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You may be interested to know that the Jaymod source code was released in 2016 and is available on GitHub. I remember certain people trying to buy it from him ten years ago for $300 and Jaybird was displeased... Then in 2016 he gives it away for free, but after ET is pretty much dead forever (RIP ET).
Regarding advertisement from companies
phantasm replied to hellreturn's topic in Enemy Territory Modding
@hellreturn - I think that's a great idea - I have always felt the commercialization of ET was rather sad. You may want to consider removing all the advertisements! Really if you host servers you don't make any money, you need like 100 paying customers to make the profit you would make just in a day or two of working at a real job doing coding or networking. And then you have to deal with 100 customers who don't know how to set up their mapcycles or they get annoyed about something and demand a refund from PayPal (and get it, plus a $20 fee from PayPal against you). Or they use their rented server as a platform to ddos someone else and then you get the blame. I tried this about seven years ago... set up a big server on nuclear fallout servers and rented out ET servers off of that host, with all my personal game settings, and made maybe $50 a month profit. If I looked in my checking account and it was $50 short I would not even notice. Even if it was $500 a month so what it's a giant headache and it turns a fun hobby into a part-time job. Plus when I go to any gaming site I don't care about the ads at all, they are just something to ignore. -
I consider "fake links" to be putting up names that are deceptive or have nothing to do with the actual server. I am aware this software is easily abused. I dont think adding links with the same name as the real server is particularly bad. It is a good way to get attention and doesnt do anything to the client installs.
I am using the old "Server Facade" software from Redsector to add a few extra links to my server on the masterlist. The links are the same name as my "real" server, and the player is asked if they want to go to the real server IP. This has been used by many people for years. I use these in addition to the 2.55/2.60 dual lister from Trackbase (the modified ET.exe from Paul that has been out for years). Nothing new or particularly creative lol. We had a hacker mess with our in-game voting, which I reported here a few weeks ago. He was also using an aimbot which was uncommon on my server. This same hacker then started setting levels. I had to set the rcon password to "" to stop it. So I thought maybe the exploit would be patched in 0.9.0 and I tried it last night. It works fine with enhmod though.
Hello, I upgraded my silent -0.8.2 server to silent 0.9.0 today, due to some recurring problems with rcon hack vulnerabilities, and it appears to possibly have a conflict with my server facades that were running fine for a long time (several years) until now. I have rebooted the server facades, and then rolled my game server back to silent-0.8.2 with no success in being able to get my redirects running again. I saw in the new features list that there was something to block the user redirect feature, but it isn't very specific what this does. Can you tell me if this interferes with the Server Facades? I am just wondering if this version of silent mod is intended to block the server facades. If this is intentional it would nice to be transparent about it. Not everyone abuses them, I never put up fake links or spoofed anyone else's server name. Thanks.
The star wars mod is a pk3 file which is run globally for all maps on your server. Most of the minimods are built using downloadable pk3 files which get distributed to your players and run for all maps. One possible way around this would be to put the character skins within the map pk3 so they would be executed when that map runs. Then the next map would have different character files which would then be executed, and so on. However this could get quite messy and might not reset to the normal default character skins properly. Also you will need to rename these files with unique new names so they load after the default skins, and are not confused with the original map names. It is possible but tedious and it could mess up players ET installations if you dont do it properly. You might be able to do this better with lua or enhmod or some other hook.
I had kick voting enabled on my silent mod server and a couple players complained they got kicked when they tried to start a vote to kick a suspected botter. They said when they started the vote that they got kicked instead of the intended suspect. I didnt see the incident myself so I dont know the full story. I didnt see any reports of this in the bug tracker here. Is this a known exploit? As some of you know, I run enhanced mod and adjust a lot of weapon features serverside (no client-side stuff) so there is a possibility (remote but worth mentioning) that it could be enhmod related. I dont use any of the enhmod voting features though. Thanks for your time.
A few comments: 1) Yes I am aware it is a lot of work. That is why I would prefer to just pay someone who already knows what they are doing rather than spend six months of my life staring at code. This forum is where to find people who are responsible and know what they are doing. 2) Yes I am aware that this will cost money. I am not thinking that this is something I can get for a $500 donation. Some of you know who I am in real life, so you know I am capable of basically buying whatever I need/want. 3) I am not trying to re-invent jaymod. Jaymod sucks. 4) I do not want to "just use silent mod". I ran a silent mod server next to our jaymod and No Quarter servers for a year and it was usually empty. I respect that silent mod is silent mod, and I do not want to modify it. I cannot even run enhanced mod with silent mod. I would prefer to have more freedom to operate. Thanks for reading
I am looking for someone to create a custom ET mod for my servers. This will be a private mod that is not to be released. You will not "own" your work, but you will get credit and can use this on your resume. Due to the licensing issues we are not purchasing your code, but making a donation for your donated time. I am running a modified jaymod server with omnibot and enhanced mod. Our server crashes often and needs a better guid system, Yes I have run silent mod many times, I like the security features but I want more flexibility and we want to have creative control over what goes on our servers. We are looking to integrate map voting, hardware guids, and better security with something like jaymod. We are ready to develop our own mod to move past this dead and buggy mod. We want to have creative control over the mod and make something very customizable. Some recent exploits have encouraged us to finally bite the bullet and get rid of jaymod. If you are interested please contact me through this forum, with an offer of how much you would like to have donated (a paypal account would be fine) and what timeframe you would need to deliver a finished mod. We will be looking for ongoing support as well so we need someone reliable who has been in the ET community for a few years (so we would know who you are). Thanks for reading.
Not a Bug no guid players getting kicked by enhmod on silent
phantasm replied to phantasm's topic in Bug Reports
Many server admins have reported bugs or unusual difficulties with enhmod but on my jaymod server it works fine. For me it adds a lot of character to the server. You can add ammo and change weapons and add custom commands and do many other things. Otherwise it would be just another boring dead server, with nothing to differentiate it. Your mileage may vary of course. I haven't seen anyone exploit the bug Hell is referring to. I think here are many other more-effective bugs that could be exploited in ET, so this probably falls far down the list for troublemakers to abuse. However yes I would not recommend it for silent mod. It killed my server by kicking half the players. -
Not a Bug no guid players getting kicked by enhmod on silent
phantasm replied to phantasm's topic in Bug Reports
First, thanks for the responses. I always liked that this developer forum is so responsive to issues. Yes I am well aware that the silent-0.8.0.pk3 should be running if a server is running that version of the game. However I did not update anything except the qagame file. I had 0.72 installed properly, then a couple months ago Hellreturn asked me to run the newest qagame (with the anticheat) and turn on the anticheat cvar. Due to previous problems with losing XP when upgrading silent mod, I did not want to update everything and risk losing XP and admin and have 50 players crying. The anticheat was working and updating cheaters properly. The server appeared fine to me when I connected and no one was complaining about anything. I had no reason to go updating it all again. But I noticed lately this server has really dropped off in rank from ~120 down to ~170 which is basically dead. (By comparison, my laggy jaymod server that crashes every two days is ranked 38 lol.) So I was watching the silent server while in remote desktop to the server host, and I noticed that players were getting kicked when they tried to connect if they did not have a guid. But players with an etkey were fine. This was not happening before I had switched the qagame file. I was actually wondering if you guys had done something to disable enhmod (maybe not on purpose but through the anticheat). That was what I wanted to investigate here. -
Not a Bug no guid players getting kicked by enhmod on silent
phantasm replied to phantasm's topic in Bug Reports
It worked fine before on silent. I have used it for a couple years. I liked to add extra ammo for guns with enhmod, and there is a !freeze command admins like to use. I guess it is no longer compatible. -
Not a Bug no guid players getting kicked by enhmod on silent
phantasm replied to phantasm's topic in Bug Reports
Oh btw the facade we are running to dual-list the silent server on both masterlists is the ET 3.00 from Trackbase, not the Redsector 2.55/2.60 patch stuff. This game is a Frankenstein monster <sigh...> -
Not a Bug no guid players getting kicked by enhmod on silent
phantasm replied to phantasm's topic in Bug Reports
Oh we are also running server facade too to post the server on both master lists. I'm not sure how that would be involved though. Server host is win2008. -
I'm running silent 0.72 with the updated qagame file installed for the anticheat. I'm also running enhmod v1.09 from Redsector. Also omnibot-0.82. No other mods or funny stuff, just silent mod, omnibot and enhmod. I've got some jaymod servers running with enhmod and I have never seen this happen on them (though they have plenty of other goofy problems of course - omnibot crashes and stuff like that lol). My players are getting kicked if they connect without an etkey. I did not have this problem before the 0.72 qagame file was switched. I did not want to replace everything and do a full install (and risk losing people's XP and admin levels and all the bans) so I only upgraded the qagame file and left everything else the way it was. Here is a screenshot of the problem occuring: http://i42.tinypic.com/1zukci.jpg Has anyone else seen this problem? Thanks for your time to look into this. Edit: I know I should not post this guy's IP address but I doubt anyone cares about some random guy named "DAN".
If you have higher level access you can use IP tables to block IP addresses that send/request too much information. Also there are some common client requests that some malicious players use to attack a server (not going to list them for obvious reasons). Talk with your server provider if you have one, and if they value you as a customer they should be willing to block the offending IP addresses. if you are running your own non-supported server then google ddos and IP tables and prepare to do some studying. Good luck we have all been ddossed and it is no fun.
phantasm replied to hess's topic in Clans / Guilds and Gaming Communities
I would be cautious running a n!tmod server, as its creator has admitted on his forum that he built a private backdoor into the mod for himself to access any n!tmod server. Also there are memory leaks which have been unresolved for many months. I ran this mod for a month until the memory leaks forced me to change mods. It is a nice mod other than these two glaring issues. -
I am aware that silent has a team deathmatch mode but I was wondering about single player DM. Thanks!
I have a nitmod server that has a deathmatch mode. All the players are against each other. Spawn points are assigned randomly in mapscripts. You can set the maximum number of kills required to win the map. I like this mode a lot. Unfortunately, nitmod is not as supported as it used to be, and tonight I was informed by my server provider that my nitmod server has a massive memory leak that is causing trouble. This leak is being noticed on other nitmod servers too. So it might not be the best decision for me to keep using this mod in the future. I have nothing against this mod, but I don't want to have to reboot it daily. I am wondering now if it would be possible to add deathmatch to silent mod?
I could give a list of bugs users have reported to me, not just the 2.55/2.60 but many others. I guess I am just writing out of frustration, please disregard this thread. (p.s. regarding server hosts complaining about ET I am not talking about dedicatedhosting.com, but a prior host who had a very negative view of ET, in case anyone is wondering.)
What I am thinking of some kind of simplification of ET so it will run on any operating system and without needing layers of patches. I have been thinking about this for a while but recent complaints from players have really drilled it home to me just how dysfunctional it is for average people just trying to play the game. I have servers running with the Redsector 2.55/2.60 dual-master list patch, and I would love to see this just built into a mod as well. It shouldn't be an obscure patch that 95% of server admins don't know about, it should just be part of a mod. I don't know enough about it, I read the Redsector webpage about it and it sounds like it is a ptch to be run on a 2.55 server, and I am wondering if there is a better way to do it. And if this could then be built into a mod. Another thing I would like to see built into a mod is the server facade feature, so admins could easily reroute incoming players to other servers. Some clans use this to have dozens of virtual servers all pointing to one "real" server, and with >1000 ET servers, most of them dead empty, it would be nice to allow admins to just have this ability if they want to run virtual box on a server and make some facades to get more traffic. Otherwise you can have the nicest server in the world, on a high-end expensive box, and it will still stay mostly empty. I realize it is controversial, and I have not done it myself, but as long as it is allowed then why not make it easier for people to do it. Otherwise they should block the virtuals and make a rule against it. I would like to have server facade just built into a mod. Also I would like to see something like enhanced mod, only it needs to be better, something that doesn't require adding ten files and replacing the qagame_mp_x86.dll with enhmod_qagame_mp_x86.dll (or the .so if using linux of course). I like what Redsector did, I respect it, but it would be so much more efficient to just have it built into a mod so that server admins could modify weapons and change ammo as they want. Maybe this could just be written into the server config so admins could add ammo to whichever weapon they want more easily. Another thing I would like to do is be able to modify the rate of fire. You can do this with jaymod, there is a config setting for it, as well as tools from Redsector that allow the binaries to be modified. But in silent you cannot do it (I know you probably could do it in lua, but I tried one but it did not work). It should just be a server config setting that would allow the admin to set it to whatever they want, like 900 shots per minute instead of 600 (the real thompson machine gun shot much faster than the one in ET for example). Another thing I would like to "fix" is the antirush. There is a Redsector antirush feature in enhanced mod, but it would be better to be able to assign a cvar that could be assigned for each map in a mapconfig file instead. Getting away from all the Redsector stuff would be great for reducing the complexity of the game. Obviously this is a lot of work, so it is more of a wishlist to see what is possible.
I have been running servers for a couple years and I was wondering if I could "order" a custom ET mod from a developer here. I love ET, have been playing on and off since it came out in May 2003, but my free time and IT expertise is limited (I'm not a computer programmer by trade). For me it is more convenient to just pay someone to set things up the way I would like, than to re-invent the wheel myself every time I would like to implement a feature or change a setting. When I need my car fixed I do not buy an auto shop and spend six months studying transmissions. I'm aware that most ET players and admins have little money, since it is a free game that attracts people with limited funds. I often encounter this mindset that ET is not worth investing time or money in, because it is a free game and the players tend to be poor. I recently has an experience where a server host was assuming I was not even going to pay them for money due. I think this "ET is worthless" attitude is counter-productive to keeping this great game alive for another nine years. With that in mind, if anyone would like to make a mod for me, or even just act as a paid consultant to assist with various problems I find difficult to solve, please contact me here on the forum. Thanks!
Combined Fixes - Enemy Territory LUA
phantasm replied to hellreturn's topic in Mod and Software Downloads
lol viagra spammer with terrible English... I have to ask you, does this sales technique work? How much do you get paid per post? Does anyone ever read your incoherent posts and say "hey, I really need to buy powerful pharmaceuticals over the internet from a random stranger who cannot put together a sentence?" -
They can play fine on jaymod, but when they go to my silent mod server they get this bug. I doubt they know anything about the 2.6d patch for mac.