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Found 3 results

  1. hellreturn

    chat logging


    Chat LUA to log chats in a separate file for easy review of what's happening on your server, Credit: Internet source. Download it and upload it to your silent mod folder and add the chat.lua in your LUA server settings config.
  2. File Name: chat logging File Submitter: hellreturn File Submitted: 26 Aug 2014 File Category: LUA Chat LUA to log chats in a separate file for easy review of what's happening on your server, Credit: Internet source. Download it and upload it to your silent mod folder and add the chat.lua in your LUA server settings config. Click here to download this file
  3. Every server has it's own rules and in many situations maximum punishment is to !mute player (for example spamming voice chat, swearing, offensive language to other players etc.) Problem is: muted player can be easily unmuted by unmute vote or in some cases by non-admin high level regular player by !unmute command like it is on our server. What if someone is breaking voicechat rules often? What if admin wants to mute this player for 3 days but not to ban him cause it has nothing to do with his gameplay (which is not "abusive")? Idea is to create a specific command, for example !chatban <nick/slot> [time] [reason]. This command should be immune to !unmute and vote unmute. Also a list of chatbanned players would be nice. Do you agree?
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