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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/03/13 in all areas

  1. Hi, It would be good to have a way to define an objective (like the big gun on railgun, or north and south gun on oasis, fuel dump) and then make it so the offensive team cannot plant dyno there or get there until a certain time has passed. Enhmod does something like this but i think they either fling the player or remove their pliers when they come in proximity of obj. I think having some sort of anti-rush capability would be good in silent mod especially considering most servers want to limit rushing in some form or another and you may not always have admins present on the game server so this would be a way to automate this.
    2 points
  2. File Name: Spec Command File Submitter: Arcane File Submitted: 03 Apr 2013 File Category: LUA Spec Command lua script which works as a shrubbot command. An alternative for the console command "follow". To install: You need to unzip the file and extract the spec.lua file Upload this file into the silent folder on server (/serverip/silent) In server.cfg cvar: lua_modules "spec.lua" In shrubbot.cfg add the shrubbot command information from inside Readme.txt Click here to download this file
    1 point
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