//// Flood protectionset g_floodprotect 1set g_floodthreshold 6set g_floodWait 1000set g_voiceChatsAllowed 4//// Map votingset g_mapVoteFlags 13set g_maxMapsVotedFor 30set g_minMapAge 5set g_resetXPMapCount 0//// Omni-botsset omnibot_enable 1set omnibot_path "/usr/local/games/enemy-territory/omnibot/omni-bot"set g_bot_maxXP 10000set g_bot_minPlayers -1set omnibot_flags 262220//// Fun wars//set g_sniperwar 0//set g_panzerwar 0//set g_riflewar 0//// Country flags, You need to have GeoIP database installed to use this.set g_countryFlags 0//set g_fixedphysics 0set g_fixedphysicsfps 125//// Lua APIset lua_modules ""set lua_allowedModules ""bot maxbots 10bot kickallbot difficulty 3 //range is 0-5set g_gravity 800 //default is 800set g_speed 320 //default is 320exec objectivecycle.cfgset com_watchdog 60set com_watchdog_cmd "exec objectivecycle.cfg"Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!!!!!
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