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Our server started lagging really bad some time ago (don't remember when). A lot of players are complaining about lags/warps when there are more than 26 people on the server (I noticed them as well to be honest). I think I tried everything. I was testing fixedphysics, both antiwarp methods (g_antiwarp / g_skipcorrection - second one is better IMO), loaded/unloaded Luas etc... I think I tested everything on server side... Maybe you have any ideas? My userdb.db has about 3MB, can it be too much? By warps I mean that there are moments when fighting 1vs1 that my opponent "jumps" from point A to point B (his moves aren't smooth).


Screenshot with lagometer:



My forcecvar file:

forcecvar snaps 20
forcecvar cl_pitchspeed 0
forcecvar cl_timenudge 0
forcecvar r_zfar 0
forcecvar cl_maxpackets 100
sv_cvar rate IN 25000 45000
//forcecvar rate 25000
forcecvar r_clamptoedge 1
forcecvar cl_nodelta 0
//sv_cvar cg_landmineNotifyType IN 1 2
forcecvar cg_gun_fovscale 0
//forcecvar cg_themedCMap 1
forcecvar r_wolffog 0
forcecvar r_drawfoliage 1
forcecvar r_znear 3
forcecvar r_showtris 0
forcecvar r_primitives 0
forcecvar r_drawworld 1
forcecvar r_drawentities 1
//forcecvar cg_drawRanks 0
//forcecvar ui_themedCursor 0

set team_maxPanzers "12%-"
set team_maxMortars "12%-"
set team_maxFlamers "12%-"
set team_maxMG42s "12%-"

[players 0-15]
set team_maxGrenLaunchers 1
set g_excludedMaps ":goldrush:fueldump:rushers11:mlb_hotchkiss:italyfp2:cathedral_final:tounine_b2:beerrun_b7a:"
[players 16-19]
set team_maxGrenLaunchers 2
set g_excludedMaps ":goldrush:fueldump:rushers11:mlb_hotchkiss:cathedral_final:tounine_b2:"
[players 20-24]
set team_maxGrenLaunchers 2
set g_excludedMaps ":goldrush:fueldump:"
[players 25-*]
set team_maxGrenLaunchers 2
set g_excludedMaps ":battery:goldrush:fueldump:purefrag:"


Any thoughts are appriciated!

Edited by Dragon
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  • Management

* First, be sure that the getstatus exploit is properly removed from the threats.


* Take a look at the cpu and memory consumption with top command.


If the problem is recent, i.e. there wasn't problems before with same player amounts and same settings, the issue may be external. E.g. the getstatus exploiting, the ET300 which I suspect you are using.


3 MB user.db is not a really big yet and should not cause problems.


It is too early to make promises but the networking has been investigated again and it is possible that improvements will be made to the next version.

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* First, be sure that the getstatus exploit is properly removed from the threats

We use IPTables method on our root with no problems so far.


* Take a look at the cpu and memory consumption with top command.

ET process uses around 40% of one thread when server is full (root's CPU got 4 cores which is 8 threads in HT technology).


If the problem is recent, i.e. there wasn't problems before with same player amounts and same settings, the issue may be external. E.g. the getstatus exploiting, the ET300 which I suspect you are using.

I think it's not caused by ET 3.00 because it would lag/warp other servers as well.


3 MB user.db is not a really big yet and should not cause problems.

Thanks for info.

Edited by Dragon
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Sometimes the factor can be the map itself as well, i know for instances baserace map never was actually playable above 30 players, caused to lag pretty much everyone on the server and i assume there are some other maps with the same problem.
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Lag is often map-dependent. Fueldump and baserace are notorious for lag in the open areas. ET lags more when the server has to render more open map area. It has something to do with the size of the open area. I am not an expert on how maps are rendered, but I know big open maps lag more.
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  • 9 months later...

Lag is often map-dependent. Fueldump and baserace are notorious for lag in the open areas. ET lags more when the server has to render more open map area. It has something to do with the size of the open area. I am not an expert on how maps are rendered, but I know big open maps lag more.

I'm wondering if anything can be done about it? It's pretty damn annoying that maps like Supply or Bremen cause lags in players movement. It seems to happen only on maps where a lot of players from both teams (who shoot to each other of course) are concetrated on a small horizontally open (it doesn't matter if it's inside the building or outside) area though. Edited by Dragonji
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  • Management

Warping is caused by network issues. You can try to get players use proper maxpackets setting. For example if player has 125 FPS, the value to use would be 63. If he uses 100, he is still sending the 62-63 packets in a second but if he gets FPS drop to below or equal to 100, he will be sending them 100 times (or his FPS amount) in a second. It combined with delays and possible buffering by ISP, can cause sudden faster moves then regularly. Do note that the packet sizes are typically irrelevant as the packets are very small and it would be a rare case if someone wouldn't have bandwidth for the data. The packet count is the bad thing as each of them can be buffered and delayed to give way for higher priority traffic.

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Sounds weird, in my logic maxpackets should be somehow dynamic then, calculated on client side.


A silly theory: I think (unstable) FPS connection with packets was never an issue with Jaymod. (I never had stable FPS in Jaymod but I was not lagging on full servers, regardless of maxpackets setting)

Edited by Dragonji
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