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Admins.cfg crash 0.5.1


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Again I appeal to your forum for help. I moved my server to silent mode with updated 0.5.0 to 0.5.1. I deleted the two files. Db database in a folder. I have uploaded:

- Silent-0.5.1.pk3

- qagame_mp_x86.dll

- qagame.mp.i386.so

- Folder dynamic_lua


The problem is that all level'e VIP Levels admins keep in admins.cfg. Before the upgrade everything worked fine I have 20 people in your admins.cfg. After updating the part! Readadmins the console, the server is crashuje and nothing can be done at the server console I get the error: "readconfig: warning missing = before "=Light" on line 3394". Admins.cfg structure is the same as before the update. Please help.




Ponownie zwracam się na waszym forum o pomoc. Przeprowadziłem na moim serwerze aktualizacje silent mode z 0.5.0 na 0.5.1. Usunąłem dwa pliki .db w folderze database. Wgrałem:

- silent-0.5.1.pk3

- qagame_mp_x86.dll

- qagame.mp.i386.so

- folder dynamic_lua


Problem polega na tym że wszystkie level'e vip oraz levele adminów trzymam w admins.cfg. Przed aktualizacją wszystko działało poprawnie mam 20 osób w pliku admins.cfg. Po aktualizacji gdy wpisuje !readadmins w konsol, serwer się crashuje i nic nie da się zrobić w konsoli serwera pojawia się błąd: "readconfig: warning missing = before "=Light" on line 3394". Struktura admins.cfg jest taka sama jak przed aktualizacją. Proszę o pomoc

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  • Management

How did you create the admins.cfg? The file seems rather big as the error is on the line 3394. It looks like that line in the admins.cfg file is corrupted. Please make sure there are no additional " characters on that line.


Please do also note that the admins.cfg is read only with a command so if you haven't read it in manualy on your older server it may have been corrupted already in there. Another thing that you might see potentially usefull is that there is no requirement for the admins.cfg to hold all the admins. You can insert just those admins you want to read in at any particular time and it will not affect other stored admins in the actual silent database.


For future use, the silEnT does automatically convert the databases between different versions if there is the need for it. So there is no need to delete the old files unless you experience problems and you think it might be usefull for that purpose.

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  • Management

Next things to check are fs_homepath and fs_basepath. Also, please make sure they are correct using the rcon if possible. Just make sure these paths point to the new installation and not old or any other installations.


The issue is without a doubt in parsing the admins.cfg file and the parse error message is direct result from the data it reads.

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The key part is the "Light" word, grep the files for that string you will know which file is being parsed. Does admis.cfg you think you are attempting to import contain that word at all?



Kluczowe jest słowo "Light", poszukaj plików z tym ciągiem znaków i będziesz wiedział, który jest parsowany. Czy amins.cfg, który myślisz, że wczytujesz, zawiera ten wyraz?

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The key part is the "Light" word, grep the files for that string you will know which file is being parsed. Does admis.cfg you think you are attempting to import contain that word at all?



Kluczowe jest słowo "Light", poszukaj plików z tym ciągiem znaków i będziesz wiedział, który jest parsowany. Czy amins.cfg, który myślisz, że wczytujesz, zawiera ten wyraz?


Dziękuję ci bardzo za pomoc. Miałeś rację kluczowe było słowo light które było wpisane name=light zamiast name = Light. Dziękuję serdecznie za pomoc i pozdrawiam.

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Yet there is one little problem after the update. Earlier I had admins.cfg to any person who is in the config posted greeting_sound assigned individual and greeting. Now when you load the admins.cfg for the help! Readadmins and take the person to whom the! Userinfo writes greeting and greeting the sound is not set.


greeting = ^7Witaj *HIGH.Admin* [n] ^7na serwerze ^7POL^1SKA^7VODKA SILENT^c@^9Zabijaka^7.PL

greeting_sound = sound/admin.wav

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