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Need help with advanced configuration of silEnT Mod


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I have setup of ET on ubuntu and i was able to get silEnT Mod working with the help form this forum. Now I need some more help for advanced configuration like:


1. Enabling bots

2. Enabling save XP for the players

3. I have changed the banner.cfg but it does not show up during the game.

4. Need a little help on customizing and promoting my server.

5. Need help in adding more maps where can i download maps and configure the,


This is my silent.cfg



This is my bot.cfg



And this is how i start the server

nohup etded +set dedicated 2 +set fs_game silent +set fs_homepath /usr/share/games/enemy-territory +exec silent.cfg +exec bot.cfg > /var/log/et.log 2>&1 &

I also got a init.d script



Can someone please help here?



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instead of using the bot.cfg in your startup just use the silent.cfg.

Mine is

// Omni-bots
set omnibot_enable 1  //changed from 0
set omnibot_path "/home/harry/OGP_User_Files/omnibot/"  //changed from "/usr/local/games/enemy-territory/omnibotv084/"
set g_bot_maxXP 1000  //changed from -1
set g_bot_minPlayers 8  //changed from -1
set omnibot_flags 262160  //changed from 0
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I did try that it did not work :(


These are the logs

ET 2.60b linux-i386 May  8 2006
----- FS_Startup -----
Current search path:
/usr/share/games/enemy-territory/silent/silent-0.9.0.pk3 (528 files)
/usr/share/games/enemy-territory/etmain/pak2.pk3 (22 files)
/usr/share/games/enemy-territory/etmain/pak1.pk3 (10 files)
/usr/share/games/enemy-territory/etmain/pak0.pk3 (3725 files)
/usr/share/games/enemy-territory/etmain/mp_bin.pk3 (6 files)

4291 files in pk3 files
execing default.cfg
couldn't exec language.cfg
couldn't exec autoexec.cfg
Hunk_Clear: reset the hunk ok
Bypassing CD checks
Found high quality video and fast CPU
--- Common Initialization Complete ---
Opening IP socket: localhost:27960
Hostname: web-01
stdin is not a tty, tty console mode failed
execing silent.cfg
execing bot.cfg
logfile opened on Tue Jun 21 11:03:05 2016

execing objectivecycle.cfg
g_gametype will be changed upon restarting.
------ Server Initialization ------
Server: oasis
Hunk_Clear: reset the hunk ok
----- FS_Startup -----
Current search path:
/usr/share/games/enemy-territory/silent/silent-0.9.0.pk3 (528 files)
/usr/share/games/enemy-territory/etmain/pak2.pk3 (22 files)
/usr/share/games/enemy-territory/etmain/pak1.pk3 (10 files)
/usr/share/games/enemy-territory/etmain/pak0.pk3 (3725 files)
/usr/share/games/enemy-territory/etmain/mp_bin.pk3 (6 files)

handle 1: etconsole.log
8582 files in pk3 files
Sys_LoadDll(/usr/share/games/enemy-territory/silent/qagame.mp.i386.so)... ok
Sys_LoadDll(qagame) found **vmMain** at  0xef363800
Sys_LoadDll(qagame) succeeded!
------- Game Initialization -------
gamename: silEnT
gamedate: Nov 22 2015
*=====Server Installation Check
  * Inspecting menu files
    Menu files are Ok
  * Inspecting assets
    Asset files are Ok
  * Inspecting server cvars
*=====Server Installation Checked and Found Ok
424 cvars in use.
InitGame: \sv_sac\1\g_maxConnsPerIP\4\omnibot_playing\0\mod_url\http://mygamingtalk.com/\mod_version\0.9.0\g_damageXPLevel\50\g_damageXP\0\g_heavyWeaponRestriction\100\g_antilagDelay\0\g_maxlivesRespawnPenalty\0\voteFlags\0\g_balancedteams\0\g_maxGameClients\0\g_bluelimbotime\20000\g_redlimbotime\30000\gamename\silEnT\omnibot_enable\1\g_tyranny\1\g_gametype\2\g_antilag\1\g_voteFlags\0\g_alliedmaxlives\0\g_axismaxlives\0\g_minGameClients\8\g_needpass\0\g_maxlives\0\g_friendlyFire\0\sv_allowAnonymous\0\sv_floodProtect\1\sv_maxPing\0\sv_minPing\0\sv_maxRate\50000\sv_minguidage\0\sv_punkbuster\0\sv_maxclients\20\sv_hostname\^>M^1e^2o^zw^7!\sv_privateClients\0\mapname\oasis\protocol\84\timelimit\0\version\ET 2.60b linux-i386 May  8 2006
Start of warmup.
Cheat logfile open: cheat.log
readconfig: loaded 6 levels, 0 bans, 0 subnet bans, 0 commands, 0 warnings and 0 custom votes
Loading Dynamic Server Modules
  * Loading statistics module - Disabled in configuration.
  * Loading censor module - Disabled in configuration.
Dynamic Server Modules Loaded
Execing default.cfg mapconfig for 0 players.
  * Execed total of 18 commands from the config file.
Execing oasis.cfg mapconfig for 0 players.
  * Config file "mapconfigs/oasis.cfg" was not found.
Gametype changed, clearing session data.
banners: loaded 1 banners
  * Opening user database file userdb.db.
  * Opening user database file userxdb.db.
  * User database files open. Caching database.
  5 players cached from the user database.
  No additional user records in the user database.
  * Reading aliases database.
  Read total of 7 aliases for 5 players.
Enable spawning!
Disable spawning!
0 teams with 0 entities
Setting MOTD...
Disabling sv_floodprotect
Omni-bot: ^2Looking for /usr/share/games/enemy-territory/omni-bot/omnibot_et.so,
Omni-bot: ^2Found Omni-bot: /usr/share/games/enemy-territory/omni-bot/omnibot_et.so, Attempting to Initialize
Omni-bot: ^2Omni-bot Loaded Successfully
^2ET autoexec script executed.
^2Loaded Waypoints.
^2Bot Initialized in 0.28 seconds.
broadcast: print "Server: timelimit changed to 30\n"
broadcast: print "Server: g_balancedteams changed to 1\n"
Setting Allied autospawn to Allied Camp
Setting Axis autospawn to Old City
^1Warning: setstate (pump2_sound) called and no entities found
^2147 Goals Loaded, 22 Goals Deferred, 0 Goals could not load. elapsed time: 0.48 seconds
execing bot.cfg
^1addbot team[1-2] class[1-5] name[string]
^1addbot team[1-2] class[1-5] name[string]
^1addbot team[1-2] class[1-5] name[string]
^1addbot team[1-2] class[1-5] name[string]
^1addbot team[1-2] class[1-5] name[string]
^1addbot team[1-2] class[1-5] name[string]
^1addbot team[1-2] class[1-5] name[string]
^1addbot team[1-2] class[1-5] name[string]
^1addbot team[1-2] class[1-5] name[string]
^1addbot team[1-2] class[1-5] name[string]
execing preset_high.cfg
Hitch warning: 1445 msec frame time
PunkBuster Server: Preparing to Disable PB Server... (/usr/share/games/enemy-territory/pb/)
Hitch warning: 2858 msec frame time
Client 0 connecting with 50 challenge ping
ClientConnect: 0
Userinfo: \g_password\none\cl_guid\37B15D09582162A46D8B0A8FE4E87387\cl_punkbuster\1\cl_anonymous\0\snaps\20\rate\4000\name\Adithya\cl_wwwDownload\1\protocol\84\qport\18983\challenge\-1017227583\ip\
ClientUserinfoChanged: 0 n\Adithya\t\3\c\0\r\0\m\0000000\s\0000000\df\0\dn\\dr\0\w\0\lw\0\sw\0\mu\0\ref\0\uci\255\lc\0\tv\0\sc\0
Userinfo: \cg_ident\00000000000070C9\cg_etver\4\cg_c\0.9.0\cg_cmodbuild\win-x86 Aug 25 2015\cg_uinfo\13 0 15\sil_guid\6DF8B77C1F4164CF12B0369D629C33CD:2\g_password\none\cl_guid\37B15D09582162A46D8B0A8FE4E87387\cl_punkbuster\1\cl_anonymous\0\snaps\20\rate\39000\name\Adithya\cl_wwwDownload\1\ip\
ClientBegin: 0
Userinfo: \cg_ident\00000000000070C9\cg_etver\4\cg_c\0.9.0\cg_cmodbuild\win-x86 Aug 25 2015\cg_uinfo\13 0 60\sil_guid\6DF8B77C1F4164CF12B0369D629C33CD:2\g_password\none\cl_guid\37B15D09582162A46D8B0A8FE4E87387\cl_punkbuster\1\cl_anonymous\0\snaps\20\rate\39000\name\Adithya\cl_wwwDownload\1\ip\
ClientUserinfoChanged: 0 n\Adithya\t\1\c\0\r\0\m\0000000\s\0000000\df\0\dn\\dr\0\w\0\lw\3\sw\2\mu\0\ref\0\uci\255\lc\3\tv\0\sc\0
ClientUserinfoChanged: 0 n\Adithya\t\1\c\3\r\0\m\0000000\s\0000000\df\0\dn\\dr\0\w\3\lw\3\sw\2\mu\0\ref\0\uci\255\lc\3\tv\0\sc\0
ClientBegin: 0
^2-- Script System Info --
^2Current Memory Usage 1.58102 MB
^2Soft Memory Usage 1.6 MB
^2Hard Memory Limit 2 MB
^2System Memory Usage 1.79886 MB
^2Full Collects 1
^2Inc Collects 3
^2GC Warnings 0
^2Threads: 0, 0 Running, 0 Blocked, 0 Sleeping
=== ShutdownGame -------------------------------------------
  Buffers cleaned.
  Big Memory Cache cleaned.
Unloading Dynamic Server Modules
Dynamic Server Modules Unloaded
ShutdownGame: done. Closing log.
Sys_LoadDll(/usr/share/games/enemy-territory/silent/qagame.mp.i386.so)... ok
Sys_LoadDll(qagame) found **vmMain** at  0xef363800
Sys_LoadDll(qagame) succeeded!
------- Game Initialization -------
gamename: silEnT
gamedate: Nov 22 2015
*=====Server Installation Check
  * Inspecting menu files
    Menu files are Ok
  * Inspecting assets
    Asset files are Ok
  * Inspecting server cvars
*=====Server Installation Checked and Found Ok
424 cvars in use.
InitGame: \sv_sac\1\g_maxConnsPerIP\4\omnibot_playing\0\mod_url\http://mygamingtalk.com/\mod_version\0.9.0\g_damageXPLevel\50\g_damageXP\0\g_heavyWeaponRestriction\100\P\1\g_antilagDelay\0\g_maxlivesRespawnPenalty\0\voteFlags\19922943\g_balancedteams\1\g_maxGameClients\0\g_bluelimbotime\20000\g_redlimbotime\30000\gamename\silEnT\omnibot_enable\1\g_tyranny\1\g_gametype\2\g_antilag\1\g_voteFlags\0\g_alliedmaxlives\0\g_axismaxlives\0\g_minGameClients\8\g_needpass\0\g_maxlives\0\g_friendlyFire\0\sv_allowAnonymous\0\sv_floodProtect\0\sv_maxPing\0\sv_minPing\0\sv_maxRate\50000\sv_minguidage\0\sv_punkbuster\0\sv_maxclients\20\sv_hostname\^>M^1e^2o^zw^7!\sv_privateClients\0\mapname\oasis\protocol\84\timelimit\30\version\ET 2.60b linux-i386 May  8 2006
Start of round.
Cheat logfile open: cheat.log
readconfig: loaded 6 levels, 0 bans, 0 subnet bans, 0 commands, 0 warnings and 0 custom votes
Loading Dynamic Server Modules
  * Loading statistics module - Disabled in configuration.
  * Loading censor module - Disabled in configuration.
Dynamic Server Modules Loaded
Execing default.cfg mapconfig for 1 players.
  * Execed total of 18 commands from the config file.
Execing oasis.cfg mapconfig for 1 players.
  * Config file "mapconfigs/oasis.cfg" was not found.
banners: loaded 1 banners
  * Opening user database file userdb.db.
  * Opening user database file userxdb.db.
  * User database files open. Caching database.
  5 players cached from the user database.
  No additional user records in the user database.
  * Reading aliases database.
  Read total of 7 aliases for 5 players.
Enable spawning!
Disable spawning!
0 teams with 0 entities
Setting MOTD...
Omni-bot: ^2Looking for /usr/share/games/enemy-territory/omni-bot/omnibot_et.so,
Omni-bot: ^2Found Omni-bot: /usr/share/games/enemy-territory/omni-bot/omnibot_et.so, Attempting to Initialize
Omni-bot: ^2Omni-bot Loaded Successfully
^2ET autoexec script executed.
^2Loaded Waypoints.
^2Bot Initialized in 0.60 seconds.
Setting Allied autospawn to Allied Camp
Setting Axis autospawn to Old City
^1Warning: setstate (pump2_sound) called and no entities found
ClientConnect: 0
Userinfo: \cg_ident\00000000000070C9\cg_etver\4\cg_c\0.9.0\cg_cmodbuild\win-x86 Aug 25 2015\cg_uinfo\13 0 60\sil_guid\6DF8B77C1F4164CF12B0369D629C33CD:2\g_password\none\cl_guid\37B15D09582162A46D8B0A8FE4E87387\cl_punkbuster\1\cl_anonymous\0\snaps\20\rate\39000\name\Adithya\cl_wwwDownload\1\ip\
ClientBegin: 0
^2147 Goals Loaded, 22 Goals Deferred, 0 Goals could not load. elapsed time: 0.98 seconds
Hitch warning: 2751 msec frame time
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it looks like its loading ok and ending the map ok

Looking at this I'd remove the bot.cfg and run it from the silent.cfg and use a maxbot command to get bots working on the server, once that's done then you could change to your bot.cfg as you know the default way the bots run.

You can also set how many bots you want in the default.cfg and map_name.cfg files if you require different numbers of bots depending on the map.

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I have tried the changes you suggested.

This is how i am starting now

nohup etded +set fs_game silent +set fs_homepath /usr/share/games/enemy-territory +exec silent.cfg > /var/log/et.log 2>&1 &

I have added this section in my silent.cfg

// Omni-Bots
exec bot.cfg
set omnibot_enable 1
set omnibot_path "/usr/share/games/enemy-territory/omni-bot"  // set this path manually if the auto-search does not find the Omni-bot files
set g_bot_maxXP 1000
set g_bot_minPlayers 8
set omnibot_flags 262148

And this is my bot.cfg

bot addbot 1 1 ^1BOT ^71 ^3#ET4LIFE
bot addbot 1 2 ^1BOT ^72 ^3#ET4LIFE
bot addbot 1 3 ^1BOT ^73 ^3#ET4LIFE
bot addbot 1 4 ^1BOT ^74 ^3#ET4LIFE
bot addbot 1 5 ^1BOT ^75 ^3#ET4LIFE

bot addbot 2 1 ^4BOT ^76 ^3#ET4LIFE
bot addbot 2 2 ^4BOT ^77 ^3#ET4LIFE
bot addbot 2 3 ^4BOT ^78 ^3#ET4LIFE
bot addbot 2 4 ^4BOT ^79 ^3#ET4LIFE
bot addbot 2 5 ^4BOT ^70 ^3#ET4LIFE

How do i use the max bot command and where do i use it?

Also do i have to add bots to the maps?

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you can set the maxbot either in the :-


console to change it while in game

 /bot maxbots 8

shrubbot.cfg to change it again in game, any users with levels allocated can change it

command  = maxbots
exec     = bot maxbots [1]
desc     = Sets maximum count of bots in game.
syntax   =
levels   = 5 9 10 11 14 15

default.cfg sets it at the start of every map, sets the default number at map start

bot maxbots 10
bot minbots -1
bot botwar -1
bot difficulty 1

map_name.cfg sets it on a per map setting, loads when there is a map_name.cfg on the map start, if one is not found it loads the default.cfg with it in

bot maxbots 12
bot minbots -1
bot botwar -1
bot difficulty 1

and the omnibot.cfg this is what is read every a time a map runs if there is no default.cfg or map_name.cfg

MaxBots                        = 8
BalanceTeams                   = 1
SaveConfigChanges              = 1
CountSpectators                = 0
SleepBots                      = 0
MinBots                        = -1
InitialDelayTime               = 2.1
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Hey I did try all the options


I added these files please correct me if i am wrong




'silent-default.j2', dest: '/usr/share/games/enemy-territory/silent/default.cfg' 
'silent-shrubbot.j2', dest: '/usr/share/games/enemy-territory/silent/shrubbot.cfg'
'omnibot.j2', dest: '/usr/share/games/enemy-territory/etmain/omnibot.cfg

I get an error when i say /bot maxbots 8 as no command bot found


And this is my log

------- Game Initialization -------
gamename: silEnT
gamedate: Nov 22 2015
*=====Server Installation Check
  * Inspecting menu files
    Menu files are Ok
  * Inspecting assets
    Asset files are Ok
  * Inspecting server cvars
*=====Server Installation Checked and Found Ok
424 cvars in use.
InitGame: \sv_sac\1\g_maxConnsPerIP\4\omnibot_playing\0\mod_url\http://mygamingtalk.com/\mod_version\0.9.0\g_damageXPLevel\50\g_damageXP\0\g_heavyWeaponRestriction\100\g_antilagDelay\0\g_maxlivesRespawnPenalty\0\voteFlags\0\g_balancedteams\0\g_maxGameClients\0\g_bluelimbotime\20000\g_redlimbotime\30000\gamename\silEnT\omnibot_enable\1\g_tyranny\1\g_gametype\2\g_antilag\1\g_voteFlags\0\g_alliedmaxlives\0\g_axismaxlives\0\g_minGameClients\8\g_needpass\0\g_maxlives\0\g_friendlyFire\0\sv_allowAnonymous\0\sv_floodProtect\1\sv_maxPing\0\sv_minPing\0\sv_maxRate\50000\sv_minguidage\0\sv_punkbuster\0\sv_maxclients\20\sv_hostname\^>M^1e^2o^zw^7!\sv_privateClients\0\mapname\oasis\protocol\84\timelimit\0\version\ET 2.60b linux-i386 May  8 2006
Start of warmup.
Cheat logfile open: cheat.log
readconfig: loaded 6 levels, 0 bans, 0 subnet bans, 0 commands, 0 warnings and 0 custom votes
Loading Dynamic Server Modules
  * Loading statistics module - Disabled in configuration.
  * Loading censor module - Disabled in configuration.
Dynamic Server Modules Loaded
Execing default.cfg mapconfig for 0 players.
  * Execed total of 18 commands from the config file.
Execing oasis.cfg mapconfig for 0 players.
  * Config file "mapconfigs/oasis.cfg" was not found.
Gametype changed, clearing session data.
banners: loaded 1 banners
  * Opening user database file userdb.db.
  * Opening user database file userxdb.db.
  * User database files open. Caching database.
  5 players cached from the user database.
  No additional user records in the user database.
  * Reading aliases database.
  Read total of 7 aliases for 5 players.
Enable spawning!
Disable spawning!
0 teams with 0 entities
Setting MOTD...
Disabling sv_floodprotect
Omni-bot: ^2Looking for /usr/share/games/enemy-territory/omni-bot/omnibot_et.so,
Omni-bot: ^2Found Omni-bot: /usr/share/games/enemy-territory/omni-bot/omnibot_et.so, Attempting to Initialize
Omni-bot: ^2Omni-bot Loaded Successfully
^2ET autoexec script executed.
^2Loaded Waypoints.
^2Bot Initialized in 0.23 seconds.
broadcast: print "Server: timelimit changed to 30\n"
broadcast: print "Server: g_balancedteams changed to 1\n"
Setting Allied autospawn to Allied Camp
Setting Axis autospawn to Old City
^1Warning: setstate (pump2_sound) called and no entities found
^2147 Goals Loaded, 22 Goals Deferred, 0 Goals could not load. elapsed time: 0.81 seconds
execing preset_high.cfg
Hitch warning: 1625 msec frame time
PunkBuster Server: Preparing to Disable PB Server... (/usr/share/games/enemy-territory/pb/)
Hitch warning: 2602 msec frame time
Client 0 connecting with 100 challenge ping
ClientConnect: 0
Userinfo: \cg_ident\0000000000008D0D\cg_etver\4\cg_c\0.9.0\cg_cmodbuild\win-x86 Aug 25 2015\cg_uinfo\13 0 60\sil_guid\6DF8B77C1F4164CF12B0369D629C33CD:2\g_password\none\cl_guid\37B15D09582162A46D8B0A8FE4E87387\cl_punkbuster\1\cl_anonymous\0\snaps\20\rate\39000\name\Adithya\cl_wwwDownload\1\protocol\84\qport\32036\challenge\761521534\ip\
ClientUserinfoChanged: 0 n\Adithya\t\3\c\0\r\0\m\0000000\s\0000000\df\0\dn\\dr\0\w\0\lw\0\sw\0\mu\0\ref\0\uci\255\lc\0\tv\0\sc\0
^2-- Script System Info --
^2Current Memory Usage 1.58102 MB
^2Soft Memory Usage 1.6 MB
^2Hard Memory Limit 2 MB
^2System Memory Usage 1.79886 MB
^2Full Collects 1
^2Inc Collects 3
^2GC Warnings 0
^2Threads: 0, 0 Running, 0 Blocked, 0 Sleeping
=== ShutdownGame -------------------------------------------
  Buffers cleaned.
  Big Memory Cache cleaned.
Unloading Dynamic Server Modules
Dynamic Server Modules Unloaded
ShutdownGame: done. Closing log.
Sys_LoadDll(/usr/share/games/enemy-territory/silent/qagame.mp.i386.so)... ok
Sys_LoadDll(qagame) found **vmMain** at  0xef3b0800
Sys_LoadDll(qagame) succeeded!
------- Game Initialization -------
gamename: silEnT
gamedate: Nov 22 2015
*=====Server Installation Check
  * Inspecting menu files
    Menu files are Ok
  * Inspecting assets
    Asset files are Ok
  * Inspecting server cvars
*=====Server Installation Checked and Found Ok
424 cvars in use.
InitGame: \sv_sac\1\g_maxConnsPerIP\4\omnibot_playing\0\mod_url\http://mygamingtalk.com/\mod_version\0.9.0\g_damageXPLevel\50\g_damageXP\0\g_heavyWeaponRestriction\100\P\0\g_antilagDelay\0\g_maxlivesRespawnPenalty\0\voteFlags\19922943\g_balancedteams\1\g_maxGameClients\0\g_bluelimbotime\20000\g_redlimbotime\30000\gamename\silEnT\omnibot_enable\1\g_tyranny\1\g_gametype\2\g_antilag\1\g_voteFlags\0\g_alliedmaxlives\0\g_axismaxlives\0\g_minGameClients\8\g_needpass\0\g_maxlives\0\g_friendlyFire\0\sv_allowAnonymous\0\sv_floodProtect\0\sv_maxPing\0\sv_minPing\0\sv_maxRate\50000\sv_minguidage\0\sv_punkbuster\0\sv_maxclients\20\sv_hostname\^>M^1e^2o^zw^7!\sv_privateClients\0\mapname\oasis\protocol\84\timelimit\30\version\ET 2.60b linux-i386 May  8 2006
Start of round.
Cheat logfile open: cheat.log
readconfig: loaded 6 levels, 0 bans, 0 subnet bans, 0 commands, 0 warnings and 0 custom votes
Loading Dynamic Server Modules
  * Loading statistics module - Disabled in configuration.
  * Loading censor module - Disabled in configuration.
Dynamic Server Modules Loaded
Execing default.cfg mapconfig for 0 players.
  * Execed total of 18 commands from the config file.
Execing oasis.cfg mapconfig for 0 players.
  * Config file "mapconfigs/oasis.cfg" was not found.
banners: loaded 1 banners
  * Opening user database file userdb.db.
  * Opening user database file userxdb.db.
  * User database files open. Caching database.
  5 players cached from the user database.
  No additional user records in the user database.
  * Reading aliases database.
  Read total of 7 aliases for 5 players.
Enable spawning!
Disable spawning!
0 teams with 0 entities
Setting MOTD...
Omni-bot: ^2Looking for /usr/share/games/enemy-territory/omni-bot/omnibot_et.so,
Omni-bot: ^2Found Omni-bot: /usr/share/games/enemy-territory/omni-bot/omnibot_et.so, Attempting to Initialize
Omni-bot: ^2Omni-bot Loaded Successfully
^2ET autoexec script executed.
^2Loaded Waypoints.
^2Bot Initialized in 0.27 seconds.
Setting Allied autospawn to Allied Camp
Setting Axis autospawn to Old City
^1Warning: setstate (pump2_sound) called and no entities found
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I get an error when i say /bot maxbots 8 as no command bot found

If it says that it usually means omnibot is not running but according to your log it is.


I use Rcon Unlimited for console commands out of game, I find it easier.

In Rcon Unlinited enter

bot version

and you should get

13:04:14:> bot version
Omni-Bot : Oct 23 2015 23:39:59
Version : 0.85.1
Interface # : 17

now you've confirmed OmniBot running you can use Rcon Unlimited for commands

bot maxbots 8

and it should add a total of 8 bots or the number you specified.


if your using that command in console in game with shrubbot it should be

!maxbots 8

and again the required number of bots should appear.

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aha in that case, sorry I dont know how to get it going on that, I'm affraid google will have to be your buddy.

I have found on http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1841027 perhaps a search there will help you, unless anyone here who knows more about it than me can help.



Native Rcon tool for Quake 3 based games?I usually use Rcon Unlimited in WINE to adminstrate Quake 3-based games. There are some web based tools, and lots of Mac/Windows ones, but is there a native alternative? I hate needing WINE just to do something so simple.


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