I'm just looking at the map mp_ruiner (RTCW) & a lot of the automatically detected goals have a '!' at the end.
This causes the following parse error in the goals file.
error (232) parse error, expecting `'}'' or `',''
Could not parse file nav/mp_ruiner_goals.gm
Line 232
FLAG_Ruiners_head! =
CreateOnLoad = 0,
GoalType = "Flag",
Position = Vec3(1088.000, 4200.000, 208.000),
TagName = "Ruiners head!",
TeamAvailability = 4,
I can fix the parse error by deleting the ! but it still shows as the original goalname in game & if I save the goals, it just creates a new goal with the original name. Same issue if I rename the goal in game as well
ALLIES: FLAG_Ruiners_head! - 0.8
Just wondering if there is a way to fix this?
It also causes a parse error in the script file made by "makemapgm" but that is easy fixable by removing the '!'