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Oxyzium last won the day on April 18 2015

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  1. Its not working because You are using ET 3.00 - Punkbuster can only run on 2.60b
  2. Fixed, It was an issue with ETAC Anti Lag! Thanks for the help anyway john!
  3. No errors in the console, I have not tried any others but that shouldn't be an issue should it?
  4. Checked, they are on etpro Its a weird thing and I can't explain why its happening! If the player is moving when far away it will not play the hitsound but if they're stood still it plays thit hitsound! And yes I am hitting the player cause I kill them without hitsounds
  5. It is for everyone on the server! I don't understand why its doing it unless its lagging
  6. No only have them inside the silent pk3 and I havn't edited the pk3 at all!
  7. I have a weird issue on my server! Sometimes the hitsounds work and other times when your shooting they just don't make a sound. I'd say its every 1 / 5 itl make the hitsound and its just feels like its skipping! Works perfect if your about 10 feet away but if you stand infront of player it doesnt work and if your far away it doesnt work! Never had this problem until now!
  8. ETAC, Enemy Territory AntiCheat is a server-side modified engine to help and protect your gameserver against common threats, hacks, scripts, exploits, commands, cvars, ddos, or even cheats currently being used by todays common script kiddie in the quake 3 engine to cause your harm to your server.. Information on the various parts of ETAC via the site. We need you! If you can code in C and have knowledge around the ET engine then get involved! As part of the team you will be required to have an xfire account for communication standards and you must be reasonably active as we try to move fast with our stuff! You can find out the latest at this site: http://etac.boards.net/ Drop a message if interested.
  9. His front page has an error well a problem he is aware of http://luaesmod.tk
  10. function et_Obituary(victimnum, killernum, meansofdeath) local victimteam = tonumber(et.gentity_get(victimnum, "sess.sessionTeam")) local killerteam = tonumber(et.gentity_get(killernum, "sess.sessionTeam")) if victimteam ~= killerteam and killernum ~= 1022 then local killername = string.gsub(et.gentity_get(killernum, "pers.netname"), "%^$", "^^ ") local killerhp = et.gentity_get(killernum, "health") --et.trap_SendServerCommand(victimnum, string.format("cpm \"^7Your ^1killer ^7%s has %d HP remaining\n\"", killername, killerhp)) --this sends a message to the client only msg = string.format("cpm \"" .. killername .. "^7 had^o " .. killerhp .. " ^7HP left\n") et.trap_SendServerCommand(victimnum, msg) end end
  11. As zelly is offline at the moment I'll leave you a little link that maybe will help with your chrome cache problem! https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/mod_expires.html Happy Easter btw!
  12. I used to do this on etpro a good few years ago! I would have the tournament configs for when we played scrims and a TJ config for fun! I suppose its ok to have it in a cmd great job!
  13. Silent cvars with a slight ammo modification Good work ha! Pop up on xfire sometime..
  14. Dragonji, Something like this may help you to switch it off apon the next map.. set d1 "set g_gametype 2 ; map oasis ; set nextmap ; !panzerwar off ; !sniperwar off ; !riflewar off ; vstr d2" set d2 "set g_gametype 2 ; map battery ; set nextmap ; !panzerwar off ; !sniperwar off ; !riflewar off ; vstr d3" set d3 "set g_gametype 2 ; map goldrush ; set nextmap ; !panzerwar off ; !sniperwar off ; !riflewar off ; vstr d4" set d4 "set g_gametype 2 ; map radar ; set nextmap vstr ; !panzerwar off ; !sniperwar off ; !riflewar off ; d5" set d5 "set g_gametype 2 ; map railgun ; set nextmap vstr ; !panzerwar off ; !sniperwar off ; !riflewar off ; d6" set d6 "set g_gametype 2 ; map fueldump ; set nextmap vstr ; !panzerwar off ; !sniperwar off ; !riflewar off ; d1" So every time the next map is loaded it will switch off the war settings and your players can choose vote them again.
  15. This may be a bit much but if you post the code that makes this possible I think they can check it out and put it into silent mod. Its the motivation to code something like this that will be there reason not to but if you provide the code for them then I guess they have a reason to maybe consider it! Regards,
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