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Hi, I am requesting this to make things a bit easier in either the silent.cfg file or the wiki.


I don't find it more difficult, but more time consuming to go back and forth between trying to find a cvar in the cfg file and on the wiki. I think it might make it easier to organize either one so that it's in the same order on both the wiki and cfg file. Maybe label them as such.


For example, in the cfg, g_antilag is the first thing, but on the wiki, it's talking about private messages. I think it would help more to the people that are not use to using these files and wikis, and also a lot easier on everyone that is using them period. I'm updating my cfg currently with the new one from the 0.4.0 download just so I am up to date on everything, and it's becoming difficult to do to start. Last time, i went through and organized all the misc cvars, and now I am gonna have to do it again to make it easier again. I am thinking I will just go through and write it all out the way the wiki is written. That way I can find things a bit easier.


Well, let me know what you think.

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Here are some cvars that I add to my silent.cfg that would be helpful to have on it by default.


set g_misc

set g_mode


set g_userAlliedRespawnTime

set g_userAxisRespawnTime


set g_ammoCabinetTime

set g_healthCabinetTime


set g_covertopsChargeTime

set g_engineerChargeTime

set g_LTChargeTime

set g_soldierChargeTime

set g_medicChargeTime


set g_minArtyTime

set g_minAirstrikeTime

Edited by phantasm
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What is the cvar for the charge time for each class? Mine is currently set to not going down... ever... that could be bad against rambo medics.. lol

Also, is adrenaline enabled for silent server?


set g_covertopsChargeTime - Coverts

set g_engineerChargeTime - Eng

set g_LTChargeTime - Field ops

set g_soldierChargeTime - Soldier

set g_medicChargeTime - Medic


Adrenaline can be enabled/disabled. g_skills

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