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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/08/11 in all areas

  1. I really enjoy having g_skills set to one. I mean, if you can see a landmine, of course you would tell all of your teammates on the battlefield. However, once people have high xp on xp save servers, almost everyone starts to have that ability. This takes away one of the covert ops' greatest abilities, which helps to discourage the teamwork that goes along with needing a covops to help spot landmines. I think it would be a great option to be able to restrict the ability in g_skills 1 to only allow players to spot mines when they are close (can see the white outline). This also makes sense in the game perspective where normal soldiers are not likely able to detect mines from a distance, whereas maybe a covops with special training might be able to. But, if you notice that there is a mine right next to you, you would definitely tell your teammates. I believe that this restriction would be the best of both worlds and help to bring back the usefulness of the covert ops class.
    1 point
  2. The most important part, the list of features: ETXreaL IMPORTANT: Changed media license for community contributions to "Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported" Changed required minimum OpenGL version to 3.2 on Windows 20 - 80% faster runtime speed by using better Visual Studio compiler options Replaced VS 2008 and SCons project files by Premake 4.3 Changed default binary installation folders to bin/ to avoid conflicts between different architectures Improved r_softShadows quality and speed with irregular shadowmap sampling like in Crysis Implemented Exponential Variance Shadow Mapping to fight the VSM light bleeding problems Optimized tangent space calculations for ET skeletal models (big speed improvement if r_vboVertexSkinning 0) Fixed bugs concerning r_vboDeformVertexes Added more ET specific keywords to the .shader parser Added top-down view for r_showBspNodes Added engine version to the console Updated JPG loader to libjpeg 8c Added Omni-bot 0.81 to default etmain game Defaulted com_maxfps to 125 Rewrote HDR tone mapping to use correct RGB <-> XYZ <-> Yxy color space conversions Added GUID system to generate etkeys which are sent as cl_guid Renamed r_dynamicLightCastShadows to r_dynamicLightShadows ETXMap Improved ETXMap -map2map -format quake3 using additional support for worldspawn detail brushes Improved ETXMap -map2map -format quake3 to support texture coordinates without GtkRadiant 1.4 Improved alternate BSP splitter algorithm for faster map compiles and better rendering speeds Updated JPG loader to libjpeg 8c Changed Unix home dir from .etwolf to .etxreal ETMain Added over 1 GB new high resolution textures using diffuse, normal and specular material information Added replacement textures for battery and fueldump by Eonfge Added high quality skyboxes and models by AVOC Added fueldump additions by KeMoN Converted original ET maps to the Doom 3 .map format and added an etx_ prefix to them Minimum system requirements: CPU: 2 GHz (Intel or compatible) System Memory: 512 MB Graphics card: Any graphics card that supports Direct3D 10 and OpenGL >= 3.2 Recommended system requirements: CPU: 3 GHz+ (Intel or compatible) System Memory: 1024 MB+ Graphics card: GeForce 8800 GT, Radeon HD4850 or higher. More info: http://www.splashdam...0-ETXreaL-0.3.0 This post has been promoted to an article
    1 point
  3. Dragonji

    sKy.eSports Clan

    Hello everyone, I want to present you our new Jaymod gameserver ;-) Name: sKy-e.Beginners XPSave IP: (use /connect sky-e.de for fast joining) Location: Germany (hosted at Hetzner.de) Slots: 30 Gametype: Objective Mod: Jaymod 2.2.0 ET version: 2.55+ (you can connect from every gameversion - 2.55, 2.56, 2.60, 2.60b) XP save: Forever Friendly Fire: OFF Adrenaline: OFF Double Jump: OFF Fast Shooting: OFF Free admin levels for regular playing (1-6) Suggestions are welcome
    1 point
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