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Everything posted by Aciz

  1. Ah, I see. But as I said before, the "bug" happened because ET:L doesn't label r_wolffog as cheat protected command.
  2. Ah, so you would say that ET:L doesn't know how to handle forcecvar command from server? Edit: nvm, I think I found out why it does that: in ET:L, r_wolffog isn't cheat protected cvar. That's why it doesn't reset back to 1.
  3. Yes, those are the settings I currently have. But on normal ET client, the fog & foliage cvars were forced back to 1 on any other map than radar because they are cheat protected commands even if I didn't have them forced to 1 on defaul config. On ET:Legacy however, they were not.
  4. I found this little bug on my server today: If a map-specific config has a forcecvar value that is not specified on the default config, after playing the map and switching to new map, clients who play with ET:Legacy are not forced to change that cvar back to default value. Here is an example that we encountered on our server today: On our server, radar.cfg has forcecvar r_wolffog "0" and r_drawfoliage "0". We played radar, and forcecvars worked normally. Then we switched to Baserace. For me, fog was automatically forced back to 1, like the default value in ET is. But my friend who played with ET:Legacy, still had it on 0 and could toggle it. Same bug happened on et_ufo after that. But when I modified default.cfg to have forcecvar r_wolffog "1" and r_drawfoliage "1" and changed map to battery, my friend with ET:Legacy was forced to have r_wolffog "0" and couldn't change it. I was able to reproduce the entire issue just few minutes ago, with the exception that I couldn't change r_wolffog back to 1 after having forced it to 0 on radar. My friend played on Linux with ET:L 2.71 RC3, and I tried this on Windows with ET:L 2.71 RC4. Server is running silEnT 0.8.2.
  5. Would be awesome to have something such as g_dailyLogs from ETJump implemented into silEnT. Or if not daily, at least have a g_logOptions value that gives you ability to control how big server log becomes until it's "archived" and new log is started.
  6. It's documented on wiki... g_friendlyFireOptsDescription: Allows greater control over friendly fire events. Type: bitmask Parameters: 1 Landmines ALWAYS damage teammates regardless of g_friendlyfire setting 2 Allow 'grenade boosting' when friendly fire is off 4 Non-engineer players do not trigger landmines on their own team 8 Players do not trigger trip mines on their own team 16 Tripmines ALWAYS damage teammates regardless of g_friendlyfire setting 32 Only engineer that planted the landmine can trigger/defuse it (concerns team landmines only). This flag requires that the flag 4 is set. Default: 0
  7. Second question: etmain server cvar g_teamForceBalance 1?
  8. Afaik there is no server CVAR that changes the default level of zoom, it's just client side CVAR.
  9. cg_zoomDefaultBinoc This is the one you are looking for, 22.5 is default value.
  10. Aciz


    That would be awesome, thanks for considering!
  11. Aciz


    No, those are for ETPub. I have them on my config, but they don't do anything on Silent.
  12. Aciz


    I mean the kill notices in the top left corner. On ETPub you had cg_popupStayTime and cg_popupFadeTime, and b_popupStay/FadeTime in ETPro. Is there any equivalent command in Silent? Esit: well it's top left for me because I'm using althud2, normally it would be bottom left.
  13. Aciz


    Hello and sorry if this has been answered before, but I couldn't find anything regarding to this. I just tried out Silent for the first time today (long time ETPub player) and I loved it! Only I was little confused about popups: Is there no way to make them stay instead of instantly fading away? It seems very strange behaviour for me.
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