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Everything posted by phantasm

  1. File Name: silentsoundpack1.pk3 File Submitter: phantasm File Submitted: 08 Nov 2011 File Category: Soundack This is a very small pk3 file I made for my silent mod server. It adds the jaymod body hit sound, and a heavy gunfire sound for the PPSh-41 machine gun. It contains two sound files, and a tiny text file used to assign the gunfire to the PPSh-41. It is intended to be as small and efficient as possible, in keeping with the intent of the silent mod. To use, download the zip file and change the extension from "zip" to "pk3". You don't have to open it or anything. Then add this silentsoundpack1.pk3 file to your "silent" folder on your server. If you have a redirect server, be sure to add a copy there too. The gunfire sound works best when the damage is raised to 24 for the PPSh-41, making it a "heavier" weapon to add fun to the game. You may modify these sounds for your own custom pk3 for your server. No warranty or claim of ownership is implied. phantasm Click here to download this file
  2. Version 1


    This is a very small pk3 file I made for my silent mod server. It adds the jaymod body hit sound, and a heavy gunfire sound for the PPSh-41 machine gun. It contains two sound files, and a tiny text file used to assign the gunfire to the PPSh-41. It is intended to be as small and efficient as possible, in keeping with the intent of the silent mod. To use, download the zip file and change the extension from "zip" to "pk3". You don't have to open it or anything. Then add this silentsoundpack1.pk3 file to your "silent" folder on your server. If you have a redirect server, be sure to add a copy there too. The gunfire sound works best when the damage is raised to 24 for the PPSh-41, making it a "heavier" weapon to add fun to the game. You may modify these sounds for your own custom pk3 for your server. No warranty or claim of ownership is implied. phantasm
  3. Yes. I looked in your base url link and you have a lot of stuff in there that should not be in there. Like the guids of every admin in your clan. That is why I was concerned. Most people just keep maps and a few necessary pk3s in there.
  4. I will contact Hellreturn to edit the forum for you right now.
  5. You may want to immediately edit your post to remove your base url. All your server files are accessible
  6. How about every time you revive someone you get to use adrenaline once? That's pretty simple and intuitive.
  7. Here are some cvars that I add to my silent.cfg that would be helpful to have on it by default. set g_misc set g_mode set g_userAlliedRespawnTime set g_userAxisRespawnTime set g_ammoCabinetTime set g_healthCabinetTime set g_covertopsChargeTime set g_engineerChargeTime set g_LTChargeTime set g_soldierChargeTime set g_medicChargeTime set g_minArtyTime set g_minAirstrikeTime
  8. There is a jaymod cvar called "g_wolfrof 1" which lets the thompson and mp40 shoot at the rate used by RTCW. This lets the weapons fire much faster, which many players like. I was wondering if it would be possible to add this cvar to Silent. It would allow for more "fun" servers and draw in more new players.
  9. I am using g_weapons 7086. Most of the time the guns have some ammo, but when there are a lot of real people on you will see a lot more empty guns leftover on the battlefield. Everybody switches their guns when they run out of ammo. Then when I pick them up and see they are empty, I have to go back and pick up the one I just had lol. I think having the empty gun is good, in case someone wanted that particular type of weapon and they were in a different class. It makes it more interesting (and realistic). In real war you would always take the enemy's gun if yours was empty. But it would be nice if we could see how much ammo is there before picking it up. It's not a big deal though, just a minor annoyance.
  10. I have g_mode 10 so I can pick up any weapon. I often find myself with 10 bullets left in a gun, and picking up one I see on the ground, only to find it has no bullets. I was wondering if there was a way to set these empty guns so they could disappear faster or have some text appear when you look at it to tell you they are empty. Thanks
  11. This was my previous thread: http://mygamingtalk.com/forums/topic/766-restoring-xp/ I still have total XP loss for all players very often, even if I do not change anything. I have two servers running Silent 0.4.0 and it happens on both of them. I have tried g_XPSave 1, 5, 9, and 21. This is what I am using right now: // XP save set g_XPSave 21 //was 0 set g_XPSaveMaxAge_xp 90d set g_XPSaveMaxAge 90d set g_XPDecay 0 set g_XPDecayRate 0.0 set g_XPDecayFloor 0.0 set g_maxXP -1 set g_damageXP 0 set g_damageXPLevel 50
  12. I set both of those cvars to "0" and it fixed it. Thanks!
  13. I have been having problems with saving player XP no matter how I set up this mod. I discussed it in a different post but never found a solution. I haven't brought it up lately, but it is still a glaring problem for me. even with the 0.4.0 beta. Anyway, will the next release of Silent be better able to store XP?
  14. I was wondering if the player list that is displayed when you hit TAB can be set so it always shows the XP of the players. Sometimes it shows XP, and sometimes it is the "0.500" stuff for every player, which means nothing to 99% of the players. It seems to go back and forth randomly. Maybe there is a cvar that admins could use to set it however they want. If there is one already and I overlooked it, please point me in the right direction. Thanks!
  15. It is for downloading a menu or other pk3, not really for the maps. It works fine with g_gametype 6 (map voting mode in silent). Thanks.
  16. lol you took my avatar from the fearless assassins forum. looks nice though.
  17. This would be a great idea.. I catch myself typing !li and !fi and !put and then nothing happens lol.
  18. Have you considered making this available? Otherwise there will be ~500 servers out there kicking new players.
  19. Side by side, I think jaymod uses more resources than silent, I know my ping was lower on silent than on jaymod when using the same exact server and maps, just switching the mod from one to the other. But that was on silent-0.3.3 versus jaymod-2.2.0, not sure about silent-0.4.0. Yeah dragon lots of people are thinking about switching from Jaymod to Silent now. You can set Silent to accept players without etkeys, and Jaymod won't accept new players without keys. They just can't get in at all. So Jaymod is over unless someone releases their own custom no-etkey code. I had a friend email Redsector last week (in fluent German lol) and asked him to release his new "experimental" enhmod that he had mentioned on his website. It's supposed to use hardware-based guids instead of pb etkeys. He didn't write him back, so I don't think he cares. So yeah, welcome to the future lol.
  20. Hi s1a glad to see you are here. You start a lua mod section here, I would love to pick that genius brain of yours. Neat idea, sure, but how would this be much different than just having a second computer sitting next to you in spectator mode watching the game? I think players would quickly abuse it actually, to watch the other team, or see right ahead of them when they are approaching the enemy. Unless you force it to point at a specific area. Would be useful if you were an admin trying to watch other players' behavior, without having to be just spectator all the time. Just my thought.
  21. I would like to try the newest version too, if that is ok.
  22. Hey I hate to say it, but it doesn't get downloaded to my computer when I tested it without an etkey. I wish it would have worked. I really do.
  23. Thanks for doing this. I have added your pk3 to my servers. I have also posted a link to your pk3 download link on other forums. You are a service to the ET community.
  24. I am very interested in seeing a solution to this support issue. This could be a serious problem for ET. Most new players are lazy or uninformed about ET. Many of them will not lookup an etkey generator to play an "old game" when there are so many other free games out there. Perhaps this is an opportunity for you. If you can link it to a new type of keygen, one that is very stable, and not based on each individual server, you could become the dominant ET mod. Or if you could embed a link to a website that provides an etky automatically when a player connects to the game, that would be a good way to patch it.
  25. On second thought that would be a bad idea, even if you could program it to remove loaded pk3s. A bad admin or hacker could exploit it to add critical files to the list and then mess up all the players. Please disregard the idea.
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