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Everything posted by wajdzik
Server cvar would be great. I think that is cvar like this in one of mods, but curently i don't remember in whichone. I'll try use your idea and create something what could change this without cvar, but i can start working with this after 15 july.
It's only change charging rilfe grenade, so its not what i'm looking for :/
So, noone can help me?
Ok, i found a clue - file grenade.weap and weapon.cfg grenda.weap: weaponDef { // This basically fills out weaponInfo_t client { //standModel "" // weapon pickup 'stand' (do we still use this?) //pickupModel "" //pickupSound "sound/misc/w_pkup.wav" weaponConfig "models/weapons2/grenade/weapon.cfg" handsModel "models/weapons2/grenade/v_grenade_hand.mdc" flashDlightColor 1 0.7 0.5 flashSound "sound/weapons/grenade/gren_throw.wav" // supports up to 4 flash sounds //flashEchoSound "" // supports up to 4 flash echo sounds //lastShotSound "" // supports up to 4 last shot sounds //readySound "" //firingSound "" // no weapons seem to use this, basically it's a replacement hum for readysound, but then when firing //overheatSound "" //reloadSound "" //reloadFastSound "" // some weapons have fast reloads due to the skill system //spinupSound "" // sound started when fire button goes down, and stepped on when the first fire event happens //spindownSound "" // sound called if the above is running but player doesn't follow through and fire //switchSound "" // allow overriding of weaponswitch sound //weaponIcon "icons/iconw_grenade_1" weaponSelectedIcon "icons/iconw_grenade_1_select" missileModel "models/ammo/grenade1.md3" //missileSound "" missileTrailFunc "GrenadeTrail" // supports "GrenadeTrail", "RocketTrail", "PyroSmokeTrail" and "DynamiteTrail" (we REALLY want a particle system for this) //missileDlight 0 //missileDlightColor 0 0 0 // do we still use this? //ejectBrassFunc "" // supports "MachineGunEjectBrass" and "PanzerFaustEjectBrass" //modModel 1 "" firstPerson { model "models/weapons2/grenade/v_grenade.md3" //flashModel "" // weapon building // the parts are numbered because there are some hardcoded references for some weapons to certain parts weaponLink { part 0 { tag "tag_barrel" model "models/weapons2/grenade/v_grenade_barrel.mdc" } } } thirdPerson { model "models/weapons2/grenade/ss_grenade.md3" //flashmodel "" } } } and /////////////////////// // // GRENADE // /////////////////////// newfmt // config file for weapon animations // barrel barrel // first length fps looping anim bits animated weap draw bits // / ___/ / / / / / // / / ______/ / / / / // / / / ________/ / / / // / / / / ___________/ / / // / / / / / ___________________/ / /// / / / / / ______________________________/ // / / / / / / 0 1 20 1 0 0 0 // IDLE1 0 1 20 1 0 0 0 // IDLE2 1 2 10 0 0 0 0 // ATTACK1 //2 1 10 1 0 0 0 // ATTACK2 1 2 10 0 0 0 0 // ATTACK2 1 2 10 0 0 0 0 // ATTACK3 7 5 20 0 0 0 0 // DROP 12 4 10 0 0 0 0 // RAISE 12 4 16 0 0 0 0 // RELOAD1 12 4 16 4 0 0 0 // RELOAD2 12 4 16 0 0 0 0 // RELOAD3 0 1 20 1 0 0 0 // ALTSWITCH (SA) new alt-mode switching anim 0 1 20 1 0 0 0 // ALTSWITCH (SA) new alt-mode switching anim but i still have no idea what value change to get different time od nade's charging :/
Hi, I need to write lua script to random change of grenade charging. (beetwen 2 to 6 sec.) This type of script is not big problem, but i don't know what command use to change time of nade charging. Can anybody help me with this?
So yours greetings is show only in console. Change to 3. Ihmo is best place to greetings
One more things. It would nice if Datebase would save more then one player's nick. If someone change his nick i have problem to find him in datebase or find out who is he. In Jaymod (or NQ i 'm not sure) when i type !list i have information NICK1 (a.k.a. NICK2).
What do you have in g_greetingPos ??
When i was switching mod from ETpub to silent i saved old XP file on my storage and when ane player want his XP back i was using !givexp on him. It's quite easy way. (even easier if you're using external etconsole program like RCON unlimited)
Better way would be making new serwer log after one week/month and old serwer log save as xxserver.log (number of month/week where xx is). I'm doing this manualy on my serwer 'couse sometimes i need check some things from last month in server log and i need backups of old log's file.
Zimny, możesz skorzystać z pliku admins.cfg i komendy !readadmins. Tworzysz plik admins.cfg z przyznanymi levelami według tego wzoru [admin] name = name of the admin (can be left empty) guid = full 32 character PB GUID (this field is used to identify players in the database) sguid = full 32 character silEnT GUID (this field is used to identify players in the database) level = level number flags = personal admin flags (can be left empty) greeting = personal greeting (can be left empty) greeting_sound = path to personal greeting sound (can be left empty) a później korzystasz z komendy !readadmins, aby wczytać ten plik. Zapisze się on automatycznie do bazy danych. (!readadmins oczywiście zadziała tylko jeśli masz pełny dostęp do serwa, czyli rcon, lub już nadany level) Jeśli będziesz miał jakiś problem z tym, to pisz do mnie PW. Postaram się pomóc. (przerzucałem dość dużą bazę adminów z etpuba na silenta, więc trochę zdążyłem się nauczyć)
But it wasn't when i was writing my post Now i prepering server to install new version.
It's work now. Nice gallery. I'm looking forward 0.4.0 to put it on my server.
Not a Bug [feature request, implemented] XPsave without PBguid
wajdzik replied to wajdzik's topic in Bug Reports
Phantasm, what kind of problem do you have? Players without GUID can't have saved XP but players with GUID shouldn't have any problem. When i was setting up my server I had lots of problem with XPsave so maybe i can help you with your problem. -
I have too. G+ is more better then favebook to me
I love this game. I'd bought collectors edition and i think that this game is worth the price.
Name: -= POMPA PALIWOWA=- IP: Location: POLAND Slots: 18 Gametype: OBJ Mod: silEnT mod 0.3.3 ET version: 2.60B XP save: FOREVER MAP VOTING SYSTEM Friendly Fire: OFF PunkBuster: OFF Adrenaline: OFF Double Jump: OFF Clan name: Angels of Death OUR FORUM: www.aod.org.pl Voice communicator - Mumble: http://www.aod.org.pl/forum/styles/codfaction/imageset/banner.jpg
Not a Bug [feature request, implemented] XPsave without PBguid
wajdzik posted a topic in Bug Reports
PB no longer support ET so why have problem with XPSave, because some players didn't have PBguid. Old players can make new guid (using etkey generator) but newbie can have some problems with this. There is any possibility to add saving XP in some other way? Not using PBguid? -
Hi, I wanna add new weapon on my server - shotgun (lot of players asking me about this gun). I've model, skins and sound from Jaymod but i also need some config file. Can anybode help me how to create mini-mod with this weapon?
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OK, i realized my mistace when i was reading http://mygamingtalk....tml#!readadmins (BTW in manual is little bug. there is "edmins.cfg" not "admins.cfg"). Now i making this just like you said. Could you send me this conversion tool, or (if it's implemented in silent mod) say how to use it? I have old xpsave file. And i can Make new datebase. Edit: OK, Admin's Level works great. I've only problem with greeting's sound, but i will test it later with more player on server. Thanks for help with this.
Jest to serwer Pompa Paliwowa klanu Angels of Death http://www.aod.org.pl/forum/ Już działamy na Silent i większość rzeczy już ustawiłem, ale mamy sporo graczy którzy chcieliby odzyskać XP, a ręczne wpisywanie na serwerze jest trochę problemowe. EN: It's server Pompa Paliwowa (Fuel Dump) own by Angels od Death clan. http://www.aod.org.pl/forum/ We alredy work on Silent and have most of thing set, but we have lot of players who want retrieve their XP and manualy giving XP on server is probleming gaoesa, to set old level definitions the only things what i had to do is copy shrubbot.cfg to database, and i don't need to change name to admins.cfg. But i must give admin's level to every player manualy. I'ts not big problem (not so big like manualy giving XP) but i'm looking easier way to do this to all player. Including this player who didn't play on Silent Mod before but had level on etpub. (I've terrible english )
I want to change mod on my server from Etpub to Silent and editing userdb manualy would be easier to me (i've many user, and i want copy all lvl from etpub). Could someone tell me how to edit this file? I've tried to open this in some datebase app's but i didn't find any app to open it. (sorry for my terrible english but it's my second language so I can make a lot of mistaces)