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Found 15 results

  1. I already reported in the bug tracker but I'll report it here too just in case. Everyone seems to be starting with single pistol by default and have to manually change to dual pistols. If you could make it to where we start with dual pistols that would be great. Thanks!
  2. !rename command allows using backslash so it can mess up client userinfo.
  3. Take a look at this screenie. The weapon totals show up, but there is no label. http://screenshot.xfire.com/s/128963447-4.jpg
  4. So we were bored last night and turned on these settings. Had a fun time on a map with them (chicken bucket). Settings were enabled and carried into the next map. Suddenly, no one on either team could move. We just stood there in spawn and no commands (even fling) would allow us to move. Turned the settings off, still no good. Tried switching maps, still no ability to move. Had to restart the server to get playability back. We recalled that this same thing happened way back when, when 0.6.3 first came out and we were experimenting with it. It could be some other combination of settings unique to our server, but I've seen it happen twice now, and wanted to at least report it to see if anyone else has noticed this or could test it. I had both settings turned on then simply let the map end and voted for a new map. I hadn't tried turning off the settings prior to the map ending to see if that helped or not. It should be noted, I enabled them both through RCON first, then entered the !crazygravity and !crazyspeed commands. By default, the settings are 0 in our configs. Not sure if this is helpful or not. Thanks in advance.
  5. The server is setup so that players get kicked for 5 minutes after doing 300 team damage. When this happens - they get added to the banlist for 5 minutes. However, upon using !unban <ban number> the ban is removed from the banlist, but the player is still unable to connect to the server for 5 minutes. Even after opening a new client, they still recieve the message you are kicked or temp banned on the server. (or something similar)
  6. Since some moment, my game has been crashing after map ending. It crashes to desktop without any errors. Here is silent_crash.log from silent folder: -8<------- Crash Information ------->8- Please forward to silEnT mod team. --------------------------------------- Version: 0.6.3 Win32 Map: bloody_omaha_b2 Exception: Access violation (0xc0000005) Exception Address: 0x3008ffd7 DLL Information: 0x00400000 ET 0x7c900000 ntdll 0x64d00000 snxhk 0x7c800000 KERNEL32 0x6d350000 DINPUT8 0x77c00000 msvcrt 0x77dc0000 ADVAPI32 0x77e70000 RPCRT4 0x77fe0000 Secur32 0x7e360000 USER32 0x77f10000 GDI32 0x76b20000 WINMM 0x71a70000 WSOCK32 0x71a50000 WS2_32 0x71a40000 WS2HELP 0x76d50000 iphlpapi 0x7c9c0000 SHELL32 0x77f60000 SHLWAPI 0x774d0000 ole32 0x76360000 IMM32 0x773c0000 comctl32 0x5d520000 comctl32 0x5b1d0000 uxtheme 0x75180000 msctfime 0x5f190000 opengl32 0x5c8f0000 GLU32 0x736f0000 DDRAW 0x73b50000 DCIMAN32 0x69030000 atioglxx 0x77bf0000 VERSION 0x11e20000 atiadlxx 0x77910000 SETUPAPI 0x78130000 MSVCR80 0x76c20000 WINTRUST 0x77a70000 CRYPT32 0x77b10000 MSASN1 0x76c80000 IMAGEHLP 0x76fc0000 CLBCATQ 0x77040000 COMRes 0x77110000 OLEAUT32 0x73ea0000 dsound 0x72cb0000 wdmaud 0x72ca0000 msacm32 0x77bd0000 MSACM32 0x77bc0000 midimap 0x73e70000 KsUser 0x21ee0000 WTFastDrv 0x719f0000 mswsock 0x66780000 hnetcfg 0x71a30000 wshtcpip 0x76f10000 DNSAPI 0x76fa0000 winrnr 0x76f50000 WLDAP32 0x76fb0000 rasadhlp 0x21f90000 pbcl 0x220b0000 pbsv 0x59bc0000 DBGHELP 0x40000000 ui_mp_x86 0x30000000 cgame_mp_x86 (0) C:\Kajtek\WolfET - 2.60b\silent\cgame_mp_x86.dll [0x3008ffd7] (1) C:\Kajtek\WolfET - 2.60b\silent\cgame_mp_x86.dll [0x30092823] (2) C:\Kajtek\WolfET - 2.60b\silent\cgame_mp_x86.dll [0x3008be7d] Map doesn't matter. I've played on one server, with this client and config for a long time. Could you give me some possible reasons of that crashing? Thx in advance
  7. At the end of the map, when you go to see your player stats I noticed that there are no longer 4 stars for each class but 8. Is this a bug or something coming to silent???
  8. When I and other refs on our server try and access the ref menu in game we enter the ref password, hit the escape key, then select the referee menu item,but, after that the vote menu is visible but when I try and use any command it tells me that vote is blocked 300 seconds after map start. in our silent.cfg the vote settings are // Votes set g_voting 4 //changed from 0 set vote_limit 1 //changed from 5 set vote_percent 70 //changed from 50 set g_noVoteTime 0 set vote_allow_comp 0 //changed from 1 set vote_allow_gametype 0 //changed from 1 set vote_allow_kick 1 set vote_allow_map 1 set vote_allow_matchreset 1 set vote_allow_mutespecs 0 //changed from 1 set vote_allow_nextmap 1 set vote_allow_pub 0 //changed from 1 set vote_allow_referee 0 set vote_allow_shuffleteamsxp 1 set vote_allow_swapteams 1 set vote_allow_friendlyfire 0 //changed from 1 set vote_allow_timelimit 0 set vote_allow_warmupdamage 0 //changed from 1 set vote_allow_antilag 0 //changed from 1 set vote_allow_balancedteams 0 //changed from 1 set vote_allow_muting 0 //changed from 1 set vote_allow_surrender 1 set vote_allow_nextcampaign 0 //changed from 1 set vote_allow_restartcampaign 0 //changed from 1 set vote_allow_poll 0 //changed from 1 set vote_allow_maprestart 1 set vote_allow_shufflenorestart 1 set vote_allow_cointoss 1 Attached is a zipped mp4 video of me trying to restart a map via the ref menu, this can also be found on xfire here wet-2011-11-07-16-10-21.zip
  9. Turgon


    We have found that we are unable to play back demos recorded using the r/c 4.0. When you load up a demo and try to play it, you get about 2 seconds of video, then it crashes out of the game to the desktop. Everyone that has tried is reporting the same problem.
  10. I just played on F|A HARDCORE XPS to try out the new version and found a bug when playing with the themes. By default, themed cursors are ON. When I turn them off (not that I want to, but thought I'd test it), there is no cursor at all.. Which makes it very hard to navigate your way to turn it back on Chuckun
  11. Hello I was trying to change my name while playing and used: !rename (slot or name) and i did not change my name at all. I had to use Limbo menu to change my name. I was wondering if this prob is a bug of the mod or just the command is not working??? Some screenshots (I was under daffy duck): Thanks in advance
  12. i have noticed a silent_crash.log in my et silent folder... it didnt kick me out i noticed it accidentally. i dont know if that is bad, but i put the text there:
  13. I was playing today on =F|A='s Hardcore server running silent mod and was in spec. I was specing a player when I decided I wanted to go into Shoutcaster mode. I used the !ms command, and instead of making me a Shoutcaster it made the person I was specing the Shoutcaster. I tried to do !rs playername to remove that person from Shoutcaster and it didn't work. The only way I could become a Shoutcaster was to not be specing anyone then doing !ms. Thanks for your hard work Handzz
  14. Credit to my clan members T0welie and Swerve for showing me this. I believe this is a bug and should be easy to replicate, however I have provided a demo if anyone wants to view it. When in any class, on any team, switch to weapon bank 1 and throw all but your last knife. Now hold down your +attack2 key (usually Mouse2) Now while still holding +attack2, press your +attack key (usually Mouse1) You should now be unable to switch weapon banks until you die, which won't be very long in some instances. If someone else covered this bug, Please disregard. Knifebug.zip
  15. In chat after every map players' pings are very weird: http://obrazki.elektroda.net/46_1298153781_thumb.png
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