Take a look at this screenshot bro: http://i.imgur.com/S8qf9zL.png My apologies if I appear stupid as I am seriously incredibly new to this! #include "ui/menudef.h" #define DEFAULT_TEXT_SCALE 0.25 #define ORIGIN_QUICKMESSAGE 10 10 #define QM_MENU_GRADIENT_START_OFFSET #define QM_MENU_START( WINDOWNAME ) \ \ menuDef { \ name WINDOWNAME \ visible 0 \ fullscreen 0 \ rect 0 100 640 380 \ onOpen { setCvar cl_bypassMouseInput "1" } \ onClose { setCvar cl_bypassMouseInput "0" } \ onEsc { closeAll } \ \ itemDef { \ name "window" \ rect 0 19 204 136 \ origin ORIGIN_QUICKMESSAGE \ style WINDOW_STYLE_FILLED \ backcolor 0 0 0 .75 \ border WINDOW_BORDER_FULL \ bordercolor .5 .5 .5 .5 \ visible 1 \ decoration \ } \ \ itemDef { \ name "windowtitle" \ rect $evalfloat((0)+2) $evalfloat((19)+2) $evalfloat((204)-4) 12 \ origin ORIGIN_QUICKMESSAGE \ text "MESSAGE" \ textfont UI_FONT_ARIBLK_16 \ textscale .19 \ textalignx 3 \ textaligny 10 \ style WINDOW_STYLE_FILLED \ backcolor .16 .2 .17 .8 \ forecolor .6 .6 .6 1 \ visible 1 \ decoration \ } #define QM_MENU_END } #define QM_MENU_ITEM( WINDOWTEXT, ACTION, KEY, POS ) \ itemDef { \ name "menuitem"##WINDOWTEXT \ rect 6 $evalfloat( 35 + ( 12 * POS )) 128 10 \ origin ORIGIN_QUICKMESSAGE \ type ITEM_TYPE_TEXT \ text WINDOWTEXT \ textfont UI_FONT_COURBD_21 \ textstyle ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED \ textscale .2 \ textaligny 8 \ forecolor .6 .6 .6 1 \ visible 1 \ decoration \ } \ execKey KEY { ACTION } #define QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( WINDOWTEXT, ACTION, KEY, POS ) \ itemDef { \ name "menuitem"##WINDOWTEXT \ rect 6 $evalfloat( 35 + ( 12 * POS )) 128 10 \ origin ORIGIN_QUICKMESSAGE \ type ITEM_TYPE_TEXT \ text WINDOWTEXT \ textfont UI_FONT_COURBD_21 \ textstyle ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED \ textscale .2 \ textaligny 8 \ forecolor .6 .6 .6 1 \ visible 1 \ decoration \ } \ execKey KEY { ACTION } QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickmessageAlt" ) QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "1. Statements", close wm_quickmessageAlt; open wm_quickstatements, "1", 0 ) QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "2. Requests", close wm_quickmessageAlt; open wm_quickrequests, "2", 1 ) QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "3. Commands", close wm_quickmessageAlt; open wm_quickcommand, "3", 2 ) QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "4. Talk", close wm_quickmessageAlt; open wm_quickmisc, "4", 3 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. Global", close wm_quickmessageAlt; open wm_quickglobal, "5", 4 ) QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "6. Function", exec "wm_sayPlayerClass"; close wm_quickmessageAlt, "6", 5 ) QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "7. Objectives", close wm_quickmessageAlt; open wm_quickobjectives, "7", 6 ) QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "^18. ^1BMF ^1Special", close wm_quickmessageAlt; open wm_quickfun, "8", 7 ) QM_MENU_END QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickstatements" ) QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "1. Path Cleared.", exec "VoiceTeamChat PathCleared"; close wm_quickstatements, "1", 0 ) QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "2. The Enemy Is Weakend!", exec "VoiceTeamChat EnemyWeak"; close wm_quickstatements, "2", 1 ) QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "3. All Clear", exec "VoiceTeamChat AllClear"; close wm_quickstatements, "3", 2 ) QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "4. Incoming", exec "VoiceTeamChat Incoming"; close wm_quickstatements, "4", 3 ) QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "5. Fire In The Hole!", exec "VoiceTeamChat FireInTheHole"; close wm_quickstatements, "5", 4 ) QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "6. I'm On Defense.", exec "VoiceTeamChat OnDefense"; close wm_quickstatements, "6", 5 ) QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "7. I'm On Offense.", exec "VoiceTeamChat OnOffense"; close wm_quickstatements, "7", 6 ) QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "8. Taking Fire!", exec "VoiceTeamChat TakingFire"; close wm_quickstatements, "8", 7 ) QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "9. Mines Cleared", exec "VoiceTeamChat MinesCleared"; close wm_quickstatements, "9", 8 ) QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "0. Enemy In Disguise", exec "VoiceTeamChat EnemyDisguised"; close wm_quickstatements, "0", 9 ) QM_MENU_END QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickrequests" ) QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "1. Medic!", exec "VoiceTeamChat Medic"; close wm_quickrequests, "1", 0 ) QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "2. Need Ammo!", exec "VoiceTeamChat NeedAmmo"; close wm_quickrequests, "2", 1 ) QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "3. Need Backup!", exec "VoiceTeamChat NeedBackup"; close wm_quickrequests, "3", 2 ) QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "4. We Need An Engineer!", exec "VoiceTeamChat NeedEngineer"; close wm_quickrequests, "4", 3 ) QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "5. Cover Me!", exec "VoiceTeamChat CoverMe"; close wm_quickrequests, "5", 4 ) QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "6. Hold Your Fire!", exec "VoiceTeamChat HoldFire"; close wm_quickrequests, "6", 5 ) QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "7. Where To?", exec "VoiceTeamChat WhereTo"; close wm_quickrequests, "7", 6 ) QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "8. We Need Covert Ops!", exec "VoiceTeamChat NeedOps"; close wm_quickrequests, "8", 7 ) QM_MENU_END QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickcommand" ) QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "1. Follow Me!", exec "VoiceTeamChat FollowMe"; close wm_quickcommand, "1", 0 ) QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "2. Let's Go!", exec "VoiceTeamChat LetsGo"; close wm_quickcommand, "2", 1 ) QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "3. Move!", exec "VoiceTeamChat Move"; close wm_quickcommand, "3", 2 ) QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "4. Clear The Path!", exec "VoiceTeamChat ClearPath"; close wm_quickcommand, "4", 3 ) QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "5. Defend Our Objective!", exec "VoiceTeamChat DefendObjective"; close wm_quickcommand, "5", 4 ) QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "6. Disarm The Dynamite!", exec "VoiceTeamChat DisarmDynamite"; close wm_quickcommand, "6", 5 ) QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "7. Clear The Mines!", exec "VoiceTeamChat ClearMines"; close wm_quickcommand, "7", 6 ) QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "8. Reinforce The Offense", exec "VoiceTeamChat ReinforceOffense"; close wm_quickcommand, "8", 7 ) QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "9. Reinforce The Defense", exec "VoiceTeamChat ReinforceDefense"; close wm_quickcommand, "9", 8 ) QM_MENU_END QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickmisc" ) QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "1. Yes", exec "VoiceTeamChat Affirmative"; close wm_quickmisc, "1", 0 ) QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "2. No", exec "VoiceTeamChat Negative"; close wm_quickmisc, "2", 1 ) QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "3. Thanks", exec "VoiceTeamChat Thanks"; close wm_quickmisc, "3", 2 ) QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "4. You're Welcome", exec "VoiceTeamChat Welcome"; close wm_quickmisc, "4", 3 ) QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "5. Sorry", exec "VoiceTeamChat Sorry"; close wm_quickmisc, "5", 4 ) QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "6. Oops", exec "VoiceTeamChat Oops"; close wm_quickmisc, "6", 5 ) QM_MENU_END QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickglobal" ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. Yes", exec "VoiceChat Affirmative"; close wm_quickglobal, "1", 0 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. No", exec "VoiceChat Negative"; close wm_quickglobal, "2", 1 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. The Enemy Is Weakend", exec "VoiceChat EnemyWeak"; close wm_quickglobal, "3", 2 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. Hi", exec "VoiceChat Hi"; close wm_quickglobal, "4", 3 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. Bye", exec "VoiceChat Bye"; close wm_quickglobal, "5", 4 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. Great Shot", exec "VoiceChat GreatShot"; close wm_quickglobal, "6", 5 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "7. Cheer", exec "VoiceChat Cheer"; close wm_quickglobal, "7", 6 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "8. More Globals", close wm_quickglobal; open wm_quickglobal2, "8", 7 ) QM_MENU_END QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickglobal2" ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. Thanks", exec "VoiceChat Thanks"; close wm_quickglobal2, "1", 0 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. You're Welcome", exec "VoiceChat Welcome"; close wm_quickglobal2, "2", 1 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. Oops", exec "VoiceChat Oops"; close wm_quickglobal2, "3", 2 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. Sorry", exec "VoiceChat Sorry"; close wm_quickglobal2, "4", 3 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. Hold Your Fire!", exec "VoiceChat HoldFire"; close wm_quickglobal2, "5", 4 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. Good Game", exec "VoiceChat GoodGame"; close wm_quickglobal2, "6", 5 ) QM_MENU_END QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickobjectives" ) QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "1. Command Acknowledged", exec "VoiceTeamChat CommandAcknowledged"; close wm_quickobjectives, "1", 0 ) QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "2. Command Declined", exec "VoiceTeamChat CommandDeclined"; close wm_quickobjectives, "2", 1 ) QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "3. Command Completed", exec "VoiceTeamChat CommandCompleted"; close wm_quickobjectives, "3", 2 ) QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "4. Destroy Primary Objective", exec "VoiceTeamChat DestroyPrimary"; close wm_quickobjectives, "4", 3 ) QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "5. Destroy Secondary Objective", exec "VoiceTeamChat DestroySecondary"; close wm_quickobjectives, "5", 4 ) QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "6. Destroy Construction", exec "VoiceTeamChat DestroyConstruction"; close wm_quickobjectives, "6", 5 ) QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "7. Commencing Construction", exec "VoiceTeamChat ConstructionCommencing"; close wm_quickobjectives, "7", 6 ) QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "8. Repair The Vehicle", exec "VoiceTeamChat RepairVehicle"; close wm_quickobjectives, "8", 7 ) QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "9. Disable The Vehicle", exec "VoiceTeamChat DestroyVehicle"; close wm_quickobjectives, "9", 8 ) QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "0. Escort The Vehicle", exec "VoiceTeamChat EscortVehicle"; close wm_quickobjectives, "0", 9 ) QM_MENU_END QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickfun" ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^11. ^1D^0Ri ^1Sounds - ^1Mixed", close wm_quickfun; open wm_quickold, "1", 0 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^12. ^1D^0Ri ^1Sounds - ^1Insult", close wm_quickfun; open wm_quickinsult, "2", 1 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^13. ^1D^0Ri ^1Sounds - ^1Ego", close wm_quickfun; open wm_quickego, "3", 2 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^14. ^1D^0Ri ^1Sounds - ^1South Park", close wm_quickfun; open wm_quickpark, "4", 3 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^15. ^1D^0Ri ^1Sounds - ^1Simpsons", close wm_quickfun; open wm_quicksimpsons, "5", 4 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^16. ^1D^0Ri ^1Sounds - ^1Whine", close wm_quickfun; open wm_quickwhine, "6", 5 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^17. ^1D^0Ri ^1Sounds - ^1Other", close wm_quickfun; open wm_quickother, "7", 6 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^18. ^1D^0Ri ^1Music - ^1#1", close wm_quickfun; open wm_quickmusic, "8", 7 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^19. ^1D^0Ri ^1Music - ^1#2", close wm_quickfun; open wm_quickmusic2, "9", 8 ) QM_MENU_END QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickold" ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^11. ^1Fuck You!", exec "VoiceChat ftfuckyou"; close wm_quickold, "1", 0 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^12. ^1Shut Up!", exec "VoiceChat ftshutup"; close wm_quickold, "2", 1 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^13. ^1Suck It!", exec "VoiceChat FTsukit"; close wm_quickold, "3", 2 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^14. ^1Time to kick ass!", exec "VoiceChat FTkickgum"; close wm_quickold, "4", 3 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^15. ^1It's good day to die!", exec "VoiceChat FTgoodday"; close wm_quickold, "5", 4 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^16. ^1Go away fembot!", exec "VoiceChat FTfembot"; close wm_quickold, "6", 5 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^17. ^1Die son of a bitch!", exec "VoiceChat FTdieusob"; close wm_quickold, "7", 6 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^18. ^1Damn i'm good!", exec "VoiceChat FTdmnigood"; close wm_quickold, "8", 7 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^19. ^1Crap!", exec "VoiceChat FTcrap"; close wm_quickold, "9", 8 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^10. ^1More..", close wm_quickold; open wm_quickold2, "0", 9 ) QM_MENU_END QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickold2" ) QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "^11. ^1Need Panzernoob!", exec "VoiceTeamChat ftneedpanza"; close wm_quickold2, "1", 0 ) QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "^12. ^1I'm Panzernoob!", exec "VoiceTeamChat ftpanza"; close wm_quickold2, "2", 1 ) QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "^13. ^1Fart Joke", exec "voiceChat ftfartjoke"; close wm_quickold2, "3", 2 ) QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "^14. ^1In the head", exec "voiceChat ftborat"; close wm_quickold2, "4", 3 ) QM_MENU_END QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickinsult" ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^11. ^1Die", exec "VoiceChat 01Insult"; close wm_quickinsult, "1", 0 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^12. ^1English", exec "VoiceChat 02Insult"; close wm_quickinsult, "2", 1 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^13. ^1Teams", exec "VoiceChat 03Insult"; close wm_quickinsult, "3", 2 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^14. ^1Pussy", exec "VoiceChat 04Insult"; close wm_quickinsult, "4", 3 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^15. ^1You suck", exec "VoiceChat 05Insult"; close wm_quickinsult, "5", 4 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^16. ^1Fuck you", exec "VoiceChat 06Insult"; close wm_quickinsult, "6", 5 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^17. ^1Stfu", exec "VoiceChat 07Insult"; close wm_quickinsult, "7", 6 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^18. ^1Noobs", exec "VoiceChat 08Insult"; close wm_quickinsult, "8", 7 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^19. ^1More insults", close wm_quickinsult; open wm_quickinsult2, "9", 8 ) QM_MENU_END QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickinsult2" ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^11. ^1Idiot", exec "VoiceChat 09Insult"; close wm_quickinsult2, "1", 0 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^12. ^1You're gay!", exec "VoiceChat 10Insult"; close wm_quickinsult2, "2", 1 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^13. ^1Mudderfucker", exec "VoiceChat 11Insult"; close wm_quickinsult2, "3", 2 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^14. ^1I know u are", exec "VoiceChat 12Insult"; close wm_quickinsult2, "4", 3 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^15. ^1Chillout", exec "VoiceChat 13Insult"; close wm_quickinsult2, "5", 4 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^16. ^1Jerkass", exec "VoiceChat 14Insult"; close wm_quickinsult2, "6", 5 ) QM_MENU_END QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickego" ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^11. ^1That didn't hurt", exec "VoiceChat 01Ego"; close wm_quickego, "1", 0 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^12. ^1Amazing", exec "VoiceChat 02Ego"; close wm_quickego, "2", 1 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^13. ^1Bad man", exec "VoiceChat 03Ego"; close wm_quickego, "3", 2 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^14. ^1Be back", exec "VoiceChat 04Ego"; close wm_quickego, "4", 3 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^15. ^1Fight like men", exec "VoiceChat 05Ego"; close wm_quickego, "5", 4 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^16. ^1Headshot", exec "VoiceChat 06Ego"; close wm_quickego, "6", 5 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^17. ^1Kick the noob", exec "VoiceChat 07Ego"; close wm_quickego, "7", 6 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^18. ^1Superfreak", exec "VoiceChat 08Ego"; close wm_quickego, "8", 7 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^19. ^1Aww Gay", exec "VoiceChat 14Ego"; close wm_quickego, "9", 8 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^10. ^1More Ego", close wm_quickego; open wm_quickego2, "0", 9 ) QM_MENU_END QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickego2" ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^11. ^1Missed", exec "VoiceChat 09Ego"; close wm_quickego2, "1", 0 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^12. ^1Fuckin try me", exec "VoiceChat 10Ego"; close wm_quickego2, "2", 1 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^13. ^1Get back mister", exec "VoiceChat 11Ego"; close wm_quickego2, "3", 2 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^14. ^1No way fool", exec "VoiceChat 12Ego"; close wm_quickego2, "4", 3 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^15. ^1Shinebox", exec "VoiceChat 13Ego"; close wm_quickego2, "5", 4 ) QM_MENU_END QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickpark" ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^11. ^1Wtf", exec "VoiceChat 01Park"; close wm_quickpark, "1", 0 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^12. ^1Oh shit", exec "VoiceChat 02Park"; close wm_quickpark, "2", 1 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^13. ^1Bitch", exec "VoiceChat 03Park"; close wm_quickpark, "3", 2 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^14. ^1Hey guys", exec "VoiceChat 04Park"; close wm_quickpark, "4", 3 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^15. ^1Give a fuck", exec "VoiceChat 05Park"; close wm_quickpark, "5", 4 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^16. ^1Fire me", exec "VoiceChat 06Park"; close wm_quickpark, "6", 5 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^17. ^1Not stupid", exec "VoiceChat 07Park"; close wm_quickpark, "7", 6 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^18. ^1Going home", exec "VoiceChat 08Park"; close wm_quickpark, "8", 7 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^19. ^1Need food", exec "VoiceChat 09Park"; close wm_quickpark, "9", 8 ) QM_MENU_END QM_MENU_START( "wm_quicksimpsons" ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^11. ^1Drugs", exec "VoiceChat 01Simpsons"; close wm_quicksimpsons, "1", 0 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^12. ^1English", exec "VoiceChat 02Simpsons"; close wm_quicksimpsons, "2", 1 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^13. ^1Gay", exec "VoiceChat 03Simpsons"; close wm_quicksimpsons, "3", 2 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^14. ^1Hacking", exec "VoiceChat 04Simpsons"; close wm_quicksimpsons, "4", 3 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^15. ^1Beer", exec "VoiceChat 05Simpsons"; close wm_quicksimpsons, "5", 4 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^16. ^110 beers", exec "VoiceChat 06Simpsons"; close wm_quicksimpsons, "6", 5 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^17. ^1Drop of beer", exec "VoiceChat 07Simpsons"; close wm_quicksimpsons, "7", 6 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^18. ^1More...", close wm_quicksimpsons; open wm_quicksimpsons2, "8", 7 ) QM_MENU_END QM_MENU_START( "wm_quicksimpsons2" ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^11. ^1Doh", exec "VoiceChat 11Simpsons"; close wm_quicksimpsons2, "1", 0 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^12. ^1Buttman", exec "VoiceChat 12Simpsons"; close wm_quicksimpsons2, "2", 1 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^13. ^1Explanation", exec "VoiceChat 13Simpsons"; close wm_quicksimpsons2, "3", 2 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^14. ^1Oh my god", exec "VoiceChat 14Simpsons"; close wm_quicksimpsons2, "4", 3 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^15. ^1Invincible", exec "VoiceChat 15Simpsons"; close wm_quicksimpsons2, "5", 4 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^16. ^1Curvy butt", exec "VoiceChat 16Simpsons"; close wm_quicksimpsons2, "6", 5 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^17. ^1Party", exec "VoiceChat 17Simpsons"; close wm_quicksimpsons2, "7", 6 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^18. ^1Misplaced pants", exec "VoiceChat 18Simpsons"; close wm_quicksimpsons2, "8", 7 ) QM_MENU_END QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickwhine" ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^11. ^1Lagg", exec "VoiceChat 01Whine"; close wm_quickwhine, "1", 0 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^12. ^1Hax", exec "VoiceChat 02Whine"; close wm_quickwhine, "2", 1 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^13. ^1Damn", exec "VoiceChat 03Whine"; close wm_quickwhine, "3", 2 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^14. ^1Wanker", exec "VoiceChat 04Whine"; close wm_quickwhine, "4", 3 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^15. ^1Game over", exec "VoiceChat 05Whine"; close wm_quickwhine, "5", 4 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^16. ^1Stfu", exec "VoiceChat 06Whine"; close wm_quickwhine, "6", 5 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^17. ^1Team killer", exec "VoiceChat 07Whine"; close wm_quickwhine, "7", 6 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^18. ^1Stop whining", exec "VoiceChat 08Whine"; close wm_quickwhine, "8", 7 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^19. ^1More...", close wm_quickwhine; open wm_quickwhine2, "9", 8 ) QM_MENU_END QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickwhine2" ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^11. ^1Holy shit", exec "VoiceChat 09Whine"; close wm_quickwhine2, "1", 0 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^12. ^1Boring", exec "VoiceChat 10Whine"; close wm_quickwhine2, "2", 1 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^13. ^1Mmmmkay..", exec "VoiceChat 11Whine"; close wm_quickwhine2, "3", 2 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^14. ^1Somebodys bitch", exec "VoiceChat 12Whine"; close wm_quickwhine2, "4", 3 ) QM_MENU_END QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickother" ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^11. ^1Camping", exec "VoiceChat 01Other"; close wm_quickother, "1", 0 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^12. ^1Laugh", exec "VoiceChat 02Other"; close wm_quickother, "2", 1 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^13. ^1Wazzup", exec "VoiceChat 03Other"; close wm_quickother, "3", 2 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^14. ^1Run for it", exec "VoiceChat 04Other"; close wm_quickother, "4", 3 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^15. ^1Good night", exec "VoiceChat 05Other"; close wm_quickother, "5", 4 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^16. ^1Weed", exec "VoiceChat 06Other"; close wm_quickother, "6", 5 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^17. ^1Smoken", exec "VoiceChat 07Other"; close wm_quickother, "7", 6 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^18. ^1Buttsex", exec "VoiceChat 08Other"; close wm_quickother, "8", 7 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^19. ^1Get high", exec "VoiceChat 09Other"; close wm_quickother, "9", 8 ) QM_MENU_END QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickmusic" ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^11. ^1Simply the best", exec "VoiceChat 01Music"; close wm_quickmusic, "1", 0 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^12. ^1Champions", exec "VoiceChat 02Music"; close wm_quickmusic, "2", 1 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^13. ^1Excited", exec "VoiceChat 04Music"; close wm_quickmusic, "3", 2 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^14. ^1Run to you", exec "VoiceChat 05Music"; close wm_quickmusic, "4", 3 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^15. ^1Bad", exec "VoiceChat 06Music"; close wm_quickmusic, "5", 4 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^16. ^1Seek and destroy",exec "VoiceChat 07Music"; close wm_quickmusic, "6", 5 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^17. ^1Better than you", exec "VoiceChat 09Music"; close wm_quickmusic, "7", 6 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^18. ^1Big gun", exec "VoiceChat 10Music"; close wm_quickmusic, "8", 7 ) QM_MENU_END QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickmusic2" ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^11. ^1Power", exec "VoiceChat 01Music2"; close wm_quickmusic2, "1", 0 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^12. ^1Wooho", exec "VoiceChat 02Music2"; close wm_quickmusic2, "2", 1 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^13. ^1Killingfloor", exec "VoiceChat 03Music2"; close wm_quickmusic2, "3", 2 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^14. ^1Shoot me", exec "VoiceChat 04Music2"; close wm_quickmusic2, "4", 3 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^15. ^1Cant touch", exec "VoiceChat 05Music2"; close wm_quickmusic2, "5", 4 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^16. ^1My sister", exec "VoiceChat 06Music2"; close wm_quickmusic2, "6", 5 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^17. ^1Hate me", exec "VoiceChat 07Music2"; close wm_quickmusic2, "7", 6 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^18. ^1Spin me round", exec "VoiceChat 08Music2"; close wm_quickmusic2, "8", 7 ) QM_MENU_ITEM( "^19. ^1When I pee", exec "VoiceChat 09Music2"; close wm_quickmusic2, "9", 8 ) QM_MENU_END Thanks for helping though big time, much appreciated, Larry Wall