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Everything posted by Aciz

  1. Use ETJump. TJMod is no longer maintained. http://etjump.com/
  2. There's your problem. Check if you have saves the mapconfig in the right directory.
  3. Only the team that planted the dyno will see the timer. Not possible to show it to other team.
  4. http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/Silent_Server_Config
  5. Yes, you need to put a space on an empty line.
  6. +1 to this, double jump has always annoyed me (that might have something to do with my 8 year trickjump experience though) and I'd love to be able to disable it client side.
  7. I'm interested, mind I'd I ask you what would you use this info for?
  8. Been a while, but I was finally able to reproduce this bug: It was an issue in our custom vote LUA. Voting sniper, panzer or riflewar changed g_dropammo to "0", but voting back normal game didn't change it back to "2" (which is the value we use). So not a bug with the mod, just a error in our LUA
  9. Will do that, thanks. Also got confirmation today that the ammo drop happens on real players as well, not just bots. Still unsure about the class change thing.
  10. Don't know if it happens with human players as well, I'll ask about it. Also need to take a look at the class switching, can't really see it from the demo. With random condition I meant that we cant figure out when it happens, but when it does, it's persistent for the whole map, doesn't just happen on individual kills.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5HngfhRmRWw So here are few examples of this bug. If you want the demos, I can upload them as well. After seeing these, I thought it might have something to do with fun modes we have on server (botwar, double jump etc) but one player reported this happening on normal game as well (the one from where I posted the server log from at the OP), so I'm guessing that's not be the issue. Cannot be since bots dont use playdead
  12. As I said I haven't seen this happen myself, but I've asked about gibbed bodies, and I've been told that it happens when you shoot someone normally. Also I wouldn't think that you could play a whole map and always kill a filed ops so that the ammo drops inside a wall. I'm gonna ask people to record demo of it happening, to see it myself as well.
  13. Hi, recently I've been getting a strange bug on our server. Sometimes, field ops don't drop ammo when they die, even though server has g_dropAmmo "2". I haven't encountered this myself, but several players have reported this problem. At first I thought it might have something to do with server reaching max entities, but since this happened few days ago on 3v3 game, I highly doubt it's that. The players who have reported this haven't been able to replicate the issue, it appears to be completely random. Sometimes it's persistent for a map, sometimes few maps. Any idea what might cause this? Here is a server log from a game on Transmitter, where one of our players reported that no ammo was dropped (censored some sensitive information). http://pastebin.com/tkFA5AaN
  14. I think it would be a good thing to have this as a server side setting.
  15. Thanks again for your help and patience with my very limited LUA skills the 2nd option seems like the way to go for me
  16. Nothing, it's actually working perfect for me just tried to get it to work with string.find because it would be less complex to edit the current LUA to work like that Thank you! Edit: actually looking more to it, how would I go on doing different commands for different levels in this LUA? Since the commands are defined in CheckCommand while admin level is in et_ClientCommand.
  17. Thank you, I got one step closer! Now it won't work anymore if I type blabla!example. However it still works with !exampleblabla, how could I work that out?
  18. Maybe I'm blind but I cant find edit button... Anyway Sol, could you give me a working example with string.find? Btw if it does matter, the way I originally made sounds (arg1 == "!example") then et.G_globalSound("path/to/example.wav"); if I type the command in console, it will work just they way I want it (e.g. I can type !example blabla and it plays sound, but cant do !exampleblabla or blabla!example).
  19. If he shuts down ET & and has defined his own hunkMegs value in his own config, it won't work. But if he just reconnects, it will.
  20. I don't see how string.find helps me here... I get exactly same results as I would with string.match :S
  21. Hmm, still don't know if I fully understand what you mean (excuse my noobish skills with LUA ^^). Could you maybe give me example?
  22. Removing the quotes makes the whole LUA stop working.
  23. I'm trying to create funsounds with shrubbot-like commands for my server with LUA. Currently, I have this code and it's working: function et_ClientCommand(clientNum, command) local arg0 = string.lower(et.trap_Argv(0)) local arg1 = string.lower(et.trap_Argv(1)) local level = et.G_shrubbot_level(clientNum) local flood = et.ClientIsFlooding(clientNum) if (level >= 1) and (flood == 0) then if arg0 == "say" or arg0 == "say_team" or arg0 == "say_buddy" or arg0 == "say_teamnl" then (arg1 == "!example") then et.G_globalSound("path/to/example.wav"); However there is one issue: if you type in anything after you do !example, the command won't work. So I tried this: function et_ClientCommand(clientNum, command) local arg0 = string.lower(et.trap_Argv(0)) local arg1 = string.lower(et.trap_Argv(1)) local level = et.G_shrubbot_level(clientNum) local flood = et.ClientIsFlooding(clientNum) if (level >= 1) and (flood == 0) then if arg0 == "say" or arg0 == "say_team" or arg0 == "say_buddy" or arg0 == "say_teamnl" then if (string.match(arg1, "!example%s?")) then et.G_globalSound("path/to/example.wav"); Now, if I didn't completely misunderstand string.match patterns, %s? should mean that there can be space after string, but it's optional. However, ET reads it so that there can be ANY character, but it's optional. So with this code, you can do !exampleblabla, and the command still works. Also, you don't have to type it as the first thing, it can be in the middle of typing aswell (e.g. blabla !example) So here's how I would like the script to work: 1. !example has to be the first thing you write. 2. You can type anything after it, as long as it's separated with space. So basically: !example - works !example<space> - works !example blabla - works !exampleblabla - doesn't work blabla !example - doesn't work
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