The silEnT Mod Team presents the new 0.4.0 version of silEnT Mod for Enemy Territory.
Special thanks for Krauersaut for building the Mac OS X client and crapshoot from the omni-bot team for his help and co-operation
New main features in silEnT 0.4.0 are:
- New User Interface with 2 themes. Themes can be switched with "ui_theme" cvar {1,2}
- Widescreen support.
- New front end user interface for private message system.
- 3rd person view for knife throw animations.
- db improvements.
- Enhanced Hardware Based Identification system. g_identOptions 16. The server will automatically create a new ban for a player that is circumventing old ban and the client identification catches it.
- Subnet ban feature to replace pb_sv_banmask.
- Performance enhancements.
- Ban numbers are printed in the outputs of !userinfo, !userlist and !usersearch commands, if the player is banned.
Miscellaneous added features:
- Added: tripmines markers on the command map.
- Added: new tripmine wire shaders.
- Added: tripmines can be now spotted by coverts to be marked on the command map.
- Added: Possibility for server admins to enable Jaymod style double jumping This is controlled with g_misc flag 32.
- Added: hint for tripmine placement (hint is displayed when tripmine can be attached to the pointed place)
- Added: new cvar: cg_themedCMap {0,1}, which activates/deactivates themed command map frame
- Added: New shrubbot flag '#'. Players or levels with this flag are not allowed to call votes. Voting is automatically denied from players without PB GUIDs. Do note, it does not require the punkbuster to be enabled on the server for a player to have a PB GUID.
- Added: new private message which allows to select players from the list or just type the name in
- Added: Possiblity to mute only global chat sounds with cg_noVoiceChats 2. Also added into the menu.
Traditionally, the changelog:
Version 0.4.0
- Added: different power bolt colors for fops to show arty/airstrikes availability (http://mygamingtalk....ops-air-strike/)
- Added: tripmines can be tripped by movers (doors etc.) when they cross the wire
- Added: ui_themedCursor client cvar to disable/enable themed cursor. For those who don't like the new themed mouse cursors.
- Reworked: new tripmine model, new tripmine icons
- Fixed: narrow screens (aspect ratio where the width is smaller then in 4:3 aspect ratio) were stretching some visuals
- Fixed: the map voting during intermission accepted mouse presses under the map list
- Fixed: landmines and tripmines were positioned wrong in the command map
- Fixed: throwing knives in air
- Fixed: map and player list scroller: http://mygamingtalk....if-you-drag-it/
- Fixed: tripmines do not disappear from command map after being destructed (tripped, not shot)
- Fixed: bans no longer write NO_GUID to the guid field in the shrubbot.cfg.
- Renamed: g_settings renamed to g_banners. That is what it is only for so the change is to clarify the purpose.
- Removed: /rcon ban. This command was causing issues because of the similar name to !ban. Also, there was no unban method.
Version 0.4.0rc1
- Added: new UI with 2 themes. Themes can be switched with "ui_theme" cvar {1,2}
- Added: tripmines markers on the command map.
- Added: new tripmine wire shaders.
- Added: tripmines can be now spotted by coverts to be marked on the command map.
- Added: g_identOptions flag 16. The server will automatically create a new ban for a player that is circumventing old ban and the client identification catches him.
- Added: Ban numbers are printed in the outputs of !userinfo, !userlist and !usersearch commands, if the player is banned.
- Added: Possibility for server admins to enable Jaymod style double jumping This is controlled with g_misc flag 32.
- Added: hint for tripmine placement (hint is displayed when tripmine can be attached to the pointed place)
- Added: new cvar: cg_themedCMap {0,1}, which activates/deactivates themed command map frame
- Added: New shrubbot flag '#'. Players or levels with this flag are not allowed to call votes. Voting is automatically denied from players without PB GUIDs. Do note, it does not require the punkbuster to be enabled on the server for a player to have a PB GUID.
- Added: new private message which allows to select players from the list or just type the name in
- Added: 3rd person view knife throw animations
- Added: Possiblity to mute only global chat sounds with cg_noVoiceChats 2. Also added into the menu.
- Fixed: Aspect ratios with widescreen monitors.
- Fixed: Empty player name in adminchat report when a player who got just kicked based on client identification reconnects instantly.
- Fixed: throw knife bug during leaning (http://mygamingtalk....e-71-knife-bug/)
- Fixed: The shortcut with custom commands now gives the client number always correctly.
- Fixed: Soldier with secondary SMG was able to keep the SMG when switching classes. Can be troublesome if switching to covert.
- Fixed: weapon banks shown when knife is thrown: http://mygamingtalk....throwing-knife/
- Fixed: xp not shown in limbo menu before joining the team: http://mygamingtalk....ed-into-a-team/
- Fixed: it was possible to still write inside edit box after tabbing out to non edit box
- Removed: g_bot_minPlayers. The omnibot librarys MinBots and MaxBots settings cover this feature better.
- Fixed: thrown knive dissapears on destructible: http://mygamingtalk....ives-disappear/
- Fixed: watermark bug: http://mygamingtalk....-watermark-bug/
- Fixed: latched class in fire team not shown: http://mygamingtalk....n-notification/
- Fixed: http://mygamingtalk....lose-limbomenu/
- Fixed: !nextmap & callvote nextmap, don't work with g_gametype 6
- Fixed: fast reload animations for weapons: http://mygamingtalk....2-speed-reload/
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