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TheSilencerPL last won the day on November 27 2019

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  1. Try if advices from this thread help, please: http://mygamingtalk.com/forums/topic/7693-xp-do-not-save-after-server-restart/?hl=%2Bsave+%2Brestart
  2. Had it been working earlier? Have you changed anything lately?
  3. The idents in bans are shorter by 4, so it looks like there is something going on in the middle.
  4. Could you share the solution, please? For the sake of others in need.
  5. Could you share your file, please? If you don't want to share it publicly, you can post me a PM with the link location.
  6. Please use the file names as described here: http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/Silent_Sounds#Announcement_Sounds
  7. I can only speak for myself, but it's probably pretty relevant for the rest of the team. We are taking a break from development at the moment - but we are still supporting the last released version. I have been focused on my private life for the past year, mod development costs some time and I've had trouble finding it. Regards
  8. Thx, gonna take a look in a free time.
  9. I wonder if we need some flag in the lua to enable sockets, like LUA_SOCKET or something they have there maybe. Or just linking against the luasocket library,
  10. silEnT mod is linked against lua 5.3.1 as far as I remember, and you are using 5.3.0 if I am correct - that might be the cause.
  11. Question from @darciokat: Is it possible to have commands !levinfo and !levlist under different letter than !setlevel (currently it's "s")?
  12. I mean that if you would be able to specify the concrete case when the crash happens and let us know how to reproduce it we would be very grateful. We cannot do anything with so little. Does it happen only on that particular map? How often does it happen or was that only once? Did it happen only to you?
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