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    hellreturn reacted to gaoesa in About features   
    Indeed, we got the idea of implementing weapon banks display from testing the Chaos mod. Thanks to scenna for it.
  2. Like
    hellreturn reacted to TheSilencerPL in About features   
    I believe you are talking about weapon banks?
    They are not Chaos/N!tmod features.
    They are better than that
  3. Like
    hellreturn reacted to TheSilencerPL in About features   
    Ah, but again, read my previous post as the response
  4. Like
    hellreturn reacted to TheSilencerPL in silEnT release 0.3.0   
    We proudly announce the silEnT Enemy Territory mod 0.3.0.
    We worked hard for it to become what it is in 0.3.0 version.
    We made many things server side as well as client side.
    To cut the story short, here are the top things in 0.3.0 release:

    new database version hardware based identification new game type: Team Death Match shrubbot improvements new landmine notifications new ppsh model weapon banks display
    Traditionally, here is the change log (0.3.0):

    Added: weapon banks shown during weapon change - incorporated into HUD editor (introduced new client cvars for this: cg_wbShowDuration, cg_wbOrientation, cg_wbWideSlots) Fixed: defect with following FT (killed player was picked when he/she was the FT leader - but next FT member should be picked) Improved the database performance. Added new command !baninfo. Removed cg_damageKick client cvar. Reworked cg_hitSounds client cvar. Now a new option play only headshots is available Added: New server cvar g_punkbuster. Server that don't have punkbuster enbaled can still force clients enabling punkbuster for them to have GUIDs. This does not guarantee that every player will have a GUID but if the player has it, it will be sent to the server. Added: warmup countdown (last 3 seconds). Can be turned off by setting cg_showCountDown client cvar to "0" Added: g_classWeapons server cvar. Enables weapons per class (so far only PPSh is handled) Changed: allied tripmine beam color changed to blue Added: Muted players can't call votes. Added: New command !readadmins. Added: separate meaning of death for shoving to death (enemy killing and team killing supported) Added: new type of revealed landmines notifications (cg_landmineNotifyType client cvar and g_landmineNotifyType server cvar provided for this) Added new command !resetpls that reset individual player stats leaving XP save untouched. There has been some cases when the stats have bugged and this is an easy command for admins to correct such stats. Players can customise the announcements and even disable them if they like. Added possibility for First Blood sound for server admins. Fixed headshots from proned players. Added: silEnT mod icon displayed on loading screen Added: new PPSH weapon model and enhanced the weapon overall (sounds) Fixed: follow Fire Team bug with spec not switching outside of FT for "FT first" option. Fixed: spectator follow bug: SPACE + RMB caused wrong behavior. pmove_fixed is now recognised by the server if the players set it. Added new shrubbot flag '/' that will disables private messages from levels or individual players. Fixed !useredit add command. Before the command checked only valid command flags were added. Now it accepts any flags. Added kills/deaths/spree counters hud display managed by cg_killsDisplay cvar. Added: predefined HUDs can be now chosen from the HUD configuration menu Added: new predefined HUDs: etpro, etpro2 (thanks to Dragon) Fixed: in chat after every map players' pings are very weird (http://mygamingtalk....c/437-big-ping/) Added: new game type: Team Death Match (easy to be configured server side and client side) Added: when alternate HUD is chosen with compass in the lower part of the screen the compass slides out to bottom.
    The 0.3.0 is no longer provided as download. Use 0.3.1 instead.
  5. Like
    hellreturn reacted to gaoesa in sniper disguise   
    That is somehow related to server settings.
    I noticed it too at the FA silEnT server.
    Could it be that g_coverts flag 8 is set. Disguised coverts take only half damage. And because the disguised coverts do not give hitsounds, if the friendly fire is not enabled. It gave the illusion he was not getting hurt. When he actually was getting hurt, but really little.
  6. Like
    hellreturn reacted to TheSilencerPL in IDE comparisons   
    Which IDE (Integrated Development Environment) do you prefer?
    Here are some descriptions of some I've had experience with.
    Number 1 of all for me: SlickEdit
    It's the commercial one, but it offers really flexible and comfortable environment. I like it the most mainly because of its editing features, but debugging perspective is also one of my favorites. It's advertised by the authors as the tool created by the programmers for the programmers. And this is true, at least for me. It handles fluently different languages, like java, C, C++. It's really convenient to use it. For example, the feature I like the most is the possibility to work without even touching the mouse. Shortcuts are really easy to remember, and auto hovering windows are top notch. Finding tag occurrences with the preview of its usage in the found place is fantastic. Haven't found better so far. It supports windows and linux. There is also slickedit eclipse plugin available, but I haven't used it. Autocompletion is great. There are some problems sometimes, when it doesn't follow your changes fast enough, but this happens really rarely. To correct that, just retag the project, and you are OK again. It's very small in size and extremely fast and lightweight.
    It's my second tool of favor, equally with Eclipse CDT (well eclipse wins a bit, because it supports auto generated doxygen tags in comments, while C::B doesn't). When I write about doxygen tags auto generation I think of auto-completing these tags after writing "/**" and pressing ENTER. The editor creates the function documentation block with parameters for you, so you don't have to type it all. Maybe it can be done by some templates, but I would like to have it right away. Despite some problems I have encountered while using it (Copy and Paste problems in xfce) I like it very much and use it very often. One of the features which I like is importing of VS workspaces, solutions and projects. It's very convenient when you work on some VS project, but you don't like VisualStudio. Code completion works fine. Flyovers of function and its parameters after placing mouse cursor over the function is very convenient.
    Eclipse CDT The same as C::B or even better now. I had some experience with it some time ago, when the CDT was in it's early stages. I dropped it right away, it was not a great tool then with so many errors, problems and missing features. It was really hard to work with. The project matured and I gave it another chance lately. It's really a good tool to recommend. First of all, for all java developers, they don't have to learn new IDE when they need to switch to C or C++. Code completion works right from the start. In the old days ctags had to be configured in order to have code completion. I take it as a great improvement. Doxygen documentation tags are supported. Even in the old days the debugger was quite good and it's even better now. It has very nice memory viewer. The debugged supports gdb only if I am correct. Code annotations in editor with warnings/errors that might/will occur during compilation is the very nice feature. You see right away that there is something wrong with the code.
    Eclipse has also great SVN client available as a plugin: Subversive.
    CodeLite I haven't played with it too much, but I will surely get back to it and give it another try. I removed it after I started to lack things from C::B, but maybe it was too quick decision It has more modern GUI than C::B so at first look it looks very nice. I don't remember now which features of C::B I was missing, so please forgive me not mentioning them here. But maybe I just didn't turn them on, because I didn't know how to do it CodeLite is the IDE that should run low on resources, and I think that in comparison to C::B (again ) it is better. The same thing like in C:B, no support for doxygen autogenerated coments.
    Please share your opinions here. Unfortunately I don't have time to write more, maybe I will have time for it and I will update this post in the future There are still some IDEs to be described, like: kdevelop, netbeans,
  7. Like
    hellreturn reacted to TheSilencerPL in Screenshots   
    Weapon banks display.
    Notice slot 3. The difference between wide slots and equal slots is depicted. For wide weapon icons the wide slots are used when the cg_wbWideSlots cvar is set to 1. It can be changed in the config menu: silEnT->HUD under Weapon Banks Display category.
    Wide slots:

    Equal slots:

  8. Like
    hellreturn reacted to TheSilencerPL in silEnT mod logo   
    With the 0.3.0 version we introduce the new logo.
  9. Like
    hellreturn reacted to TheSilencerPL in Screenshots   
    New PPSh model in 0.3.0 (for both: 1st and 3rd person view)
  10. Like
    hellreturn reacted to Dragonji in New old shrubbot commands   
    I miss few shrubbot commands in silEnT:
    - !spec [name] - makes you following specified player.
    - !levlist - list of all shrubbot levels.
    - !levinfo [number] - shows all shrubbot commands and privileges for specified level.
    - !pants [name] - just a fun command, removes player's pants .
    - !seen [name] - shows last activity of players.
    Would be nice to see them in the next release.
  11. Like
    hellreturn got a reaction from Snake in Mobile Apps for forum updated   
    I have updated our forums today with new mobile API. You can download the update for our forums iPhone / iPad app in the Apple App Store. This update fixes bugs reported in previous versions. Please be sure to let us know if you experience any issues.
    IPB iOS app for forums allows you to easily login, browse, and post on our forums from anywhere they are. The app remembers login, has quick links to often used features, and allows members to upload images to our Gallery, and even has Push notifications for new activity.
    The app is free for anyone to download from the App Store and members can add the logins to all the various IP.Board-powered communities they visit to easily browse and keep up with all their conversation
  12. Like
    hellreturn reacted to TheSilencerPL in Firefox Personas silEnT theme   
    If somebody uses Firefox and has Personas addon installed he/she can use silEnT mod theme
    I've created silEnT mod Personas theme for Firefox browser.
    You can find it here: http://www.getperson.../persona/361797
    I's been tested only on linux, but I hope it looks good also on other platforms.
  13. Like
    hellreturn reacted to TheSilencerPL in TeamKills - via pushing / nading   
    done, kills by pushing are now recognized.
  14. Like
    hellreturn reacted to TheSilencerPL in General rules   
    This is the general rule of good coding
  15. Like
    hellreturn reacted to Jaaa& in Newegg 55 hours left   
  16. Like
    hellreturn reacted to MoAZeR in Ycn-Hosting   
    Hey there guys first Merry Christmas Everyone,
    I would like to offer Silent mod to be placed In our YCN control panel so it can get more know and easy to install for clients as we get alot tickets about that so if you (Developers) agree am more happy to install this into YCN-hosting control panel.
  17. Like
    hellreturn reacted to gaoesa in silEnT release 0.2.1   
    This supplemental pk3 file contains female spree announcements and male multikill announcements.
    It also has the etpro body hitsound that replaces the mod's default, much quieter, body hit sound.
    To install the sounds, place the z_silent_s_2.1.pk3 file into the mod folder or preferably, combine any of the contents with your own custom pack if you have one.
  18. Like
    hellreturn reacted to G!NG3R420 in Fireteam idea   
    I haven't been around due to Basic training, but I am glad to see an idea of mine be placed into the mod. I will test it out asap and report if I do find any issues. Awesome work and keep up the good work.

  19. Like
    hellreturn reacted to Tosa_Inu in A little gift for the help   
    Hellreturn and Gaoesa thanks for helping me with my server problems.
    I made a little gift trough paypall for the both of you.
    If Gaoesa have a different paypal account for his servers than Hellreturns might want to share this with him, cos i seen it went to fearlessassins.
    I used the donation button on this site.
    Regards Tosa
  20. Like
    hellreturn reacted to jaie in Private messages disable/enabled for different levels   
    A way to allow only certain levels to private message.
    My idea is to have the default level at say 2, and then put people who abuse private chat to level 1 or 0, and have private messages disabled for those levels so that they will have to say everything in the open - without having the other levels stripped from private messages
  21. Like
    hellreturn reacted to jaie in Minimum map time limit   
    When I played nitmod for the first time, I initially thought it was a bug because the map wasn't ending lol, but eventually I realised that it was a team death match. Which is where I got the idea to have the map continuing after the objective is destroyed/completed, cause I don't really like the idea of stopping people do the map goals because it often ends up with them being able to do it at an earlier point of the match, but the defending team winning because of the limit.
    But I'm not sure if its possible to combine these ideas, because I think they just changed the map goals to team deaths. (I know very little about modding.)
    To avoid the confusing of it being a bug, if a count down timer in red was placed next to the map objective timer. So that the countdown timer could make it more obvious when the map would finish and would look less like a bug.
    Also would it be possible to 'limit the limit' to 15 minutes, so that any value above 15 minutes would mean that the map would finish normally.
    I could see someone miss typing it and end up with 150 minutes lol.
  22. Like
    hellreturn reacted to jaie in Minimum map time limit   
    I'm not sure if this is already a feature, but the option to have a cvar which forces the map to continue for a specific amount of time.
    So if it was set to 10 minutes, and we are playing siwa oasis and both guns are destroyed in 3 minutes, the map would continue for 7 minutes and then end with the allies winning.
    If both guns were destroyed in 13 minutes, the map would end immediately like a normal match.
  23. Like
    hellreturn reacted to gaoesa in xp save   
    Which reminds me that including the shutdown option into the mod would be far better the cron tasks. It would make sure the reboot is done safely that way and the logs would have good data, for the statistics parsers of course. We will look into making it a mod feature.
  24. Like
    hellreturn reacted to gaoesa in silEnT release 0.2.0   
    Recommended server side binary update. This is recommended because it fixes bug in !userinfo command that can crash the server. Omnibots can crash the server in certain conditions. This update should fix the issue.
    Full list of changes:
    * The shrubbot chat speccing flag now includes the fireteam chats.
    * Fixed serious server crashing bug from the !userinfo command.
    * The !userinfo command now show more valuable information: the personal shrubbot settings (flags, gretting and greeting sound)
    * Should help with omnibots crashing problem.
    * Minor shrubbot printing bugs.
    Bugs that were missed:
    * The total kills and deaths for offline players is shown wrong. This is fixed in next release.
    Install the update by replacing the used (Linux or Windows) qagame binary on the server. Nothing else is needed.
    This update is already included in the package from the first post. To get this update just download the primary package from the first post in this thread.
    Also the silent.cfg has been updated to the proper one.
    The attachment to this post has been removed.
  25. Like
    hellreturn reacted to gaoesa in something changed on the sendservercommands?   
    Ok. I found the following problems. The dynamite.lua didn't notice the dynamite plants because it was looking for "etpro popup". I changed it to "silEnT popup". Also, the print positions were generally wrong and I changed them to positions etpub and silEnT support.
    You can find the supported print positions from here http://mygamingtalk.com/silent/manual/server.html#settings. They can be chat, cpm (popup), cp (center), bp (banner) or print (console).
    I changed all I found from the scripts to bp.
    local announce_pos = "bp"
    kmulti_pos = "bp" -- multi + megakill - position
    kmonster_pos = "bp" -- ultra + monster + ludicrous + holy shit - position
    kmultitk_pos = "bp" -- multi TK - position
    kspree_pos = "bp" -- killing spree position
    multi_pos = "bp"
    monster_pos = "cp" -- b 32 == cp (this info is for harle ))
    The -- marks the start of a line comment in Lua scripts. And the comment is in the file originally
    I generally tested and they seem to work at least some extent. But I didn't have time to test them thoroughly and they are also rather lengthy scripts. So if you have more problems, don't hesitate to post here.
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